Sorry i know this is a bit of a gross discussion, but does it start like a little seepage? or it's a really noticeable trickle or burst?
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18 yrs ago
It feels like you have wet yourself... but you know you didn't pee.
And if you smell it, it doesn't smell like pee.
For some it is an initial flood, then trickle trickle... for others, just the trickle...
If you aren't sure - go to the hospital with your bag NOW! And congratulations!!!
Hope that helps?
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I feel kind of wet/damp despite changing panty liners... not really like i've peed myself - am hoping this is a false alarm as i'm only at 36 weeks.
I'll give it another hour and if still leaking i'm going to go to the hospital.
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18 yrs ago
if it is dribbling out, but like you have no control over it... and does not smell like pee...
Then please please call your doctor or hospital now and see what they advise... they will probably tell you to get to hospital now to be checked out and bring your bag just in case.
This is exactly what happend to me :) I called them thinking they would say wait till you feel a contraction - but nope, I arrived at hospital mid-day and baby arrived at 7:30pm!
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oh my god - i'm now a bit scared - it's just that i'm not sure if it's increased vaginal discharge or if i'm having problems with bladder control(uggh). It's kind of like a clear fluid that's coming out though.
Off to call doc and check with hospital.
I did pack my bags though.
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18 yrs ago
Good luck!!!
vaginal discharge would be thick
pee would smell
waters beaking is well, more like water!
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Good luck! A few days before my water did really break (a load 'pop' while laying down on the couch and a huge gush!), I was in the same situation, even went to the hospital and they said it wasn't. Keep an eye on it!
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Thanks Crj and Dani - but false alarm - it didn't smell and wasn't thick but the hospital said 'it hasn't happened yet.....'
Feel a bit of a goose for crying wolf but what to do? i guess it's all part of the game.
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Now that takes the "labour" out of labour!
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18 yrs ago
GK - glad to hear all is well - good you got it checked out, better safe than sorry!!!
now, enjoy the last few days/weeks :)
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Goddess, you did not cry wolf, you were just taking the best care of your baby (I can guarantee you that the hospital has seen it all before). Look at the bright side - he/she is still hanging in there and you get more time to look after yourself. Enjoy what time you've got left!
Good luck to both you and Cara!
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Thanks all.
Cara - claire is right - it does take the labour out of labour.. still trying to make up my mind if i would or wouldn't mind something that happening.... i guess it would be almost fun so long as you are already in hopsital.
lots of good luck to you for next week.
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I remember it was alot of water. Huge amount of water soaked my clothes and was all over the floor. then those contractions hit hard and i was delivering the baby.
It's amazing how we all do it differently and different each pregnancy too.
Good luck and rest alot before the baby comes!
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Thanks Verellene - I am resting a lot. From what you & Dani R say, i'm now tempted to walk around with a couple of big bath towels!
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18 yrs ago
Goddess, having had 2 children without the waters breaking until they were just about to come out, I'd not just wait for that as the first sign. I am guessing that you know all of the signs, as you sound as if you're well researched. The excruciating pain was my give-away (although ideally, I'd go for Cara's neighbour's 'surfing baby' option this time around). Good luck!
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