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18 yrs ago
Just wanted to see if anyone used a HPT on the day they missed a period and got a negative, and then subsequently gone on to have a positive a week or so later.
I know that the tests all advertise to be 99% accurate but even the internet says that's only relaible in 'clinical trials' and cannot be relied upon.
What I want to know is if it's actually happened to any of you guys, and if so, whether it's a common thing?
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18 yrs ago
Generally 99% accurate if you followed instructions and have a positive result.
If you aren't sure, you can get a blood test at the doctor.
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18 yrs ago
Home pregnancy tests usually measure higher levels of the HcG (pregnancy hormone) in the urine. So, sometimes a day after your period is too early to detect the hormone (some women have late onset of the hormone) so checking again in a week's time will yield positive result if you are indeed pregnant (this means that the hormones finally kicked in and therefore can be detected in the urine). Blood tests are very accurate but you have to request it from a doctor.
If a person is late on day 1 and tests negative, doctor usually advises to test again in a week's time.
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I haven't, but, one of my best friends has. Tested a day late, negative, again four days later, still negative...but she "knew" and tested AGAIN another 3 or 4 days later and it finally showed positive. She went on to deliver a gorgeous little girl.
I don't think it's that common, but, I hope it's what's happening to you squiggles, and that's why you're asking :-)
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my thoughts,
Thanks for that. Have been on an exact 28 day cycle last 6 months. But now I am a few days late but have tested negative on an HPT. Don't want to test again in case I get another negative. Not feeling any symptoms either except extreme tiredness.
Not very hopeful. This will be my second but even with my first I didn't realise I was pregnant until at least 7 weeks.
Will just have to wait and see.
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Will keep fingers crossed for you.
I tested negative once on the day that my period was due, but somehow i felt pregnant. I unfortunately went ahead and did some strenuous things like 18 hours on a bus on bumpy roads and then a hike up chinese mountainside which involved several thousand steps - was in agony at the end of it all and got my period 5 days late.
I know it's easier said than done - but do take it easy and try not to think about it.
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I'll second the advice above to take it easy, just in case. Western OB's tend to be pretty cavalier about these early days and weeks of pregnancy, the thinking being that if it's viable, it'll stick and there's not much wrong you can do except maybe soak for a few hours in a hot tub guzzling alcohol. But after a year of fertility treatments here, I've become much more conservative, even a bit Asian :-). For one thing, it apparently can take up to a week for a good implant, and strenuous activity, heavy lifting, etc can well interfere.
So if you're tired, lay on the sofa a bit and put your feet up!
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18 yrs ago
I've been on a very regular 29 day cycle the past 12 months and am now 5 days late. Took 2 HPT and both tested negative. I have this feeling though that I am pregnant (intuition i guess) and so taking things easy now. I am praying and keeping my fingers crossed that I am indeed pregnant (this will be my second child, the first one is 3.5 years old). Doctor has asked me to test again in 5 days time. With my first one, I was late for 5 days before the test showed positive.
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Good luck! Let us know how you get on.
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Good luck to you, Squiggles and Kmom. I will join you in the waiting room...only 9DPO so too early to test, I know, but very much understand your anxiety. All the best.
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5 days late....ho hum...back to the drawing board. maybe next month.
w&h - hope you get the good news this month.
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Sorry to hear that, Squiggles...take care.
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18 yrs ago
period arrived on the 7th day!
oh well, till the next month's waiting game then
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sorry to hear that kmom
there's always next month!
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18 yrs ago
thanks squiggles!
till the next month for both of us then!
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Kmom and luck for me either this month. Thanks for the kind wishes though and here's hoping for good news for all next month.
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hello WishingnHoping, Squiggles and Kmom,
I am in the same situation as the 3 of you ladies.I can sense that my period is coming. Feeling disappointed but have to pick myself up to gear up for next month.I am superglad that this forum exists as it gives me the support that I much needed. I wish everyone positive news for next month too.
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18 yrs ago
Hi wishingnhoping, squiggles and pinklotus,
this makes trying so much fun! knowing that we are not alone in the challenge. I still find it weird that people who don't want to get pregnant are the ones who easily get pregnant! Oh well, law of nature i guess
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it would be more fun if one of us got preggers!!
you're right though, it is ironic that women spend most of their lives trying not to get preggers, and when they do, they find it not so easy....oh well.
w&h, pink lotus - sorry to hear that this month isn't happening for you guys either.
i must say, i'm rubbish at taking my bbt, and i think i might even resort to taking robitussin to help the CM quality....haha...we'll see.
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Hi Squiggles. i am terrible at taking BBT too. I wake up middle of the night several times and that distorts my temperature reading... so most time I believe there is no clear and accurate charting but I still do it! Even my CM is off the rockets!Not quite sure what is happening. will need to speak to my TCM doc soon.
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18 yrs ago
I don't take my BBT. I just go with the calendar thing. Since I have been very regular in the last 12 months (29 days exactly) - well except last month (i practically did not get my period in october!!! LMP was sept 27 and got my period nov 3). So, will keep trying. Hubby and I only officially started trying 2 months ago.
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Hi Squiggles...Robitussin? Haven't heard that one yet--what does it reportedly do?
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Apparently Robitussin is supposed to improve the quality of your CM. CM is very important for the sperm to stay alive in but in some cases, it can be too thick or there's not enough. There is something in Robitussin, Guaifenesin, which helps the CM become more stretchy and provide a less hostile environment for the sperm. Apparently a lot of people on Clomid take it because Clomid has adverse effects on CM. I'm not on Clomid but I might give the Robitussin a go. It's OTC cough medicine and you take it a few days before you start to ovulate - there's loads of info on the internet about it. But make sure you buy the brand without any letters after it - just straight Robitussin. Not expensive either.
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Fascinating--thanks, Squiggles. Shall get googling ASAP.
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18 yrs ago
I have never had Eggwhite CM. There are studies showing that a lot of women also don't have good CM but got pregnant. So i don't think it's really that important if you can hit the right day. CM is just to provide a better environment for sperms to survive longer. Correct me if i am wrong.
Besides, Robitussin is only to improve the quality of your CM, not to increase volume. Try Evening Primrose Oil, it helps increase CM volume. Well, it worked for me...
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