Prince of Wales Hospital in HK

Posted by anneNtim 18 yrs ago
I am thinking of giving birth at the Prince of Wales Hospital. This will be my first delivery so am quite anxious....

Has anyone given birth there recently? Do they let your husband stay with you throughout labour or just during the delivery?

Please share your experiences.

Much appreciated!!!!!

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Neutral01 18 yrs ago
If there are no complications with your pregnancy, then going to a public hospital is sufficient as the front line doctors there are generally not as experienced if there are complications. Medication there will be limited to general government basic stock which may not be the best available in the market.

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cd 18 yrs ago
I've had 2 babies there, but the last was almost 5 years ago so can't be of much help in the up to date practices. But I found both deliveries fine. But hospitals here do have their set practices mainly aimed at their local patients, so found out what they are, i.e. routine episiotomies, right your own birth plan, and be polite but sure with what you want. I wrote a birth plan with both mine and they were followed.

The wards are pretty basic even in the private section but you're in there such a short time it doesn't really matter, I came out the same day with my last one. My husband was allowed to stay with me, and there was no problem with my other children visiting, but it was pre sars so may have changed.

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MayC 18 yrs ago
I delivered at the Prince of Wales 2 years ago. I had a c-section under general anaesthesia but from being in the delivery room, I have to say that while you are labouring, they will keep you at the prenatal ward (where your hubby is allowed in during visiting hours only). If you want to be with him, I've seen ladies labouring just outside the ward. They'll let him in only when you are about to deliver. I know there are exceptions though, when you are in distress. Coz there was a time when they allowed my hubby to come in but they had to warn all ladies before hand, then we had the curtains drawn around us.

The staff are wonderful. Yes, they may not attend to you when they are busy but they always try their best to help. I was there 3 weeks and during the quiet days, they would come chat with me (to ease my fears of delivery) and even brought in a pediatrician to speak to me because I was so worried that my baby was going to be born prematurely.

For complications, I must say public hospitals are the best because they have all the facilities to deal with it, especially for the bubs.

However, private hospitals are of course cleaner and the service, no doubt is better.

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