The Absolute BEST News Stories

Posted by Ed 7 mths ago
Warren Buffet Selling $28.7 Billion in Stock Rings Alarm Bells Over Economy. 

According to the company's earnings, the Nebraska-based firm of the legendary investor and billionaire, known as the Oracle of Omaha, sold a net $10.4 billion of stock in the first quarter of the year. In the second quarter, it sold close to $13 billion of shares and bought less than $5 billion. In the third quarter, it sold about $5.3 billion worth of stocks. For Steve H. Hanke, a professor of applied economics at Johns Hopkins University who served on President Ronald Reagan's Council of Economic Advisers, Buffett's and Berkshire Hathaway's "recent lightening up on stocks and accumulation of a pile of cash—$157 billion—is consistent with the fact that stocks are relatively pricey right now." But it's also, crucially, a sign "that a recession is right around the corner," Hanke told Newsweek.
Mortgage affordability is the worst since 1981 when mortgage rates hit 18%.
Financing a home used to be a staple of the American Dream, but much has changed since the pandemic. High interest rates, rising property values, and declining real income have made owning a slice of America harder than ever.
According to Creditnews Research, mortgage affordability today is the worst it has been since 1981 when mortgage rates hit a record high of 18.38%. But how can this be when current rates are less than half that? The answer lies in a concept called mortgage burden. For the average homebuyer, the mortgage burden is the ratio of mortgage payments to income.
The American Dream Now Costs $3.4 Million 
Financing a home used to be a staple of the American Dream, but much has changed since the pandemic. High interest rates, rising property values, and declining real income have made owning a slice of America harder than ever.
According to Creditnews Research, mortgage affordability today is the worst it has been since 1981 when mortgage rates hit a record high of 18.38%. But how can this be when current rates are less than half that? The answer lies in a concept called mortgage burden. For the average homebuyer, the mortgage burden is the ratio of mortgage payments to income.
Long-Term ADHD Medication Use May Increase Heart Disease Risk: Study.
A new study indicates that long-term use of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) medication may increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and that the risk increases the longer the drug is used. The results of the study conducted in Sweden were published in JAMA Psychiatry, bringing to light the potential risks of long-term ADHD medication.
Never seeing family or friends can lead to an early death.
Researchers in Scotland have found a striking link between the lack of in-person visits from loved ones and an increased risk of death. This study, which scrutinizes the influence of social interaction on mortality, offers new insights into how social factors can impact our health. Social isolation has been a serious area of concern, particularly since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Importantly, the study found a 39-percent increase in the risk of death for individuals who never received visits from friends or family.
Deaths of newborn babies hit 15-year high.
Deaths of newborn babies have hit a 15-year high in Scotland amid concerns over “unusual trends” in infant mortality. Forty one neonatal deaths, defined as when a baby dies in the first 28 days of life, were recorded in the three months to the end of September. The number equates to 3.4 neonatal deaths per 1,000 live births, the highest rate recorded since September 2008. The figures come amid an expert review into unexplained spikes in neonatal mortality in September 2021 and March 2022, when 39 infants died.
US millennial women are now more likely to die in their late 20s and early 30s than any generation since the World War II era: report.
For decades, young women in the US saw sharp progress in their health and safety with each passing generation, but that momentum has now reversed for millennials. "Women today are more likely to die during their late 20s and early 30s than at any other point in the previous three generations," said the report. The death rate has risen in parallel with a startling increase in maternal mortality rates among women aged 25 to 34, with 30.4 deaths due to pregnancy complications out of 100,000 births for millennials, the report said.
Rumble Hit With “Unprecedented” Cyber Attack After Posting J6 Security Cam Footage.
Last week it was revealed that the GOP-controlled Committee on House Administration’s Subcommittee on Oversight had created a new Rumble channel to post hours of security footage from Capitol Police taken on January 6, 2021. Shortly after, Rumble was hit by a massive and seemingly organized attack that left people unable to upload or watch content.
Mark Zuckerberg building $100M Hawaii compound with massive underground bunker: report.
Mark Zuckerberg is reportedly building a sprawling $100 million Hawaii compound — complete with an underground bunker and its own food and energy sources — in a secret project suggesting the social media mogul is trying to conceal his doomsday preparations. The compound on Kauai island will consist of more than a dozen buildings with two central mansions that will be connected by a tunnel that leads to a 5,000-square-foot underground shelter with an escape hatch accessible via a ladder, Wired reported, citing building plans. 
7,500 wind turbines in Spain to be dismantled within five years.
Approximately 36% of energy-generating wind turbines in Spain will need to be decommissioned within the next five years as they become obsolete, predicts the Wind Energy Association (AEE). This translates to around 7,500 wind turbines and 20,000 blades turning into scrap that will have to be dismantled, transported, and processed, posing a significant logistical challenge. The challenging aspect of disposal is the fiberglass blades of the turbines, which only a few landfills accept.
Third of millennials support closure of nightclubs as Covid cases surge.
A survey by More in Common showed 33 per cent of those aged between 25 and 40 said they support the government reintroducing the closure of nightclubs as Covid cases surge. Up to 31 per cent of Generation Z (age 18-24) supported the same measure, compared with 27 per cent of Generation X (age 41-55) and baby boomers (age 56-74), and just 23 per cent of the silent generation (age 75+).
The New York Fed Has Extended Its Half Trillion Dollar Bailout Facility to a Sprawling Japanese Bank You’ve Never Heard Of.
Quietly, on December 1, the New York Fed published the following statement on its website: “The Norinchukin Bank, New York Branch, has been added to the list of Standing Repo Facility Counterparties, effective December 1, 2023.” The Standing Repo Facility (SRF) is a permanent $500 billion bailout facility created by the Federal Reserve and operated by the New York Fed – the private regional Fed bank where multi-trillion dollar Wall Street bank bailouts have become a regular feature of its operations.

Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk say human population not nearly big enough: ‘If we had a trillion humans, we would have at any given time a thousand Mozarts’

“We need more humans. That’s the message from two of the world’s richest billionaires, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and Tesla CEO Elon Musk.

“I would love to see, you know, a trillion humans living in the solar system. If we had a trillion humans, we would have at any given time a thousand Mozarts and a thousand Einsteins…Our solar system would be full of life and intelligence and energy.” 

