Pregenancy & Sleepless

Posted by hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
I had it too - as well as so many other mothers.

Some say it is your body's way of preparing you for the sleepless nights to come!

I found evening gentle yoga to help relax was good (shiva rea has a nice prenatal yoga - you can probably borrow it from someone) and no TV in the evening. I also read the most boring book I could find (I think my book of choice ended up being one of my husband's finance book.) That helped me a lot.

But you may just feel like nesting, moving around and getting organized. ALL you may just have to go with the flow.

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
totally normal.

i would have trouble going back to sleep after peeing (which was quite frequent towards the end) and i watched alot of late night rubbish tv during this period. it would be like 2am and i would be watching american idol reruns, the exact same episode i had watched a few hours ago!

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