A World on Fire

Posted by Ed 23 mths ago
Every day, news reporters, traders, and workers of all sorts the world over wake to do their work as they always have. Part of that requires that everyone pretend that life is normal, fixable, and more or less stable. All of this is temporary. It will come and go and really not be that bad.

Strange, isn’t it? Human beings have a hard time adjusting to disaster, in their decision-making and even in their mindset. Reporters have to do their jobs as they are trained. Traders too. Everyone does. They please their bosses. They don’t sound alarms. They don’t scream and yell as they probably should.

But there is a moment in the day when the work is done and perhaps a cocktail comes out or the dishes are washed and the kids are in bed and the room falls silent. At this moment, millions and billions of people the world over know it. Disaster is all around us. We are just pretending otherwise, simply because this is what we have to do.

It was this way during lockdowns. They must know what they are doing otherwise why would we be forced to do this. If we all do our part, maybe this will end sooner rather than later. The experts surely know better than we do what is what. What can we do but trust?
Let us adjust and find a way to normalize all of this in our minds. We are powerless to change it in any case.
And thus the peoples of the world adjusted and will continue to do so as the fundamentals decay and rot, long past the end of lockdowns and most vaccine mandates, even as all the old rituals and signals of life as we once knew it fade further into memory.
Enough with the dreary existentialism. Let’s talk about life in a one-bedroom apartment in London. The price of energy for heat has nearly doubled, seemingly overnight. Truly, it took months but it has felt like one day to the next. The energy bills will be approaching a substantial portion of the rent itself. And the forecast — which one has to do because that’s how energy markets work on the consumer end — is showing a doubling and doubling again.
Here is what Goldman Sachs is seeing.
Small businesses cannot function under these conditions. “Tom Kerridge, the celebrity chef, revealed that the annual energy bill at his pub has soared from £60,000 to £420,000 and warned that ‘ludicrous’ price rises left the hospitality sector facing a ‘terrifying landscape’,” reports Telegraph.
“The U.K. may be facing a wave of business bankruptcies exceeding anything witnessed during the post-2008 panic and recession,” reports Joseph Sternberg. “Some 100,000 firms could be forced into insolvency in coming months, bankruptcy consultancy Red Flag Alert warned this week. These are otherwise healthy firms with at least £1 million in annual revenue. Business failures on this scale would dwarf the roughly 65,000 firms of any size that went under from 2008-10.” 

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Ed 23 mths ago
Rock-bottom interest rates have long allowed companies to paper over cracks in their business models.
As central banks raise rates to tame surging inflation, scores of debt-laden companies suddenly face the uncomfortable prospect of trying to service higher interest bills with crimped cashflows.
To assemble our list of debt monsters, we chose a market metric: companies with debt trading more than 10 percentage points (1,000 basis points) above government bonds, drawn from Ice’s Global High Yield index.
Although this does not capture companies turning to private debt markets or bank loans, it produces a diverse range of 207 companies whose bond spreads are flashing a red warning signal.
The top is dominated by Chinese property companies, which until recently had seemed to defy the laws of financial gravity. But the disparate group shows just how widespread corporate distress has become in 2022, taking in a French supermarket chain, an Irish aircraft lessor, an Indian miner, a Belgian toilet maker and Britain’s largest chicken producer. We have chosen to examine in more detail a sample of 35 companies from the list.
Bond investors are professional worriers and in uncertain times the market can reflect their darkest thoughts. Plenty of companies on the list have defied previous prophecies of doom, while many have already pushed out the day their debt comes due far into the future. Consider this as a tour of businesses that debt markets are fretting over, rather than a collection of condemned companies.

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Ed 23 mths ago

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Ed 22 mths ago
Central Banks Panic As Debt & Currency's Begin To Fail

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Ed 22 mths ago
UK Chaos Economics: Fretting over “Financial Stability” & “Contagion” after Gilts Plunged, Bank of England Buys Bonds
It wasn’t big hedge funds that blew up, but £1.5 trillion in leveraged pension funds. BoE stepped in to bail them out and prevent further contagion.

Over the past few days, the pound plunged, including with a flash-crash on Monday that briefly took it to record lows against the US dollar. Prices of long-dated bonds went into a death spiral, with the 10-year yield spiking by 130 basis points in four trading days to 4.63% early today, and by 275 basis points in seven weeks ago (up from 1.88% in early August).

The bond market reaction represents a colossal and sudden degree of “tightening” of the financial conditions, before the Bank of England’s QT had even started. QT is designed to bring up long-term yields, but they already exploded due to chaos.

It was the market’s backlash against the new government’s reckless plan to cut taxes for the rich and for corporations, funded by new debt, while piling on spending to subsidize energy costs, also funded by new debt, thereby requiring the issuance of large amounts of new debt, even as inflation has already reached to 10%.

The Bank of England, which is in charge of maintaining financial stability, now has a slew of problems to deal with: inflation spiraling out of control, currency plunging, bond market in chaos, financial stability at risk, and spreading contagion. And some of them require the response that the others require.

So this is a mess, and there are no good solutions.

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Ed 22 mths ago
Fed’s Favored Inflation Index Says: Underlying Inflation Just Isn’t Slowing Down at All

Everyone wants to know when inflation is finally going to cry uncle.

Just briefly here: The Fed uses the “core PCE” inflation index, released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, as yardstick for its inflation target. This “core PCE” index – the overall PCE inflation index minus the volatile food and energy components – is therefore crucial in the current rate-hike scenario, amid red-hot inflation, when everyone wants to know when inflation is finally going to cry uncle.

Some folks thought that happened in July, when the month-to-month “core PCE” inflation slowed to “0%” (rounded down).

Turns out this much-ballyhooed month-to-month “core PCE” reading in July of “0%” was just a one-off event. In August, according to the BEA today, the core-PCE inflation index jumped by 0.6%, same as the multi-decade records in June 2022 and in April 2021 (all rounded to 0.6%). As Powell had said during the FOMC press conference: Underlying inflation is just not slowing down.


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Ed 22 mths ago
Is Credit Suisse about to be the new Lehman Brothers?
Something is brewing in the financial world

There is much speculation that at least one major bank is not fine and could create the next Lehman Brothers moment. ABC Australia, quoting ‘a credible source’, reported that a major investment bank is on the brink. Morgan Stanley have said that the surging US dollar is setting the stage for “something to break” in the financial system.

The Bank of America have warned that the Fed is about to break the corporate bond market.

The two which are in the worst shape are Deutsche Bank (heavily exposed to the energy crisis) and Credit Suisse. Both are already trading at distressed valuation but I’ll focus on Credit Suisse in this post.


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Ed 21 mths ago
Horror-Show Inflation in Euro Countries: Overall 10.7%, Germany 11.6%, Without Energy 6.9%
“Defeating inflation is our mantra, our mission, our mandate,” and that’s “why we have to raise interest rates”: ECB’s Lagarde now, after years of money-printing and NIRP.
Inflation began spiking last year well before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Early 2021 was when the inflation dam broke globally, with the pandemic money-printing and deficit-spending binge still in full swing. The dam just broke, and inflation washed over the lands. In July 2021 in the Eurozone, inflation shot past the ECB’s target of 2%. It hit 4.9% in November 2021, and 5.1% in January 2022 before the war in Ukraine had begun. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine made the existing trends worse.  https://wolfstreet.com/2022/10/31/horror-show-inflation-in-euro-countries-overall-10-7-germany-11-6-without-energy-6-9/





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Ed 21 mths ago
Imploded Stocks of the Day: Carvana, Twilio, Atlassian, Cloudflare
The free-money virus turned investors’ brains to mush. But the healing has started, interest rates are recovering, QT is here, and look what we got.
Let’s just walk through some of the already Imploded Stocks that further imploded on Friday. There were quite a few of them, as is now usually the case during earnings season, but we’ll just look at a handful. They imploded even as markets rallied for the day. On Friday, the Nasdaq rose 1.3%, reducing its loss for the week to just 5.6%, that kind of week. But a whole bunch of stuff plunged after reporting “earnings” – I’m using that term loosely because they all reported huge losses on top of endless losses.