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Ed 7 mths ago
Hillary Clinton Claims “Extreme Heat” Has Killed Half a Billion People. Hillary Clinton told the Cop28 conference that “extreme heat” has killed half a billion people, most of them women and girls, but failed to cite any actual source. “We’re seeing and beginning to pay attention and to count and record the deaths that are related to climate and by far the biggest killer is “extreme heat.” The two time failed presidential candidate went on to claim that “extreme heat” had killed 61,000 people in Europe last summer.
Covid's collateral cancer timebomb: Shock NHS figures show up to 70,000 patients have been 'missed' since start of pandemic. It means patients are likely to have a more advanced form of the disease by the time it is confirmed, slashing their survival chances and making it more expensive to treat. 'We're now facing a double blow of not diagnosing cancer patients and then leaving those lucky enough to receive a diagnosis on record waiting lists for life-saving treatment.
Millions of seniors struggle to afford housing — and it’s about to get a lot worse. A newly released report from Harvard University's Joint Center for Housing Studies sounds a loud warning about what's ahead as the country ages rapidly, and how unprepared the U.S. is as boomers start to turn 80 within the next decade. Nearly a third of households headed by seniors are considered cost burdened, which means they pay more than 30% of their income for housing. Half of that group pays more than 50%. And as the boomers have aged, households in this group reached an all-time high of 11.2 million in 2021.
Foreign direct investment is exiting China, new data show. New Chinese data imply that foreign firms operating in China are not only declining to reinvest their earnings but—for the first time ever—they are large net sellers of their existing investments to Chinese companies and repatriating the funds. These outflows exceeded $100 billion in the first three quarters of 2023 and are likely to grow further based on trends to date. The investment selloffs are contributing to downward pressure on the value of the Chinese currency and, if sustained, will modestly reduce China’s potential growth.
Moody’s Cuts China Credit Outlook to Negative on Rising Debt. Moody’s lowered its outlook to negative from stable while retaining a long-term rating of A1 on the nation’s sovereign bonds, according to a statement. China’s usage of fiscal stimulus to support local governments and state-owned companies is posing downside risks to the nation’s economy, the grader said. The change in thinking comes as China’s deepening property rout triggers a shift toward fiscal stimulus, with the country ramping up its borrowing as a main measure to bolster its economy. That has raised concerns about the nation’s debt levels with Beijing on track for record bond issuance this year.
The $20 Trillion Carry Trade That Will Destroy Japan. It's only appropriate that on the day we are witnessing another earthquake in the Japanese yen, as momentum-chasers who were convinced USDJPY 160 was imminent are carted out head first after today's 400pips drop (on what is nothing but another round of fake news speculation that the BOJ will hike rates in its December meeting, spoiler alert: it won't), that we look at the bigger picture at how, while entertaining, these daily swings in the USDJPY are very much irrelevant because, well, Japan is doomed to either hyperinflation and currency collapse, or alternatively, market collapse and loss of social cohesion. Why? Well, as DB's chief FX strategist George Saravelos explains, when one strips away all the political BS, the government of Japan is engaged in one massive $20 trillion carry trade.
Nearly 5m households to face even higher mortgage costs, says Bank of England. Almost five million UK homeowners are still set to see their mortgage repayments jump by hundreds of pounds over the next three years, as rising interest rates have heightened risks in the global financial markets, the Bank of England has said. About half of mortgage holders have moved to a new fixed-rate deal since interest rates started rising in late 2021, amounting to more than five million households. But a further five million homeowners are still due to face higher borrowing costs by the end of 2026, the FPC said in its latest Financial Stability Report. The latest analysis also showed that the proportion of households’ incomes spent on mortgage payments is set to rise to 9% by the end of 2026, from 6.8% earlier this year.,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/ 
Heart Failure Among Pilots Up 1000% in 2022. New data from the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) indicates a significant increase in heart issues among pilots, with heart failure spiking nearly 1,000% in 2022. In addition to serious cardiovascular issues, the Pentagon saw significant spikes in numerous ailments well beyond their five-year averages including hypertension (2,181%), neurological disorders (1,048%), multiple sclerosis (680%), Guillain-Barre syndrome (551%), breast cancer, (487%), female infertility (472%), pulmonary embolism (468%), migraines (452%), ovarian dysfunction (437%), testicular cancer (369%), and tachycardia (302%). Heart-related ailments have soared over the past 5 years as well including hypertension (36%), ischemic heart disease (69%), pulmonary heart disease (62%), heart failure (973%), cardiomyopathy (152%), and other non-specified heart diseases (63%).
Just How Bad Is the US Cost-of-Living Squeeze? We Did the Math. After years of inflation, US consumers are shouldering a burden unlike anything seen in decades — even as the pace of price increases has slowed. It now requires $119.27 to buy the same goods and services a family could afford with $100 before the pandemic. Since early 2020, prices have risen about as much as they had in the full 10 years preceding the health emergency. It’s hard to find an area of a household budget that’s been spared: Groceries are up 25% since January 2020. Same with electricity. Used-car prices have climbed 35%, auto insurance 33% and rents roughly 20%.
Say Goodbye To The Middle Class: Half Of All American Workers Made Less Than $40,847.18 Last Year. If you are wondering why so many Americans are stressed about their finances these days, just look at the numbers. In particular, we should all be deeply alarmed that the median wage earner brought home just $40,847.18 last year. That breaks down to about $3,400 a month, and that is before taxes. Needless to say, you cannot live a middle class lifestyle in America today on just $3,400 a month before taxes. So in most households more than one person must work, and in many cases more than one person is working multiple jobs.
Financial contagion warning as HSBC is told to brace for ‘catastrophic’ £6.3billion hit. Bob Lyddon fears losses in Hong Kong and China could "blow a hole in the bank's equity". He branded the situation a ‘disaster’ - and warned of a "financial contagion" risk which could have a knock-on effect on Britain’s economy. HSBC earlier this month confirmed it was setting aside £910million to cover expected loan losses, including £412million related to the commercial real estate sector in China - but Mr Lyddon said the actual picture was much worse. "Forty-two percent of HSBC's commercial property loans into China are either sub-standard or credit-impaired: £4.6billion out of £11billion. That's a disaster.
Britain’s growth outlook is ‘worst I’ve ever seen’, says Andrew Bailey. Bank of England’s forecasts indicate economy will barely grow over next two years. The Bank of England Governor raised concerns over the UK’s future prospects just days after the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) slashed its predictions for growth over the next two years. In an interview with The Chronicle in Newcastle, Mr Bailey said: “If you look at what I call the potential growth rates of the economy, there’s no doubt it’s lower than it has been in much of my working life.
US Pending Home Sales Index Slumps To Record Low. After a small bounce last month - following the puke in August - pending home sales dropped 1.5% MoM in October (better than the 2.0% MoM decline expected). This left YoY sales down 6.6% (negative for the 23rd straight month).
Unrealized Losses at US Banks Exploded in Q3. Unrealized losses on securities held by US banks exploded by 22% in the third quarter. Of course, unrealized losses don’t really matter — until they do. This is yet more evidence that the financial crisis that kicked off last March continues to bubble under the surface. Unrealized losses, primarily on US Treasuries and mortgage-backed securities rose by $126 billion in Q3 and now total $684 billion, according to the FDIC’s quarterly bank data release.
Nanoplastics Linked to Changes in Brain Proteins Associated With Parkinson's, Study Finds. Plastics are affecting our environment and possibly even our health in troubling ways – and the tiniest pieces have now been linked to changes in brain proteins associated with certain types of dementia, including Parkinson's disease. A team led by researchers from Duke University in the US looked at the relationship between nanoplastics broken down from polystyrene and the protein alpha-synuclein. A buildup of aberrant forms of this protein has previously been observed in the brains of people with Parkinson's.
The collapse in Treasury bonds now ranks among the worst market crashes in history. Since March 2020, Treasury bonds with maturities of 10 years or more have plummeted 46%, Bloomberg says. That's just under losses seen in the stock market when the dot-com bubble burst. The bond rout is worse than the one seen in 1981 when the 10-year yield neared 16%.
Where Have All the Foreign Buyers Gone for U.S. Treasury Debt? Overseas private investors and central banks now own about 30% of all outstanding U.S. government debt, down from roughly 43% a decade ago. Foreigners no longer have an insatiable appetite for U.S. government debt. That’s bad news for Washington. The U.S. Treasury market is in the midst of major supply and demand changes. The Federal Reserve is shedding its portfolio at a rate of about $60 billion a month. Overseas buyers who were once important sources of demand—China and Japan in particular—have become less reliable lately.
Sudden cardiac death affecting 12 young people every week – what is this ‘silent killer’? The charity Cardiac Risk in the Young estimates that every week, at least 12 people aged between 14 and 35 suffer sudden cardiac death – and 1 in 300 may carry the condition. A leading pathologist has told Channel 4 News they believe those figures are an under-estimate.
Can’t Think, Can’t Remember: More Americans Say They’re in a Cognitive Fog. Adults in their 20s, 30s and 40s are driving the trend. Researchers point to long Covid as a major cause. Richard Deitz, an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, analyzed the data and attributed much of the increase to long Covid. “These numbers don’t do this — they don’t just start suddenly increasing sharply like this,” he said.
Shoes Could Have Emerged as Much as 150,000 Years Ago, Study Suggests. Footprints without toe-marks on rocky South African beaches from the Middle Stone Age could indicate that somebody was wearing shoes. When did we start to wear shoes? The earliest direct evidence are sandals made from grasses in Europe and Oregon about 10,000 years ago. But analysis of certain fossil tracks has hinted that footwear may have been used tens of thousands of years ago – and now a study revisiting previously found tracks in South Africa may throw back the timeline of footwear to as much as 150,000 years ago.
Tesla solar panels were going to change the world. What happened? In 2016, Elon Musk stepped onstage to show us the home of the future. As well as a battery in its two-car garage, the future home had solar roof tiles in a choice of slate grey or Tuscan red. Seven years later, having won its lawsuit over the purchase of Solarcity, what was once a pillar of the Tesla strategy has been pushed further and further into the background. Not much is said any more about the status of the Solar Roof, nor Tesla’s solar efforts more generally. Neither “Solar” nor “Energy Generation” garnered a mention in the company’s Q3 2023 earnings call. To be fair, there are a few reasons why Tesla might want to offer a nuanced view of its once-vaunted solar business. Across the solar industry, the bloom is well and truly off the rose.
"Things Will Get Very Nasty, Very Fast". In the economy, if deflation now looms, things will still get very nasty, very fast given what it implies for employment and fiscal deficits; but if inflation lingers on that’s also the case, as we already see around us. In geopolitics, if regional war looms now, things will get very nasty, very fast, and so will inflation – Larry Fink and Jamie Dimon are both warning it would cause global recession, and that the present geopolitical moment looks as perilous as 1938; but if regional war is delayed, it could end up being even larger and nastier next time.
Credit card balances spiked in the third quarter to a $1.08 trillion record. Here’s how we got here. Credit card balances spiked by $154 billion year over year, notching the largest increase since 1999, the New York Fed found. Credit card delinquency rates also rose across the board, according to the New York Fed, but especially among millennials, or borrowers between the ages of 30 and 39, who are burdened by high levels of student loan debt.
US Debt Interest Bill Rockets Past a Cool $1 Trillion a Year. US Treasuries may face renewed selling pressure into the new year if one measure of the nation’s swelling debt repayment bill is any guide. Estimated annualized interest payments on the US government debt pile climbed past $1 trillion at the end of last month, Bloomberg analysis shows. That projected amount has doubled in the past 19 months from the equivalent figure forecast around the time.
Lloyd’s announces it will pay £52million in slavery reparations. Lloyd’s of London has announced it will pay a whopping £52million in equality initiatives as the world’s largest insurance market recognises the “significant role” it played in the transatlantic slave trade.
NYC Struggles With Post-COVID Recovery As Foot Traffic Falls 33%. First reported by the New York Post, the University of Toronto has published new recovery metrics showing foot traffic in crime-ridden NYC is down 33% compared with 2019, before the pandemic, indicating a souring economic recovery
Overdue commercial property loans hit 10-year high at US banks. Higher interest rates, an uncertain economy and remote work pile pressure on office space owners. The volume of past-due loans in which so-called non-owner occupiers have missed more than one payment jumped 30 per cent, or $4bn, to $17.7bn in the three months to the end of September, according to industry tracker BankRegData. The figure had risen by $10bn in a year.
DNA Shows Native Americans Have Origin in Western Eurasia. A recent DNA research on the bones of a boy who lived along the shores of Lake Baikal in Siberia shows that one-third of his genome was that of Western Eurasians, prompting scientists to conclude that Native Americans share much of their genetic material with Middle Easterners and Europeans.

