Hi everyone, another question for you:
I'm so (I admit) over zealous that I started using an OPK very early (Day 7) of my cycle--just so that I couldn't possibly miss. Now, on Day 14, I've had yet another negative reading (and, yes, I'm well into my second kit for the month).
I've been doing the test when I get up in the morning. I read somewhere that first thing was "when many women find it most convenient" but I've since read somewhere else that it would be better to do it in the afternoon? What does your experience tell you?
Since I'm *bankrupting* myself :-) on kits, I'd hate to be using them incorrectly! Thanks.
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18 yrs ago
Hi Wnh, i hope you are using the OPK right.
Here is my experience...I only used OPK once, I started testing too early on about day8. So i never got positive result. Why I said too early? Actually every woman ovulate @ different period of a cycle. For me i always ovulate on between day22-28. My cycle is around 35-40 days long. Why do i seem to know quite well of my own body? Cos i read "Taking charge of your fertility" by Toni Weschler and i do BBT. By studying my own chart, i know when in a cycle that i normally ovulate, and i even could point out my little problem by looking at the length of my LP @ my chart (LP= days between ovulation and 1st day of period). I had short LP, only 9 days. So i took Vitamin B6 and Vitex to lengthen it. Now i have 11 days which is better for implantation. I also don't need any Pregnancy Test. I am now on 22DPO (22days past ovulation),also equal to 22days high temparture after ovulation. I am sure that i am pregnant now.
BBT is the best way for you to understand your own body. We actually don't need to spend a fortune on all those OPK or even Preg test.
I do my BBT on www.fertilityfriend.com . And i only use the free version, not the VIP one. The free version is already enough for TTC.
Hope helps
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18 yrs ago
Oh i forgot to mention..I had intercourses without protection for about 7 months last year, never got preg. So i started charting BBT and got preg in the 1st cycle of charting. Unfortunately, ended up m/c. Then TTC another 8 months with BBT, I knew exactly what period of a cycle i ovulated, we then ML during those days. Now i am preg again :-)
One important thing you should always remember that even if you ML on the right day, it doesn't mean you will definitely concieve. It takes time and luck too :-)
One very good line from HKchoichoi - "Women get pregnant all the time, have heahtly babies all the time"
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18 yrs ago
WnH, If you think that it may take you a while to get preggers, you might consider investing in a different type of OPK. They're actually intended for natural contraception, but involve exactly the same type of thing - ie, you test your urine in the morning, and insert the test stick into a little machine. The machine then gives you a red light if your hormone levels are rising - ie ovulation is approaching (used in the way it is intended, this would mean time to use a barrier form of contraception, or else abstain). Then when you actually ovulate the machine will show a little 'O'. Then when ovulation is over, a green light shows. Obviously, when using it TTC, you would be reversing the light colours (ie when red light shows, it's time for action!) I have found it to be brilliant. The one I use is called Persona
Clearblue make one as well. The big hitch is that I'm not sure they are available in HK - I know they are in Singapore and the UK. Do you know anyone there who could send you one? Persona costs around £70 for the machine then £10 per month for the sticks. I liked it because it gives you an indication of when things start to change i.e when your hormones are rising, not just a sign on the actual day of ovulation. Of course, it might be a bit pessimistic to invest in one of these, as I'm 'wishing and hoping' it happens for you next month! But even if it does, you could use it as contraception down the track!
Happy to answer any questions you may have on this - feel free to PM me.
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Expat 2006, miffy, well2:
Thanks for all the good advice and, well2, congratulations on your happy news!
Miffy, the machine sounds like a good idea. I had heard about them and was considering getting one...I think I probably will now, on the strength of your endorsement and what a few others have said about them as well. Thanks again.
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I used one and followed instructions exactly. It said to use it every day after 12 noon - 2 pm. I also got the positive,..and instructions say to wait 24 hrs after you get the positive, and I did. ...but still didn't conceive.
What do III do? Try again or try something else?
P.s I hate having to take the BBT.
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I would try again although I wouldn't wait 24 hrs after getting the positive. My OPK says to do the BD within the next 24hrs. And don't forget, sperm can live inside easily for up to 3 days. You really don't want to miss the boat once you detect the LH surge - that surge happens 24-36 hrs BEFORE you ovulate. So you should get some of those boys in there jsut before!
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Not pg yet but have got the surge on the OPK using first morning urine in the first 2 months of using it.
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I used first morning urine most of the time to test because it says that you shouldn't have peed for four hours before you use it....how often do you go four hours without going to the loo except in the morning?
Then after the positive line, we did the BD in the evening.....
Third time lucky...
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I got my surge this morning and did the BD tonight. Fingers crossed. Didn't get any surges last month but wasn't testing in the mornings. At least i know it works with the first urine!
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18 yrs ago
I tend to use mine at nights and because my cycles are regular, I was told to start testing 2 days before my "predicted ovulation" time. In my 30 day cycle, it means day 13. And it has always shown a positive on day 15 (my expected ovulation date). I've got positives for the last 4 cycles but I'm still not pregnant yet :-(
I don't like the thought of BBTs either.
I'm about to test again (day 13) in a day's time so if I get the surge, I will do the BD. Yes, they do say that once you see the surge, you are supposed to do the deed as many times as you can because ovulation should take place 24-36 hours after.
Good luck to all of us who are trying :-)
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18 yrs ago
I can get most of the abbreviations. Sorry to be dense... what does BD stand for? I know what it means:)
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Dear 788,
BD=baby dance
Kind of sweet, don't you think? : )
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Squiggles, I do the OPK in the morning for the same reason - more convenient. MayC/etimes, I hate the BBT as well but am doing it. This month my temps are all over the place. Despite the +ve OPK and cervical fluid, there is no temp shift which is stressing me out a little. It all fitted together last month though, which was my first month of charting. Maybe the hotter weather affects the temperature? Who knows.
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