Carvana, an online used-vehicle retailer, is one of the earliest entries into my pantheon of Imploded Stocks. Thursday evening, it reported “earnings” – you know what I mean. Everything went the wrong way: The number of vehicles it sold to retail customers fell, revenues fell, cost of sales jumped, gross profit plunged, selling and administrative expenses soared, interest expense more than tripled, and the net loss exploded to $508 million.

The used-car startups Carvana, Vroom, and Shift “face an existential crisis,” I wrote in April 2022, based on the changing dynamics in the used vehicle market, the fading willingness of investors to keep fueling cash-burn machines, and driven by the used-vehicle startups themselves that were never designed to make money and never could figure out how to make money, not even in the hottest used-vehicle market ever in 2021.

They were designed to burn investor cash. And investors no longer want their cash to be burned. And so that existential crisis is now.
The chart displays the now classic pattern of how the Fed’s trillions of dollars in QE and interest rate repression – the free-money era started in 2009 – mutated over the years into a virus that turned investors’ brains into mush, and after their brains had turned into mush, they inflated asset prices to ridiculous levels. 

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Ed 20 mths ago
The Unavoidable Crash

After years of ultra-loose fiscal, monetary, and credit policies and the onset of major negative supply shocks, stagflationary pressures are now putting the squeeze on a massive mountain of public- and private-sector debt. The mother of all economic crises looms, and there will be little that policymakers can do about it.


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Ed 20 mths ago
The Bubble Economy's Credit-Asset Death Spiral
Who believed that central banks' financial perpetual motion machine was anything more than trickery designed to generate phantom wealth?

Central banks seem to have perfected the ideal financial perpetual motion machine: as credit expands, money pours into risk assets, which shoot higher under the pressure of expanding demand for assets that yield either hefty returns (junk bonds) or hefty capital gains as the soaring assets suck in more capital chasing returns.

As assets soar in value, they serve as collateral for more credit. Higher valuations = more collateral to borrow against. This open spigot of additional credit sluices capital right back into the assets that are climbing in value, pushing them higher--which then creates even more collateral to support even more credit.

This self-reinforcing feedback of expanding credit feeding expanding valuations feeding expanding collateral which then feeds expanding credit has no apparent end. Modest houses once worth $100,000 are now worth $1,000,000, and nobody's complaining except those priced out of the infinite spiral of prices and credit.

For those priced out of traditional assets, there's NFTs, meme stocks and short-duration options. The credit-asset bubble-economy casino has a gaming table for everyone's budget and desire to "make it big" via speculation, since the traditional ladders to middle-class security have all been splintered.

This financial perpetual motion machine distorts traditional incentives. Why bother renting a house bought for speculative gains? Renters are problematic, better to just let it sit empty and rack up huge capital gains.

Count the lighted windows at night in all those new condo high-rises. Are even 20% occupied? Probably not.

This is how you get a "housing shortage": investors would rather keep units clean and off the market rather than risk renting units. When credit and asset valuations are both feeding an infinite expansion, all that matters is leveraging capital to acquire as many assets as possible to maximize the gains from this self-reinforcing wealth-creation machine.

This machine also incentivizes fraud. To really maximize gains, why not borrow clients' capital? Indeed, why not?

But unbeknownst to the central bank sorcerers and the greed-crazed participants, all systems have limits and all consequences have their own consequences, i.e. second-order effects. There are many such dynamics which are eroding the apparently unbreakable financial perpetual motion machine.

One is debt saturation. Even low rates of interest eventually pile up consequential debt-service obligations, and any weakening in revenues, cash flow or income exposes the borrower to a cash crunch which can only be resolved by selling assets.

Another is the widening disconnect between financially sound valuations and "market" valuations set by rapidly expanding credit and collateral. Based on rental income or cash flow, Asset B is worth $200,000, but it's currently valued at $1 million, and still rising. Obviously, traditional methods of valuation no longer apply.

But weirdly enough, they do. Debt service doesn't matter when your collateral is expanding so fast you can borrow mountains of capital at "low, low prices" and not even consider debt service. But once collateral stops rising and interest rates start rising, suddenly all those absurd obsessions with cash flow start making sense.

But too late, too late: bubbles, regardless of how rock-solid the sorcery, tend to manifest symmetry: they fall at roughly the same rate and magnitude as they rose. As collateral declines, loans slide underwater as the asset is not longer worth more than the outstanding loan. Credit dries up and so does buying as greed-crazed buyers start worrying that perhaps the asset they're about to buy might actually be worth less next month (gasp).

Liquidity and the credit impulse aren't sorcery, they're herd behaviors. When the madness of the herd switches from greed to panic, buyers disappear and thus so does liquidity--the ability of sellers to find a Greater Fool to buy the depreciating asset.

Greater Fools are soon wiped out and then there's nobody left who's dumb enough to buy assets that are in freefall and still far above any financially prudent valuation. The magic circle reverses, and as valuations fall, collateral shrinks and credit collapses. Lenders who greedily reckoned valuations and thus collateral would rise forever are stuck with life-changing losses--along with all the punters who built shanties of credit and leverage they mistakenly viewed as permanent palaces.

In making the economy dependent on the financial sorcery of self-reinforcing credit-asset bubbles, central banks and all the greed-crazed punters who participated have guaranteed a self-reinforcing death spiral as the "virtuous" self-reinforcing wealth-creation machine reverses into a self-reinforcing wealth-destruction machine.

Who believed that central banks' financial perpetual motion machine was anything more than trickery designed to generate phantom wealth? Once the death spiral reaches its devastating end-game, the true believers will have fallen silent.

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Ed 19 mths ago
The Looming Financial Contagion
With inflation on the rise and the era of ultra-low interest rates over, financial markets will face a huge stress test in 2023. While banking systems are more robust than they were in 2008, a real-estate slump could severely affect heavily leveraged private-equity firms, producing a systemic crisis.   
CAMBRIDGE – The fact that the world did not experience a systemic financial crisis in 2022 is a minor miracle, given the surge in inflation and interest rates, not to mention a massive increase in geopolitical risk. But with public and private debt having risen to record levels during the now-bygone era of ultra-low interest rates, and recession risks high, the global financial system faces a huge stress test. A crisis in an advanced economy – for example, Japan or Italy – would be difficult to contain. 
Rickards: On The Cusp Of A Global Liquidity Crisis
Is there a financial calamity worse than a severe recession in early 2023? Unfortunately, the answer is “yes” and it’s coming quickly.
While the initial failure makes headlines, the greater danger lies ahead in the form of contagion. Capital markets are densely connected. Banks lend to hedge funds. Hedge funds speculate in markets for stocks, bonds, currencies and commodities both directly and in derivative form.

Money market funds buy government debt. Banks guarantee some instruments held by those funds. Primary dealers (big banks) underwrite government debt issues but finance those activities in repo markets where the purchased securities are pledged for more cash to buy more securities in long chains of rehypothecated collateral.

You get the point. The linkages go on and on.

The Federal Reserve has printed $6 trillion as part of its monetary base (M0). But the total notional value of the derivatives of all banks in the world is estimated at $1 quadrillion. For those unfamiliar, $1 quadrillion = $1,000 trillion. This means the total value of derivatives is 167 times all of the money printed by the Fed.