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Ed 7 mths ago
Brace for 8% mortgage rates to drag the US housing market into a 1980s-style recession, Wells Fargo warns. The central bank has signaled in recent months that it'll keep borrowing costs at a higher level for longer well into 2024 in a bid to quell inflation – and that'll fuel declines in both construction and activity, according to the bank.
FTX Allegedly Wanted To Buy Pacific Island Country To Build Doomsday Bunker For Effective Altruists. Citing recovered internal communications between the younger Bankman-Fried and the executive, FTX lawyers allege that the memo outlined a plan to buy Nauru, an independent country in the Pacific Ocean with a population of about 13,000. The document allegedly floated the idea of building a “bunker/shelter” on Nauru in the event of “some event where 50%-99.99% of people die” to “ensure” the survival of “most” subscribers to the effective altruism ideology, recently made famous by Bankman-Fried’s older brother. The memo purportedly also discussed plans “build a lab . . . for human genetic enhancement” in Nauru, noting there are “probably” other “useful” aspects to owning an entire country, too.
‘Excess mortality’ continuing surge causes concerns. Despite some signs that excess mortality rates are declining, life insurance executives and actuaries believe the numbers are alarming and could continue to drag earnings and surge death claims for years to come. Younger adult mortality rates are up more than 20% in 2023, the CDC said.
“Game Changer for Vitamin D” – Supplementation Found To Improve Cancer Survival. For over a century, the relationship between vitamin D deficiency and the risk of several cancers has been a topic of discussion. A recent commentary has highlighted the potential benefits of improving vitamin D levels to reduce cancer risk and enhance survival rates.
Groundbreaking study reverses ageing in rats. Yuvan Research's study achieved a 50% reversal of rat aging through young porcine plasma nanoparticles, offering hope for human age reversal and broader applications. The therapy, dubbed E5, utilises extracellular nanoparticles from young porcine plasma, injecting them into elderly rats and yielding significant youthfulness within days. The implications of these findings suggest that similar results in humans could mean reverting an 80-year-old to the biological age of 26.
Giant Pyramid Buried in Indonesia Could Be The Oldest in The World. A giant underground pyramid hidden beneath a hillside in Indonesia far outdates Stonehenge or the Giza Pyramids and may come to rival the oldest megalithic structures ever built by human hands. An extensive analysis of Gunung Padang, which means 'mountain of enlightenment' in the local language, now strongly suggests that an ancient civilization "meticulously sculpted" the natural hill of lava into the core of a pyramid-like structure long ago. The first radiocarbon dating of the site indicates that initial construction began sometime in the last glacial period, more than 16,000 years before the present and possibly as far back as 27,000 years ago.
A Financial Crisis Is Here! U.S. Banks Are Closing Down Hundreds Of Branches And Laying Off Thousands Of Workers. High interest rates and chaos in the real estate industry are combining to put an enormous amount of pressure on our largest financial institutions.
Saving money to buy a house? Your dollar goes half as far as it did at the end of 2020, new data shows. Housing affordability drops and buyers shed buying power as home prices climb and mortgage interest rates hit long-time highs.
Sweden’s Central Bank Needs More Than $7 Billion to Cover Losses. The bank needs a capital injection of almost 80 billion Swedish kronor ($7.3 billion) just to restore its equity to a basic level, according to preliminary results of an analysis of its financial position, Erik Thedeen told the parliament’s Committee on Finance, according to a statement.
Retirees appear to be heading back to work as inflation eats into savings. Employers have seen an uptick in older people applying for entry-level positions, according to a survey by staffing company Express Employment Professionals conducted by The Harris Poll.
More than 1 million UK children experienced destitution last year, study finds. Severe material hardship no longer a rarity, as study reveals impact of benefit cuts and cost of living crisis. An estimated 1.8m UK households containing nearly 3.8 million people, including 1 million children, were destitute at some point in 2022, according to the study, published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF).
Americans are struggling to pay their debts as economy tightens. Americans are having a harder time making interest payments as savings are shrinking and a barrage of interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve has jacked up the cost of financing.
Siemens Energy is asking for state aid. DAX group under pressure: According to SPIEGEL information, Siemens Energy is to receive billions in guarantees from the federal government in order to be able to continue to handle major projects.
Global Fossil Fuel Demand Set To Hit Record High In 2024. A new report from the Economist Intelligence Unit shows global energy consumption rising by 1.8% in 2024, hitting a new record high. Despite high prices and supply disruptions, the report shows crude oil and natural gas demand climbing in 2024. Demand for renewable energy is also expected to rise in 2024, climbing by 11%
Foxtons says property sales have plummeted by almost a quarter. Foxtons said this morning that residential property sales in London generally fell by 23% in the third quarter of the year, though its own performance was marginally better.
Scientists claim to have found root cause of obesity for most people. Now researchers believe the most popular sugar in American food causes biological changes in the human body that makes it physically easier to get fat and harder to lose weight. High fructose corn syrup is used in countless food products in the US, even those considered to be healthy including protein bars, whole grain bread, and cereals.
Statins: Most Prescribed Drug With Hyped Benefits and Downplayed Side Effects. Statins, one of the most commonly prescribed and bestselling drugs in history, have shaped Western society's approach to treating heart disease. The side effects of statins, coupled with the drugs’ “failure to address the the cause of cardiovascular disease,” have steered cardiologist Dr. Jack Wolfson to avoid prescribing them.
Why Are Death and Disability Rising Among Young Americans? America's labor force is facing a crisis, and no one knows exactly why. According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of American adults considered unable to work grew by more than 3.5 million since January 2020, with 1.5 million added just in the first nine months of this year.
China’s Securities Regulator Warns Companies to Increase Dividends and Buy Backs  Hoping to boost stock market prices, China mandates more dividends and buybacks.   Read More

