What can you do after embryo transfer?

Posted by hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
well - my friend just did her first Embryo transfer

she was in her bed for 3 days straight lying down (US protocol) and she decided to extend it another few more days for a total of a week.

She was bathed in bed and made her parents come and wait on her hand and food. She figured it was worth it in case she got pregnant. (7 years of trying, 3 failed IUI's and this was her first IVF)

She was told by her TCM doctor - no sex first trimester.

I told her to stay way from nitrates (processed lunch meats, sausages, hotdogs, salami and whatnot) and preservatives in general.

The short of it -she's had two blood tests and the Hcg levels are steadily going upward. When I asked her if it was worth it she said yes.

order out, shop online, ask friends to help - just lie down and take it easy.

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788 18 yrs ago
Hi, I am not an expert after 2 failed embryo transfers but my nyc cornell doc never said anything about lying down for 3 days. Although, I was told to take it easy up to day 7-10 when the implantation could happen.

Do take it easy, lie down whenever you can. Keep your mind relaxed more than anything. Probably thats the hardest.

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
788 -

interesting about the three day lie down rule? Maybe it was just this doc - but he was VERY specific about her being prone for 3 days, only for bathroom and food was she allowed to sit up (her family has been waiting a long time so they insisted on bringing her meals in bed - they also live in a three story house - so that must have been a whole other situation.) Her good friend had one round of IVF and she didnt' take the lie down seriously and so the second round she did the lie down for a week - and she got pregnant second time.

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788 18 yrs ago
Hkcc- not sure what to make of a couple of examples of success, when I personally know of several other examples of success without lying down for 3 days. Does not prove or not prove much. There are very many reasons why the implantation may not take place. For example- ours probably was all about embryo quality.

I know you are sharing your friend's experience based on the fact that we are all trying to improve chances from our side in this game of luck. I truly appreciate and value your advice- but I would not imply that anyone, taking the pains to go through IVF once(some even several times), would be any less serious about their situation than your friends because their experience is different.

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Havefaith 18 yrs ago
I can share my experience and my friend's experience for reference.

In April when I did IVF, I only lied down for two days (Day of transfer and the following day). As such, next time I intend to lie down for at least three days.

My friend did seven IVF (all lying down afterwards for three days at least). She failed in the first six attempts and then on her last try - she had very low expectations and decided to take it easy and went golfing straight away and did not lie down at all. She got pregnant the last time.

I reckon it does depend on the embryo quality and mindset of the mother.


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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
788 and others -

certainly didn't mean to imply that if you didn't lie down for the three day period you weren't taking your IVF seriously - certainly not my point at all. Given that I am of a certain age, too many of my friends are struggling with infertility - so I probably have TOO MUCH information about what they are going through and what their experiences. What I know is merely anecdotal of course, and there are tons of anecdotes to support what is right, proper, best and worth doing during a very difficult and nerve wracking process.

In Lance Armstrong's autobiography, he discusses the idea of pure science in conflict with mother nature. (his wife did IVF after his recovery from testicular cancer with frozen sperm.) Anyways, there was some point in there about pure science having to bow down to mother nature. We think because it's so scientific and precise it has to work, but more often than not that isn't the case. I thought it really a poignant idea - and it made the difficulties of IVF so much more clear - even WITH all the technology and advances in science, still it doesn't always work out.

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linlin123 18 yrs ago

I really appreciate your valuable sharing with us. Even the docs cannot confirm to us until "when" we should keep trying for IVF.... and mostly people focus on the embryo quality, which is directly related to "egg" quality, but not the sperm quality. That's why we are the one being blamed the most, such as our age.

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Havefaith 18 yrs ago

I really appreicate the advice and info you offer us. I think it is good to share different views and experiences. Thank you.

I know someone who was advised by her doctor that she would not be able to conceive EVEN with IVF - now she is a proud mother of two (conceived naturally). I agree mother nature sometimes out do science/technology.


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788 18 yrs ago
ppb, sorry... i hope we are not hijacking your thread!

linlin, embryo quality is dependent on both egg and sperm. as dr. ho said it takes these 2 ingredients! if there is a problem, chances are the problem is one or the other ie 50-50. So as in my case (i am 36- not a spring chicken), it is the sperm quality that is determining the embryo quality. so don't beat yourself up about it being a woman thing:)

hkcc- after my husband's surgery, i am convinced i am going to end up conceiving naturally. ofcourse, i might eat my words in another 3 months and go back to ivf one last time. btw, i have the korean ginseng ready. i even got a ceramic pot to boil it in!

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788 18 yrs ago
how are you doing ppb, through your 2ww?

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
I was about to ask the same thing PBB- how are you feeling about it? I called my friend daily to see how her mood was - she watched some crazy korean video I had recommended to her just to get her mind off of the stress of worrying.

788 - you're so funny about the korean ginseng. I wish everyone would get pregnant off of my advice. My grandmother SWEARS it is the key - so hopefully it will work for you. (no metal spoons either - I have NO idea why.)

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bsm 18 yrs ago
just take it easy for a few days

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Mrs Miggins 18 yrs ago
Make a list of things that you need to do which can be done sitting down e.g. internet shopping for groceries and clothes etc., internet surfing!, call up your friends and get loads of girlie DVD's in. When I was pregnant my husband travelled a lot and I had to take it easy in the first trimester due to low progesterone. I went through 3 series of Dallas and a series of Dynasty. I was mind numbing drivel and it was GREAT!!!!

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