And the Fed money supply is itself leveraged on a small sliver of only $60 billion of capital. So, the Fed’s balance sheet is leveraged 100-to-1, and the derivatives market is leveraged 167-to-1 to the Fed money supply, which means the derivatives market is leveraged 16,700-to-1 in terms of Fed capital.

Nervous yet?

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Ed 19 mths ago

The Money Bubble: What To Do Before It Pops (January 2, 2014) by James Turk and John Rubino, pp. 144-150:


[A] “complex system” system, like a weather front, living organism, or pre-avalanche snow-covered mountainside contains numerous parts that do change in response to their communication and interaction. This process can create feedback loops begetting “emergent properties” that differ radically from the system’s constituent parts or its previous state. Think of a tropical depression becoming a Cat-5 hurricane overnight and you have a sense of the power and potential instability of a complex system.

Such systems have some other notable features:

•As they grow larger, the energy required to maintain their stability rises exponentially. Double the size of a complex system and its energy requirements might increase ten-fold.


•They are prone to catastrophic collapse, and this propensity also rises exponenetionally as the system becomes bigger and more complex.


•With a highly-complex and therefore fragile system, small inputs can have exaggerated effects. When a mountainside has a sufficient amount of snow, for instance, a single snowflake can start an avalanche. But the snowflake itself wasn’t special in any way; the system was simply ready to go. As Harvard historian Niall Ferguson explained it in a 2010 Foreign Affairs article, “Such systems can appear to operate quite stably for some time; they seem to be in equilibrium but are, in fact, constantly adapting. But there comes a moment when complex systems ‘go critical.’ A very small trigger can set off a ‘phase transition’ from a benign equilibrium to a crisis …. In such systems a relatively minor shock can cause a disproportionate — and sometimes fatal — disruption.”


•The details of a complex system’s collapse are inherently unpredictable. Set a fire in a dry forest, for example, and the scale of the resulting conflagration can vary from a few square yards to hundreds of miles.

This brings us to the point of the exercise, which is that financial markets are complex systems, and today’s global financial system is orders of magnitude more complex — and therefore less stable and more prone to catastrophic failure — than ever before.
From here on, the US and the rest of the developed world can borrow as much as they want and the only result will be more debt. Wealth won’t increase, while complexity continues to soar.
[S]itting politicians will instinctively delay the inevitable with more debt, which causes the system to become even more complex, requiring even bigger infusions of new money, and so on.
When the crash comes it will dwarf what almost happened in 2008 — and what actually did happen in the 1930s.


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Ed 18 mths ago
Central banks risk setting off a financial earthquake with constant rate rises, warns ex-IMF economist

Odds of a major financial crisis are shortening, says Ken Rogoff

Breakneck monetary tightening by the major central banks is nearing a critical tipping point and risks triggering a chain-reaction of financial distress, the world’s leading expert on debt crises has warned.

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Ed 16 mths ago

“But this time, notice that the Fed is not helping"

40:33 The Fed is increasing rates, which as we saw is hurting asset values, and the same time
40:40 the Fed is selling assets.
40:45 And so it is withdrawing liquidity. So we are most certainly here in uncharted territory.
40:51 The Fed is not helping the situation. So you can fully expect this line to keep going; the panic is going to continue.
40:59 We are deep into uncharted territory. I’m not sure how this story ends. . . .
The Fed is harming, it is hurting the banks. it is hurting the system.
41:39 It’s making things worse now, whereas back here it at least tried to help. It cut rates.
41:45 When it saw emergency borrowing, it cut rates. cut rates, it cut rates.
41:50 And it increased asset purchases here, increased asset purchases here; added liquidity.
41:56 It’s not doing that anymore. Okay? But what we are looking at here—this is the end of manufacturing really, for the most
42:04 part here. . . .

42:48 And we’re into uncharted territory, like I say. So to summarize all this, the banks are all bankrupt right now.

42:57 Well, not all of them. But the system as a whole, the U.S. banking system right now, it is bankrupt.
43:03 It is deeply bankrupt. The panic borrowing has begun. You saw that with the huge FHLB advances, and you see both of those things going on
43:13 in the Quarterly Banking Profile. In other words, you see the bankruptcy of the entire banking system, and you see the
43:20 panic borrowing going on right now. And rather than helping the situation, as I point out, rather than helping the system
43:28 with rate cuts—it actually can’t cut rates anymore, at least when this started, because the rates are zero.
43:34 But rather than leave the rates at zero, and just leave investment values where they are,
43:40 the Fed is increasing rates. It is increasing rates, and like I say, it is selling assets, which has the effect of
43:46 pulling liquidity from the system. “

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Ed 16 mths ago
SVB And Signature Bank Were Just The Tip Of The Iceberg
The demise of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank was just the tip of the iceberg. As it turns out, hundreds of banks are at risk. This explains why the Federal Reserve and US Treasury rushed to provide what is effectively a bailout for the entire banking system.

In the first week, the Federal Reserve handed out more than $300 billion in loans through its newly created Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP).


According to a Washington Post report, banks would face unprecedented losses if they were forced to liquidate their bond portfolios as SVB did.


According to the Post, the total capital buffer in the US banking system totals $2.2 trillion. Meanwhile, total unrealized losses in the system based on a pair of academic papers is between $1.7 and $2 trillion.


In other words, if banks were suddenly forced to liquidate their bond and loan portfolios, the losses would erase between 77 percent and 91 percent of their combined capital cushion. It follows that large numbers of banks are terrifyingly fragile.”


A second report by the Wall Street Journal cites a study from Stanford and Columbia Universities that found 186 US banks are in distress.


As economist Peter St. Onge put it, “In other words, we were already right up against the edge.”


This is precisely why the Fed had to create a way for banks to borrow against their devalued bond portfolio. If banks were put in a position where they had to sell those bonds to raise capital, they would have fallen like dominoes.


The Fed bailout may have plugged that hole in the dam, but there will almost certainly be more cracks in the future.


So, how did we get into this situation?


Peter Schiff summed it up during an interview with Liz Claman.


It’s because of the government that Silicon Valley Bank was in the position that it was. The reason it owned so many long-term, low-yielding US Treasuries and mortgage-backed securities was because the Fed kept interest rates at zero for so long. And the reason that it chose those assets was because bank regulators kind of pushed banks into Treasuries and mortgage-backed securities because they give them favorable accounting treatment. They don’t have to take any haircuts. They don’t have to mark them to market. So, the government created the problem.


St. Onge went into more detail in an article published by the Mises Wire.


In short, while tech bros and loose bankers hog the headlines, what drives hundreds of banks to the edge is our crony banking system.


In this case, rapid Fed rate hikes crashed into a banking system that fractional reserve banking and the Fed’s “Lender of Last Resort” (LOLR) permanent bailout have driven to permanently drive as fast as possible, as close to the edge of the cliff as possible.


Together, the moral hazard has given a green light to those reckless tech bros, to those loose bankers who hand out millions—it turns out hundreds of billions. And it drives the entire banking industry to use opaque accounting tricks to hustle sleepy regulators and innocent taxpayers and dollar-holders who get stuck with the bill. The bankers themselves sleep like babies because they know you’ll cover their losses, but they keep their wins.


What turned this rigged casino into a crisis is in the past year the Fed hiked rates at the fastest pace in 50 years, from 0 percent last March to 4.5 percent to 4.75 percent today. They did this in a desperate bid to cancel the inflation they caused by financing $7 trillion in deficit spending and Covid lockdowns. Indeed, those of us who wondered why voters stood by meekly had only to look at the flood of money going out the door.


These reckless hikes savaged long bond prices, by far the most popular asset in bank vaults: Across the board, long bonds fell 20 percent, feeding an estimated 10 percent plunge in all bank asset values. In essence, the bank thought it had a dollar in the vault, but turns out it only had 90 or 80 cents. In the case of high-flyers like Silicon Valley and potentially hundreds more, it was more like 60 cents. Few banks can survive that.