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Ed 7 mths ago

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Ed 7 mths ago
The New York Fed Has Extended Its Half Trillion Dollar Bailout Facility to a Sprawling Japanese Bank You’ve Never Heard Of
Quietly, on December 1, the New York Fed published the following statement on its website: “The Norinchukin Bank, New York Branch, has been added to the list of Standing Repo Facility Counterparties, effective December 1, 2023.”  
The Standing Repo Facility (SRF) is a permanent $500 billion bailout facility created by the Federal Reserve and operated by the New York Fed – the private regional Fed bank where multi-trillion dollar Wall Street bank bailouts have become a regular feature of its operations.

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Ed 7 mths ago
How China’s slowdown is deepening Hong Kong’s ‘existential crisis’
The territory’s growing reliance on China has turned into a distinctly mixed blessing — with questions of how long hallmarks of its own system can endure
Rosanne Wong should be enjoying a year of recovery at her four cigar shops in Hong Kong, after three years of Covid restrictions were finally lifted at the start of the year and traditionally high spending mainland Chinese tourists returned.
Hand-rolled Cuban cigars have been in high demand — prices for some of the most-sought after types have more than doubled over the past three years.
Instead, in what should have been peak season during October, coinciding with China’s Golden Week national holiday, sales were down roughly 30 per cent compared with the beginning of the year.
Wong says big-spending patrons, many of whom are mainland Chinese working in Hong Kong’s finance industry, were “willing and able to afford high quality cigars” and used to spend up to HK$100,000 ($12,800) each month in the past. “They are less willing to splash money today,” she says. 
What Happens When the Economy Can No Longer Grow?

What is the goal of the economy? Growth? Full employment? Equity? Price stability? Security? Or, perhaps, to make the top 1% super rich at the cost of everyone else? Well, if it’s that latter, than the economy is doing a stellar job. If you think that’s too cynical to say, then you can chose two on the list above. Or one. Maybe none. With a relentless fall in people’s purchasing power, an energy infrastructure hitting diminishing returns, and being led by less than stellar minds, I argue, there will be just one overarching goal remaining. Security. The rest be damned.
Visualizing $97 Trillion Of Global Debt In 2023
Global government debt is projected to hit $97.1 trillion this year, a 40% increase since 2019.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, governments introduced sweeping financial measures to support the job market and prevent a wave of bankruptcies. However, this has exposed vulnerabilities as higher interest rates are amplifying borrowing costs.
Two Days After COP28, IEA Delivers More Coal Hard Reality
The Iron Law of Electricity strikes again. Global coal use will hit 8.5B tons this year, another new record
“America's health care system is a hoax,” declared Dr Paul Marik, who is the second-most-published critical care physician in the world. “And so, my advice to you: don’t get sick, don’t go to the hospital, because they’re going to kill you.”   Watch
U.S. health officials are investigating whether three brands of recalled cinnamon apple puree and applesauce that left dozens of American children sickened may have been intentionally contaminated with lead. 

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Ed 7 mths ago
Honor Guard Collapses on Live TV in Front of the Casket of Justice Sandra Day O’Connor  Watch
Premier League rocked as Luton captain Tom Lockyer suffers cardiac arrest on the pitch
Fans celebrating a goal fell silent after the gravity of the situation became clear. 
Economist Harry Dent predicts a significant market crash in 2024, describing it as the "biggest crash of our lifetime" due to an 'everything bubble' bursting.  Dent's prediction is based on analyzing current market trends and economic policies. He asserts that the market has been artificially propped up since 2009 through extensive money printing and deficits totaling $27 trillion over 15 years.
Use of Drugs to Restrain Kids in Mental Health Facilities Jumps 141%
Critics called for an outright ban on chemical restraints in mental health facilities after a study showed a steep rise in the number of children being subjected to them. They cited the lack of informed consent and a culture of medicalization that leads to labeling, misdiagnosis and over-prescribing of drugs that can cause suicidal and homicidal ideation.

