Lucy Lord/Robert Dawkins

Posted by Archie05 19 yrs ago
Does anyone have any experience to either Lucy Lord or Robert Dawkins during pregnancy/delivery?

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my thoughts 19 yrs ago
I had Lucy Lord, she was fabulous during my labor and delivery. I did NOT want a c-section, and although my labor ended out being quite long, our baby was fine thoughout she didn't pressure me into having a section (as most HK doctors probably would have.)

Of course she does plenty of c-sections, this is HK afterall, and I'd go to her if that was my preference as well. One of the things I appreciate is that she's a feminist :-). If you've thought about your birthplan, she does everything she can to respect your wishes, within the bounds of good medicine and safety of course.

For me, the only drawback was that her clinic is quite busy and I would often wait.

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Starbucks 19 yrs ago
I am coming toward the end of my first pregnancy and am a big fan of my ob gyn specialist Dr Dawkins - very pro-natural birth and long experience from both Hong Kong and Australia.

He is also very laid back, yet competent and that suits me perfectly. He does not fuss about the mother's weight gain or loss and focuses only on baby's wellbeing which suits me well.

Other mums-to-be may find that they prefer a more stressed doctor but Dr D is great for me and my husband!

Other friends are also big fans - but as to what he's like during delivery - wouldn't know - still have a few weeks to go!

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tali 19 yrs ago
Star - Did u do ur 20 week scan with him as well?

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Starbucks 19 yrs ago
Sure, big scans were at wks 12, 20 and 32 (I think) - why do you ask? Let me know if I can help.

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tali 19 yrs ago
Thx Star for your quick reply. Just not sure who I should go to for the 20 week, I started out actually with Dr. So, then switched to Dr. Dawkings of whom I was happy and relaxed with. Then a friend told me about Dr. Macor Wan, as she says "specializes" in scans/amnio etc., so I went there for my early scan. Now, I look through this site and read about other doctors specializing in it all, that I get really confused...

I am 37, have 2 older kids, 11.5 and 9.5, was never worried or never even gave a second thought about tests that I had done back then, maybe cuz I was young, maybe cuz it was back in my home country. And yet, this preganacy is getting me worried due to my age and every single test I go through - I am surprised that turns ok...

You sound really reassuring, I guess you were happy with Dr. D as you kept going back. Hope he is thorough enough. I really have no interest in checking out different doctors as I go through this pregnancy.

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tali 19 yrs ago
Thx NewHK, I definately know what you are saying about Dr. Wan, felt that way myself, as me and my husband were in that waiting room, seemed forever, then felt it again while being diagnosed in the room... just like he wanted to get it quickly over with..

I will go ahead and book an appointment for the 20 week. Wish me luck :)


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Starbucks 19 yrs ago
Good luck tali - focus on staying well and being healthy - and not about running around to get 1, 2 or 3 "second opinions". If your baby is doing well, just count your blessings and be happy! Just because you are 37, this doesn't mean you are too old - if you are in good health there is no reason why you shouldn't have a healthy baby.

Having said that, should anything ever go wrong, having the most experienced and thorough doctors to explain what is what to you is always important.

I have found that having my husband with me at every scan is great. At the big scans I have been so overwhelmed with joy and relief seeing all the major body parts and organs being normal that I just shut down my listening skills! My husband tells me what Dr Dawkins said at home while we rewatch the DVD from the scan - feels wonderful.

Anyway, good luck!

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aqua72 19 yrs ago
Could some of you be kind enough to post the phone numbers for Dr. Dawkins, Dr. Doo, Dr. Ho and any others you would recommend?

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tali 19 yrs ago
Dr. Dawkins - 2715 4577

715 Jardine House, Central

Dr. Macor Wan & Dr. Lam (same clinic) - 2877 3280

Room 204, 2nd Floor

St. George's Building

2 Ice House Street, Central

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aqua72 19 yrs ago
Thanks for the phone numbers, Tali. Would you also have the contact number for Dr. Lucy Lord?

BTW, have any of us heard of Dr. Clement Cheng. He is with Quality Healthcare specializing in reproduction.

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Jacklin 19 yrs ago
Dr.Lucy Lord

2824 0822

2101-2103 Shui On centre

6-8 Harbour Road , Wan Chai.

Good Luck aqua72

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