So, what’s next?


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Ed 16 mths ago
The Everything Crisis



Even the most cursory glance at economic and financial history will reveal a litany of bubbles and booms, crashes and crises. We’ve seen numerous instances of speculative manias, real estate bubbles, market collapses and banking crises. Even the dot-com bubble of 1995-2000 wasn’t really ‘a first’, since there’s at least one previous instance – the Railway Mania of the 1840s – of the public being blinded to reality by the glittering allure of the latest vogue in technology.

You’d be wrong, though, if you concluded that “there’s nothing new under the Sun” about what we’re experiencing now. The coming crunch – for which the best shorthand term might be ‘the everything crisis’ – sets new precedents in at least two ways.

First, it’s unusual for all of the various forms of financial crises to happen at the same time. Even the global financial crisis (GFC) of 2008-09 wasn’t an ‘everything crisis’. Now, though, it’s quite possible that we’re experiencing the start of a combined stock, property, banking, financial, economic and technological crisis, with ‘everything happening at once’.

Second, all previous crises have occurred at times when secular (non-cyclical) economic growth remained feasible. This enabled us to ‘grow out of’ these crises, much as youngsters ‘grow out of’ childhood ailments.

No such possibility now exists.

The true story of modern economic and financial history involves, on the one hand, the ending and reversal of centuries of economic expansion and, on the other, an absolute refusal to come to terms with this reality.

What follows is an attempt to tell that story as briefly as possible.


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Ed 16 mths ago
The Everything Bubble And Global Bankruptcy
In eras of easy credit, both creditworthy and marginal borrowers are suddenly able to borrow more. This flood of new cash seeking a return fuels red-hot demand for conventional assets considered "safe investments" (real estate, blue-chip stocks and bonds), demand which given the limited supply of "safe" assets, pushes valuations of these assets to the moon. 

In the euphoric atmosphere generated by easy credit and a soaring asset valuations, some of the easy credit sloshes into marginal investments (farmland that is only briefly productive if it rains enough, for example), high-risk speculative ventures based on sizzle rather than actual steak and outright frauds passed off as legitimate "sure-fire opportunities."

The price people are willing to pay for all these assets soars as the demand created by easy credit increases. And why does credit continue increasing? The assets rising in value create more collateral which then supports more credit.


This self-reinforcing feedback appears highly virtuous in the expansion phase: the grazing land bought to put under the plow just doubled in value, so the owners can borrow more and use the cash to expand their purchase of more grazing land. The same mechanism is at work in every asset: homes, commercial real estate, stocks and bonds: the more the asset gains in value, the more collateral becomes available to support more credit.

Since there's plenty of collateral to back up the new loans, both borrowers and lenders see the profitable expansion of credit as "safe."

This safety is illusory, as it's resting on an unstable pile of sand: bubble valuations driven by easy credit. We all know that price is set by what somebody will pay for the asset. What attracts less attention is price is also set by how much somebody can borrow to buy the asset.

Once the borrower has maxed out their ability to borrow (their income and assets-owned cannot support more debt) or credit conditions tighten, then those who might have paid even higher prices for assets had they been able to borrow more money can no longer borrow enough to bid the asset higher.

Since price is set on the margin (i.e. by the last sales), the normal churn of selling is enough to push valuations down. At first the euphoria is undented by the decline, but as credit tightens (interest rates rise and lending standards tighten, cutting off marginal buyers and ventures) then buyers become scarce and skittish sellers proliferate.


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Ed 16 mths ago
Lenders could face pressure on earnings or liquidity, or to pay higher rates for deposits

When Silicon Valley Bank collapsed last month, the core problem was a giant hole in its bond portfolio. When depositors started fleeing First Republic Bank FRC 4.39%increase; green up pointing triangle soon afterward, the concern mainly was about a hole in its loan book.

Nearly every publicly traded bank in the country is sitting on loans that have declined in value since they were made. The culprit is rising interest rates, which also slashed the value of banks’ other big asset, their holdings of securities.

The overall market-value losses on securities are well known because they are tallied up industrywide by banking regulators. The scale of market-value losses on loans made by publicly traded banks has to be tallied from banks’ securities filings.

“Fair values of loans and securities are not qualitatively different,” said Tom Linsmeier

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Ed 15 mths ago
Stagflation has Begun

The deception of the past decade is that central banks have been “printing money” via quantitative easing. This may have helped boost confidence in the real economy that it was safe to borrow once more. But other than the printing of the tiny volumes of cash, which account for less than two percent of transactions, central banks have no means of directly creating currency.

They may create “central bank reserves” – although the impact of these is overstated. And by using them to purchase the unsafe “assets” held by commercial banks in the aftermath of the 2008 crash, they could encourage new bank lending. Nevertheless, the fact that several rounds of quantitative easing, coupled to real negative interest rates, failed to generate even modest inflation gives the lie to the “money creation” fallacy.

What QE actually did was to create a desperate search for yield, in which financial institutions and big investors sought assets which would give higher rates of return. And so, in the course of the decade between the Crash and the Covid, they helped to inflate the financial “everything bubble,” in which unproductive assets – which are excluded from official inflation measures – across the economy inflated in price at an astronomical rate.


Not that investors fare particularly well, since there is no means of realising the theoretical value of the assets themselves, because the institutions which own them are the only ones who could realistically buy them. In a sense, they are trading real returns for the illusion of appreciating assets… we have plenty of examples of what happens when shareholders seek to sell at the same time, or when bank depositors all try to withdraw their cash… it isn’t pretty.


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Ed 15 mths ago

Things aren’t going well for the United Kingdom these days.

For the past several months, the flow of bad news has been constant, the country’s coffers are empty, public administration is ineffective and the nation’s corporations are struggling. As this winter came to an end, more than 7 million people were waiting for a doctor’s appointment, including tens of thousands of people suffering from heart disease and cancer. According to government estimates, some 650,000 legal cases are still waiting to be addressed in a court of law.
And those needing a passport or driver’s license must frequently wait for several months. Boarded up windows and signs reading “To Let” and “To Rent” have become a common sight on the country’s high streets, while numerous products have disappeared from supermarket shelves. Recently, a number of chains announced that they would be rationing cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers for the foreseeable future.

Last year, 560 pubs closed their doors forever, with thousands more soon to follow, according to the industry association. Without Oxfam, the Salvation Army and other charitable organizations that operate second-hand stores, numerous city centers would have almost no shops left at all. Last week, the International Monetary Fund forecast that in no other industrialized nation would the economy develop as poorly as in Britain this year.

 Whereas the number of billionaires in the UK – at 177 – is higher than it has ever been, millions of Britons have slid into poverty. Newspapers and television channels are full of cheap recipes and shows like Jamie Oliver’s “£1 Wonders.” Since December, hardly a day has passed without a strike by bus drivers, medical workers, teachers, public servants, university employees or rail workers. Last week, assistant doctors across the country went on strike for four days, with the media calling on the populace to avoid all activities that could result in injury.

For many, the situation is reminiscent of the 1970s, when high debt, punishing inflation and widespread protests brought the country to its knees – leading Henry Kissinger, who was U.S. secretary of state at the time, to grumble from across the Atlantic: “Britain is a tragedy, reduced to begging, borrowing and stealing.”  



