Mummy's Tummy - and other scarey things

Posted by Vulvic 18 yrs ago
Dear all,

it has been a while since I posted on this forum. My little monkey is nearly 3 months old and thriving.

I am now at a point where I feel I would like to 'take back my body'. I have managed to lose most of the baby weight but the last 10 lbs refuse to budge. Am back in the gym now but can only manage 2 times a week at the moment. Eating sensibley - plenty of fruit, veg, lean meats and wholegrains - and have managed to avoid the choccie bics etc. However, I have a rather lovely muffin top and a wobbly tum despite my best efforts.

My question is for you veteran mums out there - when did you feel you started to look more womanly than wobbley? What did you do that really worked for you?


The Tummy Mummy


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the goddess kali 18 yrs ago
Wow vulvic, three months already? Time does fly! will watch this thread to make sure i don't miss out on the tummy tips.

I was always told that Chinese women tied up their bellies once the baby was out.... have always been curious to know if it's true or not.

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Vulvic 18 yrs ago
It has gone so quickly! I am already back at work now aswell - although to be honest I am happy to be back as I really do enjoy my job.

OUr little un is such an angel, a really happy and content baby. I still can't believe that I helped create something as lovely as her!

I heard about the binding that Asian women do. Prolly not for me though - am thinking more the excercise route, lol! Not a big fan of diets - they make you fat - but do agree with healthy eating and all things in moderation.

Would like to know if any of the Mums found Yoga beneficial to toning up the tum. Am getting back into running again and back in the gym but would like any other tips you might have.

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago

i walk alot...where i stay now the nearest supermarket is about a 20 min walk i walk there at least 3 times a week...with a pushchair, a 8 over kg baby and bags of groceries.

i would say i am even slimmer than before i was pregnant! i know you work but weekends walks with baby in pushchair can still be a good workout! where i used to stay...i did that alot with hubby during weekends, although we always made sure that our final destination sells beer! LOL

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Vulvic 18 yrs ago
Thanks Cara. Yes, you are totally right. The problem is that I am a very 'driven' person when it comes to career and try to apply that sort odf mentality to getting back in shape - probably not a good idea!

I walk 4km with the baby every Sunday strapped to my chest - she is getting on for 11lbs now so that usually gets the blood pumping. In addition, I go to the gym 2 times a week. For now that is as much as I am willing to do as I like to be with my little one as much a poss.

Well, I need to learn patience and not be so hard on myself. Have been told I look well and healthy so should just be happy with that!

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Vulvic 18 yrs ago
Lol!!! Mine either. However, I have discovered that she loves to lie under the fan. Keeps her amused for hours!

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Nula 18 yrs ago
I was told that the Tupler Technique is supposed to be excellent- (Lose your Mummy Tummy - Julie Tupler). The book arrived the day before I found out I was pregnant with my third!!!

Apparently, the diastasis (separation of stomach muscles) doesn't fully close up in 98% of new mums and you have to be really careful of what stomach exercises you do as you can make it worse.

The reason I bought the book was 2 years down the line from my second I still had an almost 3 finger diastasis despite the manic gym sessions I was doing. Have a look on the net.

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
I used Julie Tupler for my prenatal exercises with my first and second - helps you "pop" your baby out and prepare you for the marathon of labor. I loved it. I've also heard great things about her postpartum mummy tummy book. (available on amazon US not UK last time I checked.)

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