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Ed 7 mths ago
Map shows deadly fungus spreading across the US with experts worried. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) has shared a map that showcases the worrying spread of the deadly Candida auris fungus across the United States, reports The Mirror. The fungus is a type of yeast that can cause people to become severely ill, can spread easily among people in healthcare settings, and is impervious to some antifungal treatments.
Wheat Intolerance Might Be Due to Glyphosate – New Canadian Study. A scientific review identifies glyphosate as a possible cause of the global rise in wheat intolerance. This condition is increasingly reported by people who don’t have a diagnosis of celiac disease (a condition where your immune system attacks your own tissues when you eat the protein gluten), GMWatch reported. While no GM glyphosate-tolerant wheat is commercially planted in North America, glyphosate-based herbicides are often sprayed on non-GM wheat pre-harvest to desiccate it (“dry it down”).
Over 170 of Jeffrey Epstein's high-profile associates will be NAMED in court documents set to be unsealed in the first days of 2024. A judge has ruled to unseal documents that would name 177 Does who are Epstein's friends, recruiters and victims within the coming weeks. The material is related to a defamation case brought by Prince Andrew's accuser Virginia Roberts in New York against Epstein's madam Ghislaine Maxwell. The hundreds of files will shed new light on the late financier's sex trafficking operation and his network of influence.
Here Come the New Listings of Existing Homes, Prices Drop Further, Demand Remains at Collapsed Levels.  The national median price of existing single-family houses, condos, and co-ops whose sales closed in November dropped to $387,600, down by 6.3% from the peak in June 2022, according to data from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) today. 
The smug, Botoxed face of everything wrong with medicine in America (PART 1)
His name is Brent Saunders. He's a lawyer who made a fortune running drug companies while saying he didn't even want to try to discover drugs. Now he's lecturing Elon Musk on social responsibility.
The smug, Botoxed face of everything wrong with medicine in America (PART 2)  If Brent Saunders had had his way, he'd be in Albert Bourla's seat at Pfizer now. (Would Pfizer still be shilling for mRNA Covid jabs? Probably even harder, if that's possible.)
Fed Backs Itself into Corner, Just as Inflation Revives

Authored by Simon White, Bloomberg macro strategist:

The magnitude of last week’s dovish swing by the Federal Reserve now makes a rate cut next year highly likely.  Yet, as is so often the case with central banks focused on lagging variables, it could come at exactly the wrong time, with a profusion of indicators showing inflation will be rekindled later next year. Rate-cut expectations look overdone, but any repricing may not come until the whites of inflation’s eyes are seen — when that happens the move will be dramatic.

No analogy is perfect.  But history rhymes because there is one thing that is immutable through time: human nature.

The 1970s were different to today in several respects, but the immutability of human behavior makes it quite conceivable a similar inflation pattern could recur.

In that decade, price growth was a Three Act Play: Act I was inflation making new highs after excessive easing from the Fed; Act II was the premature all clear, with rates getting cut when it was thought inflation was beaten; and Act III was the re-acceleration, when price growth unexpectedly began to climb again.
Self-Checkout Kiosks At 4,500 Walmarts Now Offer Buy Now, Pay Later” Loans For Basic Items  
“Buy now, pay later” (BNPL) loans surged in popularity during Black Friday and Cyber Monday in late November. As Christmas is less than a week away, Walmart shoppers have been greeted with a new BNPL payment at the checkout line. The increased use of BNPL is incredibly problematic for consumers with insurmountable credit card debt and depleted savings.
Affirm Holdings announced Tuesday that its BNPL service has been expanded to self-checkout kiosks at 4,500 Walmart stores nationwide. Customers can purchase electronics, apparel, toys, and many more items (except groceries) by spreading payments out from three months to 24 months.
“Recent Affirm research revealed that more than half of Americans (54%) are looking for retailers to offer a buy now, pay later option at checkout. Moreover, we’ve found that 76% of consumers would either delay or not make a purchase without Affirm,” said Pat Suh, Affirm’s SVP of Revenue.
Should you ever go back to a favourite restaurant? Many years before, when I was still a recent graduate in London, a photographer’s assistant and, well, basically a squat-dwelling bum, I’d somehow fallen in with some decent girls. I don’t remember the details, which is probably a relief to everyone, but I do remember that someone’s father offered to take us out for dinner. A classy, handsome, successful dad, his heartbreakingly fetching daughter, her brilliant friend and me, a week the wrong side of my last hot shower and unable to remember the last time I’d seen a whole fiver. He took us to La Famiglia.
That was it! He said it was simple and hospitable and his family had been going there for years and, to be honest, I wanted to just snog his face off. Nobody had been that nice to me in months. It was a simple act of generosity from a man who didn’t know the first thing about me and, if he had, should, by rights, have put an armed cordon and razor wire between me and his daughter.
E-scooters: wheels come off start-up with Bird-brained business plan   Just a few years ago, electric scooters seemed poised to take over city streets. Early adopters saw them as a fun, fast and cheap. Critics said they were a nuisance and a hazard to pedestrians. Venture capitalists poured billions into so-called micromobility upstarts.  So much for that. Bird Global, the e-scooter rental pioneer, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
How to Quit Sugar  From 2005 to 2009, at least 74 percent of packaged or processed foods contained added sugars. Even if you don’t have the habit of eating sweets, you may unintentionally consume sugar in excess. For instance, added sugars have dozens of names, so you might not even know you are eating them despite reading ingredient labels.

Nevertheless, quitting sugar is not an impossible mission. Many people face challenges not because they cannot quit but because they don’t know how or they set overly ambitious goals.

You can break it down into steps: First reduce sugar, then quit altogether, and eventually overcome sugar cravings.
Everyone Loves a Generous Government Until They Have to Pay For It  Not only does everyone love getting "free money" from the state, they also love hearing the fantasy repeated endlessly that debts are no problem.
From Bricks To Banks: China's Real Estate Nightmare Sends Shockwaves Through Banking  Experts have drawn similarities between China's ongoing real estate crisis and the U.S. subprime crisis in 2008, during which U.S. banks collectively lost over $700 billion. China's losses are expected to be greater, with Kyle Bass, founder and CEO of Hayman Capital Management, predicting the nation's losses to top $4 trillion. 

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Ed 7 mths ago

'We are near that inflection point’: Billionaire Ray Dalio warns America is now ‘borrowing money to pay debt service’ — predicts debt will accelerate

America’s national debt is currently closing in on a staggering $33.74 trillion. And according to Ray Dalio, founder of the world’s largest hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates, that number may continue to rise — quite rapidly.”

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Ed 7 mths ago
Dave Collum's 2023 Year In Review: Down Some Dark Rabbit Holes, Part 1
Every year, David Collum writes a detailed “Year in Review” synopsis (2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018) full of keen perspective and plenty of wit. This year’s is no exception, with Dave striking again in his usually poignant and delightfully acerbic way.
The Green Mirage: Unmasking the Harsh Realities of Renewable Energy Investments 
In late 2021, we made a bold and deeply contrarian call: we predicted massive capital flows into renewable energy could potentially become history’s worst malinvestment ever. Our call looks correct three years later and the consequences have emerged with a vengeance.  
Over the past six months, several notable wind and solar projects have been canceled, delayed, or impaired due to rising costs. Stocks that were once market favorites have now pulled back hugely. Wind turbine manufacturer Orstead is off 73% from its peak and 47% this year alone. Renewable provider Nextera is off 50% from its peak and 30% this year. Hydrogen maven Plug Power is off an incredible 95% from its peak and 68% this year. The Invesco Solar ETF is off 58% from its peak and 35% this year. 

Hong Kong restaurant operators are worried that people will either stay at home for Christmas or head across the border to dine. 
No Christmas cheer for Hong Kong restaurants, with slow festive bookings and patrons taking off across the border.  Restaurant operators say festive menus, offers and social media ads aren’t pulling in patrons this year. Hongkongers are taking off for better holiday deals in Shenzhen, thanks to the strong Hong Kong dollar  No Christmas cheer for Hong Kong restaurants, with slow festive bookings and patrons taking off across the border | South China Morning Post (
In Hong Kong, Chinese tourists abandon luxury for thrift, Global Enterprise - THE BUSINESS TIMES    Gone are the days when mainland tourists splurged on luxury handbags, pricey gold watches and designer clothes. Instead, the new waves of tourists are cautious spenders on the lookout for value.  They are seeking more interesting and diverse experiences rather than luxury goods, and are spending significantly less time and money than before on their travels. These patterns have mixed implications for Hong Kong’s retailers as they adjust to this new normal.  

