2ww with Clear CM discharge ?? confuse ??

Posted by Poseidon 18 yrs ago
Dear All,

Anyone could advises what do you feels during 2ww ?

What are the symptoms ?

Coz I don't feels anything serious, except little bit of cramp / twinge here & there.

Do you gals has very litttle clear discharge & frequent urine every half an hour ?

Do you gals feels hot with temp mildly high ?

Thank you

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
I actually don't remember feeling much -except I did drool a lot. (something about my salivary glands kicking in overdrive.)

on top of that - well - twinge here and there as well...are your nipples darker?

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Poseidon 18 yrs ago
No...but during taking progesterone due to low count, My boobs is getting bigger than my sister or mum.

Haha, Aerola are getting bigger & bigger rounds but nipple is getting bigger....but there's no sore feeling yet ....only fuller breast.

You mentioned that you drool a lots means ? you feels more flame / Tam in your throat ?

Do you frequent pees ? says every 0.5 to 1 hr ?

What are the temperature during 2ww ? any standard measurement ?

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Poseidon 18 yrs ago
HI simplythebest,

Why is there blood test needed to proof of ovulation / pregnancy hormone before given dydrogesterone (progesterone) support ? anyone ?

How long is the blood test results be back ?

With the Dydrogesterone (Progesterone), it's encourage healthy womb lining for implantation or only to regulate period after 10 day pills + 4 free day = 2 weeks wait ? anyone know ?

My doc were smilling that it's a good sign for seeing clear CM & BD at the right time, but the scan doesn't notified any dominant eggs ?

My doc even given me Progesterone support & keep smilling only when I ask about when I would know blood test results......WHY ?


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