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Ed 15 mths ago
"It's Spooky": Stanford Professor Warns Thousands Of US Banks Are "Potentially Insolvent"
Rapidly rising interest rates create perilous conditions for banks because of a basic principle: The longer the duration of an investment, the more sensitive it is to changes in interest rates. When interest rates rise, the assets that banks hold to generate a return on their investment fall in value. And because the banks' liabilities — like its deposits, which customers can withdraw at any time — usually are shorter in duration, they fall by less.
Thus, increases in interest rates can deplete a bank's equity and risk leaving it with more liabilities than assets. So it's no surprise that the US banking system's market value of assets is around $2 trillion lower than suggested by their book value. When the entire set of approximately 4,800 banks in the United States is examined, the decline in the value of equity is most prominent for midsize and smaller banks, reflecting their heavier bets on long-term assets. 

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Ed 15 mths ago

Why Is The World's Most Important Market CRASHING?

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Ed 15 mths ago

Food prices DOUBLE in the UK as inflation at ‘shockingly high levels’  



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Ed 14 mths ago
“I’m sitting here staring in the face at the biggest and probably the broadest asset bubble — forget that I’ve ever seen, but that I’ve ever studied,” Stanley Druckenmiller said at the 2023 Sohn Investment Conference.

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Ed 14 mths ago
The annual borrowing cost is $1 trillion. In reality, the US treasury is financing the interest charges by tacking it on to the federal debt instead of being paid as we go.

As the interest on the federal debt exceeds $1 trillion a year, total national debt will hit $36 trillion in two years. It’s well on its path to $50 trillion by 2030. There comes a point in time, as Powell contemplates rate policies, that most of his decisions are rendered moot. He’ll simply have lost control

As debt-based inflation takes root and we see only more red ink as the US debt moves upwards at an exponential rate, higher rates can take a life of their own. Almost all countries in which debt to GDP exceeds 100%, debt and rates tend to run past all forms of policies and human control.


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Ed 14 mths ago
Be Prepared for more Pain 
Core inflation “has not really moved down. It has not reacted much to our rate hikes. We’re going to have to keep at it.”
“We’re two-and-a-quarter years into this, and forecasters, including Fed forecasters, have consistently thought inflation was about to turn down and typically forecasted that it would, and been wrong.”
“I still think, and my colleagues agree, that the risks to inflation are to the up side still.”
“We’re committed to getting inflation down. And that’s the number one thing. So that’s how I think about it.”

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Ed 14 mths ago
Western Decline in Prosperity

As Economics Editor of Sky News, Ed Conway, says “Rising Interest Rates Are A Bigger Deal Than You Might Think - I’m a bit worried people are being WAY too complacent about rising interest rates.”

When he wrote his thread in 2022, the Bank of England’s comically terrible expectations were for interest rates to peak at 4.75% this year.

They are already forecast to go to 5.75% and most likely higher.

Ed correctly points out that older generations claim that everything will be fine as they experienced much higher interest rates. I’m sure that if you have ever chatted to someone who had a mortgage in the ‘70s, they will tell you how their interest rates were 14% or higher.


But it doesn’t matter what the interest rate is, it matters how affordable the mortgage is.


In 2005, the average house price was roughly half what it is now. So with average wages the same as they were in 2005 but with mortgages on much more expensive properties, things are going to get very difficult for families.

A much higher proportion of their salaries will have to be spent on mortgage payments, rather than as disposable income on discretionary items.

Ed produced a graph which shows official interest rates adjusted for affordability. So in the graph below an interest rate of 14.2% in 1980 is equivalent to interest rates of 3% today.


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Ed 13 mths ago
UK Update - Inflation Continues to Rage - Despite Rate Hikes https://archive.ph/9fCZP
Inflation Shocker in the UK: Core CPI Spikes to 30-Year High, Driven by Spike in Services, even as Motor Fuel Prices Plunge  
Inflation is infamous for its head-fakes and has a tendency to dish out one nasty surprise after another – at least for observers that keep expecting that inflation will somehow go down on its own. Today, the inflation shocker occurred in the UK. And this is a warning for all economies: inflation has gotten solidly entrenched in services, and is getting even worse. 

Turkey’s central bank jacked up the country’s key interest rate Thursday, almost doubling it from 8.5% to 15% as the new economic administration of recently reelected President Recep Tayyip Erdogan embarked on a dramatic monetary policy U-turn.  Read More


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Ed 13 mths ago
Core CPI in Japan Worst since 1981. Food Inflation Worst since 1976   https://wolfstreet.com/2023/06/23/core-cpi-in-japan-worst-since-1981-food-inflation-worst-since-1976-but-energy-prices-plunge/
Revenge of Variable-Rate Commercial Debts 

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Ed 13 mths ago
US National Debt Spiked by $851 billion in One Month

So this is a special day: The U.S. national debt spiked by $851 billion since the debt ceiling was suspended a month ago on June 3, and now hit $32.32 trillion, according the Treasury Department on Friday evening. This is just an amazing freakshow:


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Ed 13 mths ago
CRE Nightmare for CMBS Holders: Office Mortgage Delinquency Rate Has Biggest Six-Month Spike Ever. It’s just the Beginning


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Ed 13 mths ago
Without Inflation, the Status Quo Collapses; With Hot Inflation, It Also Collapses
Eventually policy-makers turn the dials to 11 and nothing happens.

Many others have explained why inflation is part-and-parcel of the status quo. In the simplest terms, where's why inflation is essential:

1. Our economy and financial system are totally dependent on the expansion of credit/debt. Banks make money by issuing new loans, and financiers make money by buying and selling debt and instruments that leverage debt. Consumers can only buy big-ticket items with credit.

As a thought experiment, let's consider what would happen to the US economy and financial system if credit was outlawed and the economy was a cash-only marketplace. The government couldn't run deficits by borrowing money, no one could buy a vehicle except with cash, banks could no longer issue $19 of new loans for every $1 of cash they held.

We all know what would happen: the economy and financial system would both crash. Imagine the horrors of living solely on earnings and having to laboriously save up cash to buy a car or home.

2. the problem with credit/debt is it accrues interest. The more we borrow, the more interest we owe. If our income doesn't rise, at some point all our discretionary income--what's left over after paying taxes and essentials--is devoted to debt service, and we can't borrow more. At that point, the economy slides into recession.

3. There are a few policy ways out of this built-in limit on the expansion of credit/debt:

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Ed 12 mths ago
The World’s Empty Office Buildings Have Become a Debt Time Bomb
From San Francisco to Hong Kong, higher interest rates and falling property values are bringing the commercial real estate market to a perilous precipice.

In New York and London, owners of gleaming office towers are walking away from their debt rather than pouring good money after bad. The landlords of downtown San Francisco’s largest mall have abandoned it. A new Hong Kong skyscraper is only a quarter leased.

The creeping rot inside commercial real estate is like a dark seam running through the global economy. Even as stock markets rally and investors are hopeful that the fastest interest-rate increases in a generation will ebb, the trouble in property is set to play out for years.


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Ed 12 mths ago
All Dreams End: The Collapse of Keynesian Economics
Now that debt is rising faster than "growth," and "growth" is dependent on speculative credit-asset bubbles, the collapse of the Keynesian dream looms large.

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Ed 12 mths ago
Delinquency Rate Spikes the Fastest Ever. Bank-Held Office Mortgages also Hit
Unlike the massive default cycle during the Financial Crisis, this default cycle is structural, in addition to being financial: No one knows what to do with all this vacant office space in older office towers. And cutting the rents to fill the properties – if it’s even possible to fill older office towers – won’t work because those much lower rents wouldn’t pay for the mortgage payments and expenses.

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Ed 11 mths ago
What China's Real Estate Crisis Means for the World

China's property market is in crisis. Home prices are falling, developers are defaulting and people are angry. The worry is that a total collapse will bring down an already faltering economy. Bloomberg Originals explores how the real estate sector became such a mess and what the implications could be for the global economy.

