Low=lying placenta

Posted by Dani R 19 yrs ago
Hi, just had my 20 week scan and found that my placenta is lying low. The doctor has put me on pelvic rest for the next few weeks until the next appointment. I haven't had any symptoms, no bleeding, spotting, etc. so this came as a surprise. I'm really active, so this will be a challenge, but will do what's best for the bubs.

My question, any ladies out there with the same diagnosis at this point in your pregnancy? I've also read that for the most part it does resolve itself with some time as things are always shifting. I'm just dreading what the next u/s is going to show, and don't even want to think of placenta previa. :(

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Colleen 19 yrs ago
Hi Dani,

I am a yoga instructor in Singapore and often have students with low lying placenta. Basically, it is quite common and the placenta usually migrats upwards towards to end of your pregnancy, leaving the cervix clear. Just watch out for spotting and/or cramping.

Colleen Simmonds

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