My period is 3 days late, however I have had 2 negative pregnancy results (the pee on stick tests). I am currently having fertility treatment (chlomid x 1 tablet days 2-6) and progesterone supplements to increase my cycle length from 24 days upwards. To date my doctors treatment has increased my cycle to 27 days and that is the longest it's ever been. This month he reduced my progesterone supplement intake a little so I expected my period to come a little earlier. However I stopped taking them about 5 days ago and I still have no period and it's day 30. I've had 2 neg test results. It's been 16 days since my day of ovulation.
Just wondering if anyone else ever got a negative,but still turned out to be preg? Also if I still do not get my period and get neg results how else can I tell if I am preg?
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if you suspect you are pregnant but the tests still come out negative, see your doc and a blood test is the best way to confirm things.
good luck!
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It is possible to get false negatives on pee on a stick tests if they are done early. A blood test at the GP's should confirm things.
Actually does anyone know how early a blood test can detect raised hormone levels?
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17 yrs ago
I did have a neg result with my second pregnancy, but I think that the test was old. Like Cara I've never had a blood test to confirm pregnancy, and have also had a positive result before I was due. Leave it a couple of days and do another test, if its still negative I would say you are not pregnant and that there is another reason for your delayed period.
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17 yrs ago
Hi. Im a bit confused. I am 11 days late. i have had 2 negative tests on day 3 and day 7. I have a weird bloated feeling in my stomach and a bit nauceous when im hungry. Could both tests be wrong? I have pcos and we have been trying for 18 months.
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I have had two unsuccessful IUI's both with progesterone suppositories and the first time the progesterone made me 5 days late and then second time almost 11 days late. I don't want to discourage you but it could just be that. I hope you get that BFP!!
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Hi tickledpink
I was 12 days late for my periods and until the 12th day i dint have a Positive Home preg. test!!!!
I ended up getting an HCG test...came out positive!!!
Good luck!
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