Mommy to be

Posted by pampamtobemommy 19 yrs ago
Hello, I am only 7 weeks pregnant, my hubby and I moved from US to HK 7 months ago. Just wonder if there are anyone in the similar shoes so that can share experiences?

Thank you so much.

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Jackie1973 19 yrs ago
Hi, I am 8.5 weeks pregnang. We moved here 2 months ago from Singapore with our son. We are orignally from UK.

Have you been to see an obstetrician yet? How are you feeling? I have been feeling pretty rough especially with the heat, but starting to feel a little better this week - fingers crossed. Extra strong mints seem to work well for the nausea if you have it.

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pampamtobemommy 19 yrs ago
Hi Jackie1973,

Congrats! I was in Singapore 3 weeks ago for the weekend (ate tons of local food - hot and spicy w/o knowing i have a little one inside me).

I had my first ob-gyn appointment last week, will have the next one next week. so far i am feeling ok, a bit morning sickness but people keep telling me it's a good thing as the hormone is working. it's my first one. but have trouble sleeping though, woke up at least twice during the night to go pee pee... very annoying!

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the goddess kali 19 yrs ago
Congratulations on your pregnancy.

Yes increased frequency of trips to the toilet is something you'll learn to live with.

I'm indian and therefore well used to spicy food, but since i got pregnant haven't really been able to take too much hot food. You'll find that your tummy is a bit more delicate now than before.

Just a short q though - why does your ob want to see you again in two weeks?

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pampamtobemommy 19 yrs ago
Thank you.

Well, my corpus luteum is smaller than average (2cm) and mine is only 1.2cm [@6 weeks], so...


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ozdb 19 yrs ago
Hi mommy to be, Congrats on your pregnancy.

I arrived in HK from US about 4 months ago and am 11 weeks pregnant with my second. Where abouts are you from?

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Jackie1973 19 yrs ago
Hi pampamtobemommy

Did you like Singapore? Food is fantastic there.

Which Ob/gyn are you seeing? I had my first appointment at 6 weeks with Dr Dawkins and my next one is at 12, although I am tempted to go earlier just to check everything is ok. I am sure it is but there's always that worry until 12 weeks.

I too am up in the night although if I remember from my first one it does get better in the second trimester. My feet really hurt at night so that I can't walk properly which is rather annoying.

You must be so excited, my first I could'nt think of anything else, still can't with this one. Are you going to find out if it is a boy or a girl? Not sure whether is is 12 week scan or later you can do that.

I am still eating spicy foods, was'nt aware it was a problem unless it gives you indegestion. Its probably an old wives tale but my mum said that whatever you eat during pregnancy the child will like later on and it is certainly true with my son. Loves sausage sandwiches which I was a bit addicted too and was eating curry at 12 months (mild obviously).

Great to talk to someone who is at the same stage and going through the same thing.

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pampamtobemommy 19 yrs ago
Hi ozdb,

Thank you you so, congrats to you too!

we moved from NY to HK 7 months ago, and i am 7 weeks now. we moved from Boston to NY 4 years ago... so we are Bostonian not Yankees though...


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pampamtobemommy 19 yrs ago
Hello Jackie1973,

I love Singapore, I love the local food, laksa, so good so good, as i have Singaporean friend, so he brought me to the most local places to eat, so good, i think i can still handle the spice. he was, in fact, amazed at my hot and spicy tolerance! :o)

Well, i thought i had stomarch virus or something that's why i went to my family doc at the first place, little that i knew, i was carrying a little one. I immediately went to see the OB/GYN, Dr. Wilfre Se Hong Wong, two days later. We like him a lot.

If i remember correctly, he said we could find out the sex of the baby around 12-15 weeks, something like that, and we are definitely going to find out! No doubt!

I dont have any pregnant friends at all, it's really great to meet all of you here to share. Wicked awesome!


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Jackie1973 19 yrs ago
Hi pampamtobemommy

I really liked living in singapore but I am definitley looking forward to having different weather here in the winter. At least our timing is good we won't be pregnant in the really hot months next year.

Is it this week that you go back to see you ob/gyn? Let us know how you get on.

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myfavoritebags 19 yrs ago
I just found out that I am 6 weeks along - pregnancy was definately a suprise for me! My husband and I moved here from NJ/NYC and we live in Happy Valley. So far, no morning sickness as of yet. I am supposed to see Dr. Lucy Lord this week and I am a little nervous. Glad to hear that there are people in similar circumstances as me!!!!

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Jackie1973 19 yrs ago
congratulations myfavouritebags. My morning sickness kicked in straight away this time but I had none with my first so you may be lucky. Dr Lucy Lord is supposed to be very good. I had a scan at my first appointment which you may get too, you can't see too much this early on but its still amazing that there is a little person inside you.

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pampamtobemommy 19 yrs ago
Hi myfavoritebags,

Congrats. We moved from NY to HK 7 months, almost 6 months ago, and I am 8 weeks preg now. Cool cool! Welcome to HK, welcome to be "mommy to be". I got my first ultrasound @6 weeks (my first doc appointment) and got a picture out of it, so so excited.

i got morning sickness right away, as that's how i found out, as i thought i got food posion or stomarch virus, that's why i went to the doc and found out the news. we were shocked too, as this is definitely a surprise for us, very very surprise. when i call my hubby from the doc office to tell him, he thought i was joking...


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pampamtobemommy 19 yrs ago
Hi Jackie1973,

Yup yup, tomorrow is my second ob gyn appointment, kind of nervous though. i have been having bad thoughts and thinking about of "what if" questions... very paranoid lately.


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Jackie1973 19 yrs ago
I am sure you will be fine, but I sympathise, its nerve wracking just waiting to check all is ok.

Good luck and let us know how you get on.

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pampamtobemommy 19 yrs ago

I went to the doc yesterday, and thank God, everything is right on track. Will go back to see him 3 weeks later and will take the OSCAR Test then.


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Jackie1973 19 yrs ago
That's great news, what a relief for you.

What is the OSCAR test? Been 7 years since I had my last one so forgotten all the tests I had then.

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pampamtobemommy 19 yrs ago
Thanks. OSCAR is the latest screening program for Down's Syndrome. just take some blood from me, not invasive though.

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Jackie1973 19 yrs ago
I remember my ob/gyn saying something about a blood test for downs syndrome, so that must be it. I have to go in 4-5 days before my next appointment if I want it done. Not sure personally, how reliable is it? I did'nt have any downs testing with my first child as I did'nt want to know but I am much older this time so maybe I should.

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pampamtobemommy 19 yrs ago
My doc said this OSCAR test is close to 100% and my hubby asked how "old" is this test? the doc said it's 2-3 years and it's pretty reliable. As long as it's non invasive and won't hurt the baby, i guess i want to find out everything.


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