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Ed 7 mths ago
Presence of viral spike protein and vaccinal spike protein in the blood serum of patients with long-COVID syndrome. This study, in agreement with other published investigations, demonstrates that both natural and vaccine spike protein may still be present in long-COVID patients, thus supporting the existence of a possible mechanism that causes the persistence of spike protein in the human body for much longer than predicted by early studies. According to these results, all patients with long-COVID syndrome should be analyzed for the presence of vaccinal and viral spike protein.
This weed killer is banned in 50 countries. U.S. workers say it’s giving them Parkinson’s. The herbicide is paraquat, an extremely powerful weed killer that Mund — a crew worker with the Eastern Municipal Water District in Riverside County — sprayed on vegetation as part of his job from about 1980 to 1985. Mund contends the product is responsible for his disease, but the manufacturer denies there is a causal link between the chemical and Parkinson’s. Research suggests the chemical may cross the blood-brain barrier in a manner that triggers Parkinson’s disease, a progressive, neurodegenerative disorder that affects movement.
Long-Term Use Of Statins Linked To Heart Disease: Studies. For decades, statins have been heralded as the reliable heroes in the battle against heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States and globally. However, this seemingly flawless reputation has been called into question. A new expert review suggests that long-term use of statins may be inadvertently aiding the enemy by accelerating coronary artery calcification instead of providing protection. The review, published in Clinical Pharmacology, suggests statins may act as “mitochondrial toxins,” impairing muscle function in the heart and blood vessels by depleting coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), an antioxidant cells use for growth and maintenance. Multiple studies show statins inhibit CoQ10 synthesis, leading many patients to supplement.
Britain’s Net Zero Disaster and the Wind Power Scam. “This is not about complicated issues of cryptocurrency,” assistant U.S. attorney Nicolas Roos declared in the Sam Bankman-Fried trial, after accusing the defendant of building FTX on a “pyramid of deceit.” Much the same can be said about the foundations of Britain’s net zero experiment. Energy is complicated, and electricity is essential to modern society and our quality of life, but as with FTX, the underlying story is straightforward: wind power and net zero are built on a pyramid of deceit. Net zero was sold to Parliament and the British people on claims that wind-power costs were low and falling. This was untrue: wind-power costs are high and have been rising.
Real estate investor warns US is entering the 'greatest' correction of his lifetime. "I just want to say that we’re entering the greatest real estate correction in my lifetime," private equity fund manager Grant Cardone told "FOX & Friends" on Thursday while discussing the state of the industry. "It’s [real estate correction] going to be a great opportunity for individuals, regular, everyday people to actually grab trophy real estate from institutions. This has never happened in the country," Cardone said. "It’s going to be at epic levels," he expressed.
The Truth About The Economy That The Mainstream Media Is Not Telling You. If it seems to you that the economic headlines that we are being fed by the mainstream media are completely and utterly disconnected from reality, you are definitely not alone. They tell us that inflation is under control, but I was just at the grocery store today and I could hardly believe the prices. They tell us that unemployment is “low”, but large companies are laying off workers in droves. And they tell us that things are getting better for the middle class, but the truth is that by mid-2024 the vast majority of Americans will have less money than they did in 2019…
Has A “Silent Depression” Already Started In The United States? The Biden administration and the corporate media are telling us over and over that the economy is just fine, but the term “silent depression” has been going viral on TikTok. Housing, vehicles, food and just about everything else that we spend money on is far more unaffordable today than it was during the Great Depression of the 1930s. A realtor in Florida named Freddie Smith posted a video on TikTok with some absolutely startling numbers about the cost of living in the United States today, and that is what started the “silent depression” trend.
In Sedona, a Rust-Covered Home Is Disguised by the Desert Landscape
A Massachusetts couple wanted a vacation retreat that was ‘different and spectacular.’ Their architect delivered.
Ian and Anne Rowland are married software engineers who can work from almost anywhere. And that, during New England’s long gray winters, means anywhere but Cambridge, Mass. “We wanted a place that felt very different from our home, and a building that reminded us of that difference, even if we were sitting inside, working,” Ian says. 
Britain's Net Zero Disaster & The Wind Power Scam  Net zero was sold to Parliament and the British people on claims that wind-power costs were low and falling. This was untrue: Wind-power costs are high and have been rising. In the net-zero version of “crypto will make you rich,” official analyses produced by the Treasury and the Office for Budget Responsibility rely on the falsehood that wind power is cheap, that net zero would have minimal costs, and that it could boost productivity and economic growth. None of these has any basis in reality.
Banks Terminate 60,000 Workers In One Of The Bleakest Years For The Industry Since 2008   The collapse of three US regional banks - First Republic Bank, Silicon Valley Bank, and Signature Bank - marked some of the largest failures in the banking system since 2008. Central banks contained the "mini-crisis" earlier this year with forced interventions and the mega-merger of Credit Suisse and UBS. Despite the interventions, global banks still axed the most jobs since the global financial crisis. 
Los Angeles office building sells at 52% less than 2018 price. Harbor Associates and F&F Capital Group bought the five-storey property at 1640 Sepulveda Blvd for about US$44.7 million, according to a statement on Tuesday (Dec 26). The building last sold in 2018 for US$92.5 million. It is the latest sale of an LA office building in a market that’s been pressured by the rise of remote work and financing challenges brought about by soaring interest rates. Recently, the Aon Center in downtown LA sold for US$147.8 million, about 45 per cent less than its previous purchase price in 2014.
 Singapore Addresses Raging Inflation with Free Money
All Singaporean adults will receive between S$200 (US$148) and S$800 in December this year under the Assurance Package, which aims to help with inflation and cost of living concerns. 

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Ed 7 mths ago
Global gasoline consumption hit a record 26.9 million barrels per day (bpd) this year, exceeding the 2019 peak and defying estimates that the last pre-pandemic year was the time when gasoline demand worldwide would peak.
Hong Kong deficit balloons to HK$164.1 billion for first 8 months of financial year

Government reveals financial figures for April to November period, with expenditure reaching HK$472.3 billion and revenue at HK$241.6 billion.  Economist Andy Kwan calls deficit alarming
Fluoride Officially Classified as a Neurotoxin in One of World’s Most Prestigious Medical Journals  The movement to remove industrial sodium fluoride from the world’s water supply has been growing in recent years, with evidence coming out against the additive from several sources.  Now, a report from the world’s oldest and arguably one of its most prestigious medical journals, The Lancet, has officially classified fluoride as a neurotoxin — in the same category as arsenic, lead and mercury.
The myth of redundancy

It is remarkable how many people seem to think that smartphones were around in the Middle Ages… or at least that the only reason they weren’t was because nobody had thought of them. This is all to evident in the discourse around a techno-utopian degrowth of the kind peddled by the Davos crowd, which assumes that we can simply do away with all of the superfluous consumption but maintain those trappings of an advanced industrial economy which make life bearable.

