Semen specialist?!?! Motility problem!!

Posted by Havefaith 18 yrs ago

When you provided your sample to the doc - did you make sure the semen that came out first was caught in the bottle? The end of the semen sample is mostly dead sperms. My dh's mortility improved significantly when we actually did not lose part of the sample.

Not sure what to do about them not swimming in a straight line. Isnt 6% of 85min still a pretty good no?


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Claire 18 yrs ago
Fool> I checked on the nutrition values of fertileaid and it doesn't seem to have Coenzyme Q10 in it. There was a very small study done a few years back which suggested that sperm cells' motility increased after six months of CoQ10 at 200mg twice a day. (It had been previously noted that men with low sperm count and motility problems were low in CoQ10.) Anyway, just a thought...

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788 18 yrs ago
Foolonahill, Have you guys thought about IUI to help you conceive? 6% is pretty good. My husband's is 1% and although we have not succeeded with it, we were told that IUI/ IVF(with ICSI) could circumvent the issue completely.

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JH1 18 yrs ago
I think exercise, eating healthy meals and multi-vitamins can make a significant difference (one person I know went from below 50% to normal within just a few months).

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
if you are willing to try another route -

Korean RED Ginseng is supposed to help very much in this area....lots of virility and POWER given "down there." People with infertility issues swear by it, and I have to say my husband was taking it and we conceived in one try for this recent pregnancy. (and he was working crazy hours, was really stressed, barely at home, not eating well - except for the Red Ginseng.) It's available in HK. If you take it, do not use any metal to touch the ginseng or stir it - only use ceramic or plastic. (ceramic is better.)

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abitnaive 18 yrs ago
hi f.o.a.h

you mention "age concerns" and that your re is referring you to a dr who specializes in fertility issues. from what you have shared about your history, you and your wife will probably walk out of that meeting with a lot clearer idea of your options.

whichever you choose, tcm and acupuncture cannot hurt, imo.

both our fertility drs told us the best way to take care of motility issues was to do ivf with icsi.

hope this helps and best of luck.

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Kikidee 18 yrs ago
I think you're right to be cautious about the urologist. My husband has been told to have surgery for varicocele but the fertility specialist we're seeing says that official advice in the UK is that surgery should not be offered for varicocele as a means of increasing pregnancy rates because it doesn't work! If your numbers were extremely low then the situation would be different... but they're really not that bad.

I notice you say you run three times per week? this might not be helping in terms of heat. our doc has suggested swimming instead but I guess that's only useful if you've got easy access to a pool.

You don't say whether or not you smoke... but if you do smoke I hear this can affect things a lot. Prolonged abstinence can also result in high volume with decreased motility so it's best to have sex every 3 to 6 days even when there's no chance of pregnancy.

I really don't think your numbers are that bad, so IUI might work.... depending on what your doc says about age.

When all's said and done it will take 3 months for anything you do to have an effect so if you're really fed up of waiting around with no results and are worried about age perhaps you should go straight for IVF.

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