Posted by
16 yrs ago
I'm a bit puzzled - so thought I would post here. I haven't had a period since our second baby arrived in early January. I stopped breastfeeding on June 29th. With both of my babies I didn't have a period until I stopped BFíng.
As we would like to start TTC3 right away I went to my OBGYN on July 10th - just to make sure that we were good to go. He scanned and said that the uterus was back to normal, lining was a little thin - but that it looked good, my ovaries looked good and he also showed us "'an almost ripe" egg that looked like I would ovulate sometime within the next few days approx. July 12th - 16th. I did OPK's and on the 14th / 15th detected LH.
I have had eggy cm and have metalic taste - which are my normal pregnancy syptoms. So I did a HPT this morning and it was negative.
Is it possible I am testing too early? It's not a case of not ovulating - because I know that I did (scan + OPK's).
Thanks very much for your feedback.
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Maybe you could test again in a few days. I've heard it can sometimes take time for the hormones to register on the test.
Also after giving birth it can take a few cycles before periods come like clockwork, which is what happened to me, so it could be that, although I have no idea if I was ovulating earlier or later than usual because I wasn't checking.
Good luck. Fingers crossed that it turns out you are pregnant!
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16 yrs ago
Thank you - I have toes and fingers crossed :)
With our first it took about a month for my periods to come back, then I fell pregnant the following month. I miscarried at around 10 weeks had a d & c and 1 period the following month and fell pregnant again with our 2nd. So I have only had 2 periods since mid-2006, it's possible / probable my body is out of sync.
I tested again a couple of days still negative AND still no AF. I'll give it another week and test again.
The doctor did say that the egg that showed up on the scan needed to grow a bit more, so maybe that took longer than we thought and I ovulated later than we thought.
Fingers crossed.
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Whoops - posted under my husbands handle above :)
Funny :)
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Its fab that you get pregnant so easily and sounds like you've been making the most of your post-pregnancy fertility. Just as we started TTC no 2, my cycle decided to go all over the place and I could not work out my ovulation time. Its been fine the last couple of months and recently I got a brief positive on the pregnancy test but it turned negative a week later, so we are still TTC :(
Do you take your temperature? Its a good way to tell when you actually ovulated if you combine it with the OPK but is an extra hassle.
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