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15 yrs ago
Hi Ladies;
I just wanted to get some encouragement and reassurance from anyone that can relate to my situation
Over the past 18mnths have had two M/c one that was a complete and one that ended in a missed M/c and then a DnC
I put them both down to a very stressful job which meant I had to fly almost every week to a different place in either Asia or UK... long and short of it is I quit my job to focus on getting pregnant and getting some balance back in my life... aswell as setting up on my own business.
I have been on 2 rounds of chlomid one which got me pregnant (the 2nd m/c) and the last round which I am finishing now which hasn't worked.
I have switched to another Ob Dr Stevenson as the one I was with didn't seem to know much of what he was doing.
Dr Stevenson so far has diagnosed me as having low estrogen count pre ovulation and also a very thin womb lining. Day 14 it was 50% of what it should be
He has yet to make a thorough diagnosis as I still have Chlomid in my system which is skewing his test slightly
My question really is do I have hope of getting pregnant and holding onto the pregnancy ? Did anyone have a similar experience and get their baby eventually ?
Any advise or help would stop me from being at my wits end
Thanks in advance
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Hi Jupiter,
I don't have quite the same experience as you but just wanted to offer support by saying keep trying, continue to try both naturally and assisted, and hang in there. This is at least what I have been doing and also have had a few chemical pregnancies in the past year (but already have one child).
Its already good that you have a diagnosis -- at least you know what the issue could be. The doctor may suggest injectibles instead of clomid next as it is less likely to create a thin lining. Many ladies on this board have conceived with injectibles, myself included.
Blowing babydust your way.
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Hi All;
So just an update my doc has diagnose both low estrogen levels and now also low progesterone levels and said he will stimulate my hormones next month with Gonal F.
Can anyone share any info with me on this treatment ?
I have searched the net but it seems like a minefield of info
I guess I want to know any side effects.
Success rates?
How will it be administered?
Any sharing would be appreciated
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OK update and want to know if I have any hope
I have been on Gonal F for the past 7 days and was scanned yesterday to see if my womb lining had thickened to the normal level.. It hadn't
The doc has now deduced that I have a damaged lining probably done when I had the Dnc with the M/C
He has told us to start looking at our other options such as surrogacy
It's a lot to take in at this stage.... Is there any support groups in HK that can help me through this
How can I accept that this is the end of the road for me being a mum in the natural sense and move on to someone else potentially carrying my baby ?
Anyone had similar experiences
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I have not had similar experience - but wanted to offer my support.
I had 3 m/c before giving birth to my daughter 16 months ago. My issue was with the quality of my eggs. I then started going for TCM treatment with Troy Sing 6 months before we conceived my daughter. It is probably worth giving TCM a try if you have not already.
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15 yrs ago
Jupiter, I would like to offer my support as well.
Nobody understands how deep the heart aches when infertility comes into play unless they've gone through it themselves.
A male friend of mine once said to me, "I would feel helpless because it's my wife that's carrying our baby and giving birth, not me. I'd feel useless". And drawing from my experience as a mother, yes, carrying and giving birth is important, but what's more important is the after care. It's how you love and nurture this little baby for years and years to come. Your baby isn't going to think about, "Yes, you gave birth to me", she won't even think that until she's a mother herself.... but rather, she will think about the mummy and daddy who have been there for her since her birth. Once a baby is in your arms, it's not how she got there, but that she's finally there in your arms.
It may take you time to accept, but after acceptance, you'll be able to explore your options. Talk to other doctors also. This is but one doctor's opinion. You could try consulting other doctors to see what they think.
I wish you the best of luck. Don't give up and you'll get there too.
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Dear Mayc and Have faith
Thanks for your kind words of support.
Am taking each day slowly at the moment as the gonal F seems to have completely overstimualted my body and am now walking around in feeling so bloated and full up... The doc called and said my estrogen levels are now at 10 times the normal amount
Have decided to take a rest from all of this intrusion, drugs and poking around and give my body some time to heal emotionally and physically.
I am more positive today and think the human body can amaze us when we least expect it so maybe one day I will still get that bump
Thanks again
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Hi Jupiter
I agree with Havefaith - it sounds like you're body's probably a little exhausted and needs some R&R - TCM maybe.
I've been told my infertility was due to anything from low estrogen, low progesterone, crap eggs, bad lining, stressful job.....the list goes on. I've also had a Dr give up on me...after 2-3 failed IVF's it seemed I didn't help his stats, so was told to try other solutions - like adoption.
In the end -I got some TCM - got the body back in shape and tried one last time - and it worked.
So - don't let the bastards get you down. I'd say see if you can give it a year (assuming time is on your side) of TCM and then combined with IUI or IVF and if that doesn't work - then there are lots of options. My last IVF had me on so many hormones I was practically a human incubator - so problems can be fixed. IF you're doctor isnt giving you options, I'd strongly recommend clinics in the US, where you can explore more options than you can here in HK - and they can fix issues like thin lining with estrogen intramuscular injections (which I am still injecting twice per week).
Gook luck -and keep positive. I'm still in early pregnancy stages (6 weeks) -but I never would have even gotten here if I had tossed the towel in after what some of those Drs told me.
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