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Ed 10 mths ago
US Pending Home Sales Plunge 7.1 Percent Tying the Covid Record Low

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Ed 10 mths ago
The price of shoplifting is getting dangerously high
This is the age of boosters, judging by the complaints of supermarkets, department stores and electronics retailers about an onslaught of theft. The US chain Target said this week that it will close nine stores in cities including New York and San Francisco because “theft and organised retail crime” are becoming a threat to the safety of its staff and customers.

Dame Sharon White, chair of John Lewis, this month called shoplifting an “epidemic” and the Co-op supermarket chain says repeated robberies could lead to some districts being blighted.

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Ed 10 mths ago
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Ed 10 mths ago

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Ed 8 mths ago
Sril Lanka on the Brink

As petrol became scarce and expensive, Upul was no longer able to afford repayments on his rented rickshaw and lost his only means of income. Now he and his four children survive on rice and water. Vegetables and milk powder are just too expensive these days.

“The only thing we can do now is drink poison, we are finished,” said Upul. “I voted for Gota thinking he was a lion, now I can see that he is worse than a dog. I love my country but don’t know if there will be a country left for my children.” 
The impacts of Sri Lanka’s financial meltdown have barely left a corner of the country unscathed. There are the power cuts darkening homes and shop fronts for up to eight hours daily and forcing people to cook on scavenged wood while miles-long queues form outside petrol stations. School exams and newspapers have had to be cancelled because the government and media houses can’t afford the paper to print them on.
Doctors have declared a medical crisis as pharmacies and hospitals are empty of crucial drugs, and warnings have been issued that starvation could be imminent for the country’s 22 million residents as food supplies dwindle. In Colombo, police stand at road junctions because the traffic lights have been turned off.

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Ed 8 mths ago
Canary in the coal mine?   
Harvey Nichols to vacate Landmark mall in Hong Kong’s Central after nearly 2 decades amid weak spending by locals, Chinese tourists    https://www.msn.com/en-xl/money/other/harvey-nichols-to-vacate-landmark-mall-in-hong-kong-s-central-after-nearly-2-decades-amid-weak-spending-by-locals-chinese-tourists/ar-AA1ksNDO

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Ed 7 mths ago
China Pummeled By Dire Deflation  ... all those hoping for a quick resolution to the biggest problem plaguing China's economy and markets, namely the lack of a "bazooka" in new debt/loan creation which can backstop the imploding property sector, kickstart the mobirbund economy and spark a market rally, there is little hope that anything can change.  https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/china-pummeled-dire-deflation-trade-and-credit-data-labor-strikes-protests-explode

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Ed 6 mths ago
More than 47,000 UK businesses on ‘brink of collapse’, warn insolvency experts
25% jump in firms facing ‘critical’ financial distress, with property and construction sectors featuring heavily  https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/jan/22/more-than-47000-uk-businesses-on-brink-of-collapse-warn-insolvency-experts
eBay is slashing 1,000 roles - 9% of its full-time workforce - as big tech firm bloodbath continues into 2024: Staff will be sacked by zoom TODAY
eBay says headcount and expenses have 'outpaced the growth of our business'
eCommerce job cuts come amid wider trend of tech layoffs since the pandemic

It comes amid a much wider trend of tech layoffs in the US as customers scale back spending on services and advertising, and providers grapple with inflationary pressure.

Google-parent Alphabet on Friday became the latest tech giant to announce layoffs, saying it will cut 12,000 employees, or about 6 percent of its workforce.

The GDP Hoax  When the latest report came out and everyone cheered, I dug around the data a bit but figured I would wait for my favorite analysts to weigh in. Sure enough, Peter St Onge writes it up and it is a doozy. “Fresh GDP numbers came in and it was a blowout. The kind of blowout that only a $2.7 trillion government deficit can buy while the private economy crumbles around it. Another couple blowout GDP reports like this and Americans will be living under an overpass.”

The essential ruse comes down to unfathomable amounts of government spending that is being recorded as productivity and output, and interpreted by media as growth. “In the past 12 months the federal deficit increased by $1.3 trillion. Yet we only got half that in GDP—about $600 billion. In other words, everything else shrank. It’s even worse for that brave and stunning Q4—there we got just $300 billion in extra GDP for—wait for it—$834 billion of new federal debt.”

To put a fine point on it: “Essentially, [GDP is measuring] the pace at which we’re going Soviet, replacing private wealth with government waste.” In his interpretation of the data, we are destroying wealth at the fastest rate since 2008.

Trillion Dollar Dilemma: Is the US Treasury Market in Trouble? The US Treasury market impacts everything from mortgage rates to the value of the dollar in your pocket. Recent increases in government borrowing have raised questions regarding its future. Is the most important financial market in trouble? In addition to plugging the hole torn by deficits, the US government needs to refinance existing debt coming due — which is a lot. An astonishing 85% of Treasury debt issued in 2023 is due within one year or less. This leads to constant refinancing needs. 4-week Treasury bills, for example, need to be refinanced twelve times per year.  https://www.fairobserver.com/business/trillion-dollar-dilemma-is-the-us-treasury-market-in-trouble/#

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Ed 6 mths ago


China economy set to 'implode' as spiralling property crisis 'has not touched bottom'

Why China Can’t Pull the World Out of a New Great Depression, by F. William Engdahl  http://www.williamengdahl.com/gr16May2023.php
Turkey's inflation sees biggest monthly jump since August, nears 65% year-on-year  https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/business/money-report/turkeys-inflation-sees-biggest-monthly-jump-since-august-nears-65-year-on-year/5105798/ 

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Ed 6 mths ago
BREAKING: China's CSI 1000 index is now down 8% today and 30% in the first month of 2024.  Over the last 10 days, China's CSI 1000 index is down a massive 21%. Just minutes ago, China's government pledged once again to help stabilize markets. https://invezz.com/news/2024/02/05/no-end-in-sight-for-chinas-vulnerable-csi-100-plunges/
US Commercial Real Estate Contagion Is Now Moving to Europe  https://finance.yahoo.com/news/us-commercial-real-estate-contagion-120522517.html 
German bank braces for wave of bad loans in ‘greatest real estate crisis since the financial crisis’  https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/other/the-greatest-real-estate-crisis-since-the-financial-crisis-german-bank-sets-aside-more-money-for-bad-loans/ar-BB1hVKsy 

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Ed 5 mths ago
That the global economy is slipping into recession is self-evident. What's not yet known is the eventual depth and length of the recession. Given that the extreme policies needed to avoid recession over the past 15 years have reached extremes that are now the problem, not the solution, there won't be any more fiscal-monetary "saves" this time around.  https://charleshughsmith.substack.com/p/global-recessions-winners-and-losers
The Financial Crisis Begins   https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/financial-crisis-begins 
Is the UK Doomed?  https://archive.md/OsBDm 

The US Economy Looks Good On Paper – Here’s Why It’s Actually A Disaster In Progress


CPI Hot Again, Rent Up at Least 0.4 Percent for 30 Straight Months

Don't Count on a Drop in Interest Rates ...  https://wolfstreet.com/2024/03/14/what-the-ppi-is-telling-us-disinflation-in-core-goods-a-hefty-counterweight-to-hot-services-inflation-may-be-over/ 

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Ed 4 mths ago

Hartnett: US Interest To Hit $1.6 Trillion By Year End, Making It The Largest US Government Outlay

Pawn Shop Inventories Are Exploding As The Failing U.S. Economy Hammers Those At The Bottom Of The Economic Food Chain. How much longer will the Biden administration and the mainstream media continue to deny that we are in the midst of a very painful economic downturn? Debt levels have never been higher, delinquency rates are spiking, the commercial real estate market is crashing, the banking industry is mired in turmoil and large companies are conducting mass layoffs all over the nation. Anyone that attempts to claim that the U.S. economy is in good shape is just being delusional.  https://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/pawn-shop-inventories-are-exploding-as-the-failing-u-s-economy-hammers-those-at-the-bottom-of-the-economic-food-chain/

