Puplic pre natal check ups

Posted by t.o.m 16 yrs ago
I'm 8 weeks GA and planning to deliver at QMH since our medical insurance does not cover pregnancy. Does anyone know how to arrange prenatal check ups in public regime and have any O&G dr they can recommend at Queen Mary?

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rasbro 16 yrs ago

you need to "register" your pregnancy with Queen Mary, they will then give you all the information you need about timing and place of your pre-natal check-ups. they will usually choose a small satelite clinic near where you live for the check-ups.

in public hospital you can not choose your doctor. it is all quite straightforward. please visit Queen Mary K9 area and talk to them.

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Chia Pet 16 yrs ago

does that mean that you get a different DR. each time? do you know anythign about these satelite clinics? are they fully equipped for ultrasound or any other testing? How are the Dr.s there? how long is the wait?

Any input would be appreciated! tks!

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kissy.missy 16 yrs ago

i am assuming that you are based on hk island if you are opting to go to QMH. firstly, get a urine test done with a GP, he/she will write a confirmation letter saying that you are pregnant. call tsan yuk hospital at 2589 2100 for registration. pls check this link of tsan yuk hospital for further information: http://www.ha.org.hk/haho/ho/hesd/100133e.htm#Anten

your first visit to the clinic is just for registration purpose and they will give you an appointment for your prenatal appointment and it is pretty straight forward after that. they give you further prenatal appointments and you attend it till you deliver. they will also give you an appointment to get your ultrasound scan in QMH when you are on your 20 weeks.

i cant comment on the QMH docs yet as i am due in early june but i can give you a feedback after the delivery.

congrats and good luck. :)

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t.o.m 16 yrs ago
Thank you very much for the info.

All the best with the rest of the pregnancy and delivery.

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