Just a few more weeks to go...

Posted by Chrispy06 19 yrs ago
Anyone getting close to their due date? Just wanna say HI to other mom-to-be and see how everyone is doing.. =)

Am 35 weeks pregnant and going to have a C-section in 3 weeks...tummy feels so heavy and tight and whenever baby moves it feels like she's crashing my ribcage..am excited and also nervous about baby's arrival..meanwhile am keeping my fingers crossed that baby won't come out before the scheduled surgery..

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@@ 19 yrs ago
It is SO exciting when you finally get to that count down, enjoy those strange kicks and prods, I actually missed them after my children were born. Good Luck!

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xox 19 yrs ago
Good luck Chrispy06! We're scheduled for a c-sec around the same time! Where are you delivering?

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Chrispy06 19 yrs ago
xox - Good luck to you too! ^_^ I am going to the Adventist Hospital, what about you?

I have been having bad heartburn for a few days.. people said when the baby 'drops' I should feel better but when will the baby drops?

I have a very sore back, do you have the same problem?

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