Office CRE Mess Keeps Getting Worse, Massive Repricing Underway


China and Hong Kong stocks lost nearly $5 trillion in 3 years — more than India's market cap - CNBC


Millennials Rush to Buy $2,300 Gold Bars at Costco https://mishtalk.com/economics/millennials-rush-to-buy-2300-gold-bars-at-costco/

Today's mkt cap concentration in the top 10% largest US stocks has only occurred one other time in history in 1929... https://twitter.com/BobEUnlimited/status/1773397892285501925 
Fears of spiralling debt as ‘buy now pay later’ credit quadruples in UK  https://www.theguardian.com/money/2024/apr/06/fears-of-spiralling-debt-as-buy-now-pay-later-credit-quadruples-in-uk 

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Ed 4 mths ago
U.S. Money Supply Is Doing Something No One Has Witnessed Since the Great Depression, and It Foreshadows a Big Move to Come in Stocks  https://www.fool.com/investing/2024/04/07/us-money-supply-great-depression-big-move-stocks/

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Ed 3 mths ago
The Real Estate Nightmare Unfolding in Downtown St. Louis
The office district is empty, with boarded up towers, copper thieves and failing retail—even the Panera outlet shut down. The city is desperately trying to reverse the ‘doom loop.’
The Railway Exchange Building was the heart of downtown St. Louis for a century. Every day, locals crowded into the sprawling, ornate 21-story office building to go to work, shop at the department store that filled its lower floors or dine on the famous French onion soup at its restaurant.  
 Today, the building sits empty, with many of its windows boarded up. A fire broke out last year, which authorities suspect was the work of copper thieves. Police and firefighters send in occasional raids to search for missing people or to roust squatters. A search dog died during one of the raids last year when it fell through an open window.  
“It’s a very dangerous place,” said Dennis Jenkerson, the St. Louis Fire Department chief.
Cities' "Doom Loops" Are Even Worse Than You Imagined
This is why those who understand these dynamics are getting out, even though the city was their home.  https://charleshughsmith.substack.com/p/cities-doom-loops-are-even-worse
Many large U.S. cities are in deep financial trouble. Here’s why. The financial challenges within cities appear to be mounting despite high municipal credit ratings and robust demand for urban commodities like housing. For example, New York City had a total public debt of $177.6 billion at the end of fiscal year 2022, according to researchers at Truth in Accounting. That translates into a per capita taxpayer burden of $61,200, according to the group’s analysis. This comes from pension debt obligations that are underreported and will eventually be pushed on to future taxpayers. “If I don’t pay that invoice, I don’t have to include it in my balanced budget,” said Sheila Weinberg, the group’s founder and CEO.  https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/25/many-large-us-cities-are-in-deep-financial-trouble-heres-why.html
The US economy may be barrelling towards stagflation, an outcome worse than recession. The latest GDP and inflation readings were what investors were least eager to see, and could hint at serious trouble ahead. "This was a worst of both worlds report – slower than expected growth, higher than expected inflation," wrote David Donabedian, chief investment officer of CIBC Private Wealth US. It's also bad news for the economy, as sputtering growth and higher prices are the key ingredients for stagflation, which is characterized by economic listlessness and stubbornly elevated inflation over a prolonged period. Such a scenario that can be even harder to combat than a recession, because of the dynamic outlined above: the Fed's hands are largely tied.  https://finance.yahoo.com/news/us-economy-may-barrelling-towards-024600142.html

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Ed 3 mths ago
US government debt is now rising vertically.

Nearly half a million UK businesses have become ‘financially distressed,’ with tens of thousands facing the possibility of insolvency within the next 12 months, a new report from Begbies has claimed. https://www.cityam.com/half-a-million-uk-firms-financially-distressed-and-thousands-face-insolvency-as-they-pin-hopes-on-rate-cuts/

Why hundreds of U.S. banks may be at risk of failure  https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/01/why-hundreds-of-us-banks-may-be-at-risk-of-failure.html

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Ed 45 days ago
Fitch Doesn’t See Bottom of Office CRE Mess, Sees CMBS Delinquency Rates Spike Way Past Financial Crisis Peak in 2025  

“CRE office loan performance will continue to weaken as market pressures build,” it said about office loans backing the Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (CMBS) it rates.

It maintains its “’deteriorating’ outlook” on the office sector through 2024, citing:

  • “Sustained higher interest rates” (buying into the Fed’s higher-for-longer)
  • “Slower U.S. economic growth”
  • “A tighter lending environment” (banks, up to the gills in iffy CRE debt, have severely restricted CRE lending, and so refinancing maturing CRE loans can be difficult to impossible).
  • “And a secular decline in office demand” (as documented by the astronomical mindboggling amounts of office space that’s on the market for lease).
With China’s real estate stocks down 20% since May can the CCP, in all its centralized power, prevent a full meltdown?   https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/chinas-real-estate-crisis-new-experiment-state-intervention

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Ed 45 days ago

How Many Millennials Will Be Rich Enough to Buy the Boomers’ Millions of Unaffordable Bungalows?

Absent demand from tens of millions of wealthy, high-income buyers, asset valuations will fall as Boomers sell off assets to fund their retirement.

There’s a peculiarly flawed logic behind the widely held view that the Baby Boomers will seamlessly transfer tens of trillions of dollars of their wealth to the Gen-X and Millennial generations as they exit stage left.

This is flawed for a very basic reason: the extremely overvalued assets that will be transferred–real estate and stocks–only reached such extreme overvaluation because there is a surplus of buyers who are sufficiently wealthy (and willing) to pay bubble-inflated prices.

Since the ownership of both real estate and stocks is concentrated in the hands of the wealthiest 10% who tend to be older, how many Gen-Xers and Millennials have the means to buy million-dollar bungalows and overpriced portfolios?
If buyers are scarce due to entrenched wealth-income inequality, then once Boomers start selling their vast holdings of stocks and millions of overpriced homes, prices will plummet if sellers outnumber qualified and willing buyers. 
In other words, the bloated valuations Millennials hope to inherit will only remain at the currently overvalued levels if millions of qualified buyers emerge to snap up every Boomer bungalow at today's bubble prices. If there are fewer buyers than sellers, prices will decline accordingly.

link to charleshughsmith.substack.com

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Ed 41 days ago

The great American boom is finally running out of steam, leaving mountains of debt
High borrowing and low personal savings are dashing hopes of an economic soft landing

The American economy is not as strong as we all thought. Growth has slowed to stall speed over the last four months. It looks like a hardish landing after all.

Citigroup has become the first big American bank to warn that the US has already tipped into a recession. Once this process begins, it can snowball very fast into mass business layoffs unless the Federal Reserve moves fast.  link to archive.md

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Ed 37 days ago
A Most Dangerous Assumption: Mining the Future to Spend More Today
What the cheerleaders are actually claiming is the process of adding zeroes to "money" is limitless, but there are limits on the utility of devaluing currency, too.

