local hospitals

Posted by hksarah 18 yrs ago
Just wondering about anyones experience in local hospital Queen Elizabeth? Can Dads to be go into labour room? Heard about routine episiotomy - but plan to not have this unless necessary. Can anyone share their experiences of birth at QE???

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bbvv 18 yrs ago
I gave birth in July and found the experience very pleasant. Normally dads can go into the labour room but my husband could not as it was a busy night - this was mentioned at the english antenatal class. I was rushed into hospital in the evening as my contractions were 5 mins apart when I first started having labour pains - I had no bloody show nor broken waters and only 1cm dilated. The nurses said that it will be quite a while before I give birth and told my husband to come back in the morning. It was all very sudden after my water broke an hour later and I was ready to push. I did have the routine episiotomy as it's my first and I heard that sometimes a tear can do more damage hence I was ok about it. The midwife and nurses gave kinds words when I was pushing and praised me each time saying I was doing well. I did not once feel that I was alone or felt the urge for my husband to be with me. QE only has the one visiting hours between 5 and 8pm which I thought was ok as I didn't really fancy having loads of visitors. Nurses were also patient in showing how to breatfeed correctly. They have a fedding schedule to remind you to breastfeed your baby incase you oversleep or forget. I also liked the idea that they room in your baby as I could not bear the thought of my baby being left in a nursery and not have anyone attend to when crying. Overall I would give birth there again.

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