Gynae at a lower cost

Posted by leng1999 18 yrs ago
I wonder if anyone has been to gynae away from Central? I see many good recommendations for Dr Choy and others ... however, their charges are kinda high.

Can anyone help with some reference for consultation charges around $300-400? I will not be delivering in HK, so just good checkup and fairly ok equipment will do. Thank you!

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
then go public.

if ultimately you'll be delivering elsewhere, the public system is reliable, comprehensive and very good for checkups - supposedly long waits, but you'll get those long waits everywhere, believe me.

Call Tsan Yuk and make an appointment. (you'll need proof of pregnancy - an ultrasound or a doctor's note.)

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lovechild 18 yrs ago

Sorry!on a different note could you share your views on Preseed to increase CM during O.Thinking of trying it this coming month if not lucky in getting preggers this time.

Would really appreciate your input.Also if at all you know of a place selling it in Hk.

Again ,sorry leng1999 for crashing your am nt preg.but a lot of my freinds have used QM hospital and have been satisfied.I've been told the waiting can be q.long so take a book with you(if you do consider it).good luck!!

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leng1999 18 yrs ago
Thank you both very much for the recommendations.

I don't quite mind waiting if I am off for the day. However, work is kinda tight these two months and I prefer going to a private clinic with shorter waiting time.

$800 on consultatin is kinda high, I am quite sure there are gynae at $400+/- ... no one ever go for the mid range stuff here?

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soulsister 18 yrs ago
I went to Dr Lam, he charges 400 hkd and he is very professional. St. George's Building room 208 2nd floor. tel: 2877 3280. Near the mandarin oriental

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leng1999 18 yrs ago
Dear Soulsister

Thank you very much. Will try to contact Dr Lam. I also received another contact for Dr Mok in St Paul Hospital. Price is really reasonable. $420 including scanning.

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
sorry love child -never heard of preseed. No idea what it is. My father is an OBGyn and he is of the opinion that all these "supplements" to help increase this and that are just a capitalist's way to make money off of a very lucrative market. They don't really help ultimately.

I've heard plain straight robitussim is the way to help CM. I've not used it though...good luck

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leng1999 18 yrs ago
For those who are interested, go to St Paul Hospital. They charge only $120 for consultation and $200+ for scanning. Not much difference from any other gynae except you pay lesser. Most times when you pay more, its for the chatting and friendliness and stuff ... not worth it.

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bbvv 18 yrs ago
Does scanning including ultrasounds as this is where the most cost goes to.

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Hulda - Annerley 18 yrs ago
We do routine antenatal checkups in Annerley in Central, conducted by one of the registered midwives. The checkup includes BP measurements, checking urine for protein and sugar, listening to heartbeat and checking the position of the baby. The appointment is 30 minutes and we have time to chat and answer questons etc. Each checkup costs 250 HKD and there is no or very limitied waiting time. This is a popular options for those going through the government system but want a little more personal approach for at least some of the appointments.

You may call if you want more information, or email if that works better,


Hulda Thorey

Annerley Ltd

1801 Car Po Commercial Bldg

18-20 Lyndhurst Terrace


2983 1558

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leng1999 18 yrs ago
Yes, when I mention scanning, I mean ultrasound. You get to see the baby.

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bbvv 18 yrs ago
Is Dr Lam the one that works with Dr Wan in the same clinic? I hear that his clinic is busy all the time and you might end up waiting for an hour for your appointment. So he charges HKD400 for consultation - how about ultrasounds? Does he specialise in fertility treatments?

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leng1999 18 yrs ago
I am not sure who he works with but if you have an appointment, you wait less than 30 mins. He charges $120 for consultation and $250 for ultrasound. Total less than $400 in an out patient clinic at St Paul Hospital. Why not?

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