JUN 19, 2024
How prosperous would the world be if we hadn't collectively borrowed and spent $315 trillion----333% of global GDP? We all know the answer--not very prosperous at all, for production, consumption and profits would all be mere fractions of their current totals if we could not borrow money and could only spend cash on hand. Global Debt Hit $315 Trillion In Q1 2024.
All this money that's been spent/invested has effectively been mined / extracted from future resources, labor and capital. The basic idea is that the interest that must be paid on this debt will be paid out of earnings generated by the productive use of resources, labor and capital in the future. Once the debt matures and the principle must be returned to the lender / bond purchaser, this principle must also be mined / extracted from assets available in the future.
Mining / extraction is the appropriate analogy because nothing is unlimited in the real world. Imagination--yes, it's unlimited. Denial and delusion: yes, both are limitless. But tangible resources that can be recovered at costs the economy can bear, productive labor and capital are not limitless. If we mine the future too intensively, there won't be enough left in the future to spend/invest at the level we enjoy today.
The fundamental assumption behind mining the future is that the pool of resources, labor and capital will continue expanding forever, effortlessly funding the interest and principle due on today's borrowing and leaving more than enough to consume and invest in the future. 
But what happens when the resources, labor and capital available to mine in the future shrink?  https://charleshughsmith.substack.com/p/a-most-dangerous-assumption-mining

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Ed 31 days ago
Inflation in Canada Throws Another Curveball: Core CPI Spikes Month-to-Month by Most since 2022
Core CPI – goods and services less food and energy – spiked by 4.9% month-to-month annualized in May from April, the hottest since September 2022 (blue), according to Statistic Canada today.  https://wolfstreet.com/2024/06/25/inflation-in-canada-throws-another-curveball-core-cpi-spikes-month-to-month-by-most-since-2022/ 

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Ed 29 days ago
Is Japan approaching a Hyperinflationary Moment?

Incumbent Kanda has been the main figure in handling the government’s catastrophic interventions in the foreign exchange market, which have been meant to arrest the yen’s slide against the dollar, yet despite spending a record $60+ billion two months ago on halting the yen’s implosion, the yen is now at the lowest level since the Plaza Accord.

And while no amount of intervention will prevent the yen from imploding further – to do that the BOJ will have to raise rates to 4% or higher, setting of a cataclysmic collapse of the entire Japanese bond market – the outrage among the populace at the runaway inflation in Japan in large part due to the plunging currency, is finally being addressed now that Japan is facing election in a few months, and scapegoat time has arrived.
We fully expect another intervention round in the coming days, one which sends USDJPY back to the low 150s before the pair resumes it trek higher until such time as Japan finally loses control over both its currency and bond markets. That will be the beginning of the end of the current doomed experiment in neoliberalism.  https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/rates-dropping-operating-costs-truckers-hit-record-high-2023

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Ed 28 days ago
The End of Magical Debt Thinking
Until recently, any suggestion of fiscal prudence was quickly dismissed as “austerity” by economists on the left. But with higher interest rates fast becoming the new normal, the idea that any economic problem can be solved with more government borrowing has become untenable.
CAMBRIDGE – For over a decade, numerous economists – primarily but not exclusively on the left – have argued that the potential benefits of using debt to finance government spending far outweigh any associated costs. The notion that advanced economies could suffer from debt overhang was widely dismissed, and dissenting voices were often ridiculed. Even the International Monetary Fund, traditionally a stalwart advocate of fiscal prudence, began to support high levels of debt-financed stimulus.
The tide has turned over the past two years, as this type of magical thinking collided with the harsh realities of high inflation and the return to normal long-term real interest rates. A recent reassessment by three senior IMF economists underscores this remarkable shift.

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Ed 24 days ago
Inflation Saga Far from Over: Services CPI in the Euro Area Refuses to Slow for 8th Month in a Row
In the 20 countries that use the euro, inflation in services increased again by 4.1%, same increase as in May – and both were the highest since October. The service CPI has gotten stuck at around 4% year-over-year for the eighth month in a row, after coming down substantially to that point.  
On a month-to-month basis, services CPI jumped by 7.4% annualized and has been in that range and higher over the past five months.

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Ed 24 days ago
Summer sales: Massive discounts across Belgium amid record-low sales
The summer sales start on 1 July and last for one month. The period will likely see unusually high discounts. Excluding the Covid-19 years 2020 and 2021, Belgian clothing retailers have had their worst start to the year since 2011. Sales volume in April is expected to be the worst since 2008. In recent years, several Belgian shops and branches of international chains went bankrupt. 

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Ed 21 days ago

Back in the US, while investors were focused on ‘Jensanity’ at the end of last month, the US Treasury reported that in May, the US government collected $323.6 billion in tax receipts but spent more than double that amount, totalling around $670 billion.


This resulted in a May budget deficit of $347 billion, which was about $100 billion more than consensus expected. It marks the second biggest May deficit on record, with only the peak during the Covid crisis in May 2020 being higher.
As a result of the blowout May deficit, the cumulative fiscal 2024 shortfall once again surpassed the total for 2023, bringing the year-to-date deficit to just over $1.2 trillion. This amount exceeds the $1.16 trillion cumulative deficit through May 2023, with four more months left in the fiscal year.
Now, at this point, someone at the CBO with a functioning brain looked at the numbers and realized that their current forecast of ‘only’ $1.5 trillion for the 2024 deficit seemed at best unrealistic and at worst.

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Ed 15 days ago
US Spent A Record $140 Billion On Debt Interest In June, 30% Of All Tax Revenues

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Ed 12 days ago
Trillions in Hidden Debt Drove China’s Growth. Now It Threatens Its Future. 
LIUZHOU, China—Officials were bullish about the future of their factory town in early 2019. The economy was prospering, a new industrial district was on the way and an elevated light-rail system was taking shape.
“The achievements of the past year have not come easily,” Mayor Wu Wei said in a city report at the time. He credited the grit of local party leaders but didn’t mention an ace in the hole.

For years, Liuzhou and scores of other Chinese cities together amassed trillions of dollars in off-the-books debt for economic development projects. The opaque financing was the yeast that helped China rise to the envy of the world.

Today, overgrown construction sites, sparsely used highways and abandoned tourist attractions make much of that debt-fueled growth look illusory and suggests China’s future is far from assured.

Liuzhou, a city in the southern region of Guangxi, raised billions of dollars to build the infrastructure for a new industrial district, where a state-owned financing group acquired land and opened hotels and an amusement park. Other tracts of acquired land sit vacant, and many area streets look practically deserted. Birds flit through the rows of abandoned buildings at an unfinished apartment complex.

“The government is broke,” said one local resident who watched the project falter from her shop across the street.

Economists estimate the size of such off-the-books debt is somewhere between $7 trillion and $11 trillion, about twice the size of China’s central government debt. The total amount isn’t known—likely not even to Beijing, say bankers and economists—because of the opaqueness surrounding the financial arrangements that allowed the debt to balloon.  https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/trillions-in-hidden-debt-drove-china-s-growth-now-it-threatens-its-future/ar-BB1pXXG4 

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Ed 3 days ago

Begbies Traynor data also showed that around 40,613 UK businesses are in “critical” financial distress, up 1.1% on the prior quarter and 34.5% higher than a year earlier:

Top 10 Sector Ranking – Critical Financial Distress

  1. Construction 6,043
  2. Support Services 5,758
  3. Real Estate & Property Services 5,575
  4. General Retailers 3,113
  5. Professional Services 2,770
  6. Health & Education 2,436
  7. Telecommunications & Information Technology 2,256
  8. Food & Drug Retailers 1,696
  9. Bars & Restaurants 1,587
  10. Media 1,467

There are concerns concerns about the continued impact of high interest rates – for both consumers and businesses – even with the prospect of near-term rate cuts.

Palmer said:

Additionally, the situation for the consumer remains very precarious. The latest figures from the Bank of England highlights how more than three million households will come off their fixed rate mortgages over the next two years – resulting in substantially higher repayments for many – which will in turn act as a drag on disposable incomes.

In a climate like this one, many businesses who were supported through the pandemic and its aftershocks by the government, will be hugely concerned by the very real prospect of a prolonged period of higher interest rates.

Many businesses who loaded up on cheap debt prior to the pandemic are simply not equipped to survive the current pressures and the financial burdens they face may ultimately prove too much.

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