It’s not even a particularly new idea. In the 1930s, Mahatma Gandhi famously remarked that “The world has enough for everyone’s need, but not greed.” There were a lot less of us in those days of course… around two billion, most of whom lived in conditions not so different to life in Medieval Europe.
Only a fortunate few million in the industrial regions of Europe, North America and Japan could enjoy the trappings of an embryonic consumer economy. For the majority of humanity, life revolved around the daily struggle to secure food. And mostly, what Gandhi was referring to was the way food had become a commercial commodity in the industrialised states even as millions starved elsewhere. 
Stock Markets Years & Decades after Huge Bubbles Imploded: China, Hong Kong, Japan, UK, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain
This cannot possibly happen to US markets because US markets are special?

Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index (HSI), back where it had been 24 years ago:

 Closed the year at 17,047
  • Year-over-year: -13.8%
  • From January 2018 all-time high: -48.6%
  • Back where it had first been in January 2000. 

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Ed 7 mths ago
"The Bulls**t Revolution": What If ChatGPT Is An Epic Dud. It has become apocryphal to even suggest that the biggest driving force behind stocks in 2023 (besides Powell's 11th hour capitulatory pivot of course), namely the mania behind AI/ChatGPT, which propelled the Magnificent 7 stocks by more than 100% in nothing more than the latest chatbot mania, no different at the end of the day than the doomed metaverse infatuation of 2020/2021 (which was nothing more novel than Second Life from two decades earlier) which prompted even the "geniuses" behind Facebook to switch their name to what has literally become a capex sucking joke.
Multiple Financial Executives Commit Suicide Amid China’s Financial Crisis. In 2023, at least 96 Chinese financial executive have fallen from grace, and 38 people have been investigated in the five major state-owned banks. “In the past, enterprises were encouraged to operate in debt. Some enterprises did not meet the conditions for loans, but through interpersonal connections, they got the loans anyway. No one asked about it for so many years. Now for the year-end check, someone must be held accountable, can the bank presidents not be anxious? Which sum of money was loaned out without the presidents’ sign? Choosing to commit suicide may be able to save their families or assets.”
‘Tony Blair should be behind bars’: New calls to axe knighthood over payments from despots. The former prime minister’s Institute for Global Change (TBI) is being paid to advise nations with questionable human rights records, such as Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, in an apparent bid to expand its global influence, it has emerged. An agreement was forged between the non-profit and Sunni Muslim-ruled Bahrain despite the Gulf state’s abysmal track record of political oppression against its Shia Muslim majority population.
Should Madonna Retire?  Watch 
Hong Kong’s IPO Drought Casts Pall Over Region’s Businesses  A dearth of initial public offerings in Hong Kong is causing companies to suffer cash crunches and put off expansion plans, showing how the steep market downturn is taking a toll on businesses that need to raise money.
They Lost Weight—and Say It Helped Their Careers  Slimmed-down workers say they feel more confident and get viewed more favorably.
Meanwhile....  Southwest Airlines is praised for ‘customers of size’ policy that allows overweight flyers to purchase one seat and get another complimentary 
TESLA MODELS: WORST RELIABILITY AMONG EVS  Recently, Consumer Reports released its refreshed trustworthiness reviews regarding the least dependable electric automobiles available now. In conformity with the previous reports, the Tesla Model S and Tesla Model X are still amongst the 10 worst-rated autos.
Meat-eating extends human life expectancy Has eating meat become unfairly demonised as bad for your health? That’s the question a global, multidisciplinary team of researchers has been studying and the results are in - eating meat still offers important benefits for overall human health and life expectancy.

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Ed 7 mths ago
HONG KONG SUSPENDS GOVERNMENT LAND SALES IN Q1 AS DEVELOPER DEMAND DRIES UP   In the January-to-March period, which corresponds to the fourth quarter of Hong Kong’s 2023/24 financial year, the government will put no private residential sites up for sale for the “first time in recent years” as “the market is not too keen in tendering” for such properties, Development Secretary Bernadette Linn told reporters Thursday.
5th Singapore Airlines Pilot died last week in a span of 7 months. The airline has apprx 3000 pilots. can someone calculate the odds? 
Forget the plunge in quits: hiring was absolutely obliterated in November, and is now far below pre-covid levels. 
China Wants More Babies. Many Women Are Saying No.
The Chinese government is concerned about the country's birth rate. The population in China is now approximately 1.4 billion and could drop to roughly half a billion by 2100. Beijing is demanding that women have more children, but many Chinese women are saying no.
The California State Teachers’ Retirement System, the country’s second-largest pension fund, may borrow more than $30 billion to help it maintain liquidity without having to sell assets at fire-sale prices, according to a new policy its investment committee will consider this month. 
Can a bordeaux loyalist learn to love Italian wine?   Stephen Browett is one of the most interesting and successful characters in the British wine trade. He started out as a van driver, by chance for a wine company. One of the wine merchants he delivered to, Barry Phillips of Four Walls Wine in Sussex, recognised Browett’s curiosity about what he was paid to deliver and started to teach him how to taste.  He turned out to be a skilled taster and, with time, proved himself an even better businessman.
Beginning of the End for the Permian   Permian basin and Eagle Ford oil recoveries have both fallen by 30% and Bakken has declined by almost 20%. Those plays accounted for two-thirds of U.S. output in 2023. That means that U.S. production will decline at some time in the relatively near-future.

But wait—isn’t the U.S. producing a record amount of oil? Yes, U.S. output increased by more than 1 million barrels per day in 2023 to 13.2 mmb/d and about 80% of that increase was from tight oil plays. How can well performance be decreasing while production is increasing?

You have one life. Do you really want to spend it looking at your phone? There are many reasons that we’re tethered to our phones, but the one that I find the most infuriating is that our most time-sucking apps are deliberately designed to hook us – because that’s how their creators make money. These apps are part of what’s known as the “attention economy”, in which it’s our attention (and data about what we are likely to pay attention to) – rather than goods or services – that’s being sold.
Is modern medicine making us sick? Written in the Seventies, Limits to Medicine — Medical Nemesis: The Expropriation of Health (catchy title) constitutes one of several blistering critiques of modernity and post-industrial alienation Illich produced in his heyday. The gist of it is that the more we lather ourselves in technology, the more of our autonomy we inevitably sacrifice, and the more technology we need just to get by in turn. Instead of enhancing nature, we attempt to step beyond it. A self-replenishing negative feedback loop ensues. The result: Nemesis, the envy of the gods.
Plastic Chemicals Causing Infertility, Diabetes Found ‘Widespread’ in Common Food Items: Report   

Many of the foods consumed by Americans are contaminated with harmful plastic chemicals that contribute to health complications like diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, and infertility, said a recent report by the nonprofit group Consumer Reports (CR).

CR tested 85 food items from 11 categories—beverages, canned beans, condiments, dairy, fast food, grains, infant food, meat and poultry, packaged fruits and vegetables, prepared meals, and seafood, according to the Jan. 4 report. Researchers examined the presence of plasticizers—a chemical used to boost the durability of plastics. The group analyzed two to three samples from each food item, looking for two types of common plasticizers—bisphenols and phthalates—as well as some of their substitutes.
They found that these chemicals remained “widespread” in our food products despite “growing evidence” of health risks. CR discovered that 79 percent of tested samples had bisphenols while 84 out of 85 items had phthalates.
Exposure to such plasticizers can cause severe health issues, like for example in children, bisphenol A (BPA) exposure can negatively affect the brain and prostate glands as well as their behavior. BPA has also been linked with type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and high blood pressure.
Phthalates have been associated with obesity, type 2 diabetes, lower sperm motility and concentration, early puberty in girls, and cancer. 
"'We can't prove sex with children does them harm' says Labour-linked NCCL" 
American Diabetes Association Recommends Processed Sugar  The sadistic biomedical profiteers over at the American Diabetes Association, who benefit greatly (in fact, base their entire career on it) from increasing diabetes rather than solving it, have a recipe for “sweet and sour cucumbers” that contain 60 (!) grams of added processed sugar. 
The Antarctic Expedition That Showed Lockdowns Would Never Work  In 1969, 14 men ventured to the British Antarctic Survey Base on Adelaide Island. It is situated on the south-west coast of the Antarctic Peninsula, around 1000 miles south of the Falkland Islands. The base is isolated from late March to mid-December every year which coincides with the departure and arrival of two survey aircraft. 
Death Cults, Doomers and an End of a Civilization   Our industrial civilization is in full denial of its mortality. We teach Ozymandias to our children, yet somehow manage to remain fully oblivious to the temporal nature of our culture. Why do I tell such “depressing” stories? Well, while I’m fully aware that the decline of our modern age is inevitable, I do believe that we ‘doomers’ and ‘collapseniks’ have an important role to play.
Paedophile financier Jeffrey Epstein secretly recorded sex tapes of Prince Andrew, Richard Branson and Bill Clinton, latest unsealed documents claim  Sarah Ransome, who gave a victim impact statement ahead of the sentencing of British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell for sex-trafficking, appeared to write communications claiming the three were filmed by the paedophile financier. 
US offices finished 2023 with record vacancies
Nearly 20% of space available at year’s end: Moody’s

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Ed 7 mths ago
BOTTLED WATER'S HIDDEN HAZARD: 240,000 NANOPLASTICS PER LITRE FOUND IN STUDY  Recent studies reveal alarming levels of nearly 240,000 nanoplastic particles per liter in bottled water, raising urgent health and environmental concerns.
If I Were the Devil
A Warning from the 1960s
The ‘$40 Pencil’ That Almost Went Extinct  John Steinbeck used one to write “The Grapes of Wrath” and a Disney animator was buried with one. Blackwing pencils gained a coveted status among creatives for their speed and smoothness. Here’s why they almost went extinct and what it took to bring them back.
German Industry Shrinks for Sixth Month as Recession Looms. Production declined 0.7% from October, led by capital goods, and intermediate goods, the statistics office said Tuesday. That’s the sixth consecutive drop and defies economists in a Bloomberg survey, who’d predicted a 0.3% increase. Germany probably ended 2023 with its first recession since the pandemic, as analysts reckon data will reveal a second straight contraction in output in the fourth quarter.
The Washington Post Is in Full-Scale Collapse. According to the report, not only is the Post losing $100 million a year, but it lost over half of its online engagement by the end of 2023. The signs were already there by mid-year, and the worst has come to pass. Having a billionaire sugar daddy has helped mask some of the issues plaguing the Post, but the tide can only be held back so long. To lose over 50 percent of its online viewership is catastrophic for an outlet with such high overhead costs. Subscriber numbers have also nosedived throughout the Biden administration.
Parents who refuse children gender change face seven years in jail in Scotland. SNP outlines proposal to ban 'conversion therapy' after its self-ID law was blocked by UK Government. Proposals published on Tuesday state that actions designed to “change or suppress” another individual’s gender identity, causing them physical or psychological harm, would become illegal under the radical law. SNP ministers acknowledged that so-called conversion practices often took place in a “family setting”, raising the prospect that parents could be criminalised if they refuse to go along with their child’s declaration that they are transgender.
World banks warn Global economy headed for worst half-decade in 30 years
The global economy will slow in 2024 for the third straight year and appears headed for its weakest half-decade since the early 1990s, the World Bank said Tuesday in its latest annual forecast.
The Chinese Connection: Here's Why Inflation Won't Fall to 2% and Stay There Indefinitely   In broad brush, central banks got away with the illusion of permanently low inflation even as they pumped trillions in new currency into the global economy for one reason: China. It is useful to think of China in the early-to-mid 1990s as a system of vast, interconnected, untapped pools of:
Consumer Credit Hits Record $5 Trillion, Credit Card Rates Also Record High  Adjusted for inflation, revolving credit is approaching the record high hit during the Great Recession.  For most of 2000-2020 credit card rates were between 12 percent and 14 percent. The average rate is now 21.47 percent.
Cancer Is Striking More Young People, and Doctors Are Alarmed and Baffled  Researchers are trying to figure out what is making more young adults sick, and how to identify those at high risk.

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Ed 7 mths ago
Is Inflation Down? That’s What President Biden Says 
You can reduce your risk of cancer, the #2 killer in the world, by 60%, according to findings from a recent study.
A SMILE IN THE ICE   When I ask to take a picture of husband and wife holding hands, they laugh, embarrassed. It’s clear from the moment we arrive that the children are loved by everyone, even other families. I play with them for hours. They have compulsory schooling, then decide whether to pursue a more Western lifestyle or be a reindeer herder. Many choose to carry on the tradition. They laugh a lot, fight in the snow, chase each other, jump into holes.
When was the last time I saw children playing like this, outside and free? In Europe they always have phones or iPads in their hands.
COVID Vaccines Cause Autism in Lab Rats, Study Finds 
Association Between Influenza Infection and Vaccination During Pregnancy and Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder 
Hertz Is Selling 20,000 EVs Due to Lack of Customer Demand 
Beneath the Skin of CPI Inflation, December: Not in the Mood to Just Go Away  
The action is in services. But now new & used vehicle prices are rising again. And energy. Food edges to new painful high.
Are Hopes of Lower Mortgage Rates Freezing Up the Property Market Further? Buyers’ Strike Continues 
Burberry Crashes Most Since 2012 As Luxury Downturn Accelerates 
E.ON Hikes Energy Prices 45% As Germany Winds Down Its Last Nuclear Plants  Germany began shutting down its three remaining nuclear power reactors on Saturday as part of a long-planned shift to renewable energy. The international community was keeping a tight eye on the shutdown of the reactors Emsland, Neckarwestheim II, and Isar II, which was agreed to more than a decade ago.
UK Maternal Deaths Reach 20-Year High: Experts Alarmed 
Alarming Rise in Cancer Among Young Americans 
Open House: $77,000 a Month Rental Shows Depth of Hong Kong's Luxury Downturn  With prices approaching a seven-year low and sales the fewest in nearly three decades, many owners are choosing to rent out second or third properties rather than sell, hoping that the downturn will end when borrowing costs fall and China’s economy improves.
Citi plans 20,000 job cuts as it reports worst quarter in 14 years 
How Ecuador became mired in a ‘state of war’ with drug gangs 
The young people sifting through the internet’s worst horrors  Moderators were confronted with an unending stream of sexual abuse, torture, violence and beheadings. They were trained to watch the first and last 15 seconds of a video and to scroll rapidly through the rest, stopping at potentially problematic parts.
Luxury Hand-Me-Downs Are Now Worth Billions of Dollars  Shoppers are increasingly turning to secondhand websites to sell barely-used designer clothes and handbags. Big brands aren’t happy about it.
The cost of raising a blue-chip Quarterback: ‘God dang, that is a lot of money’  Bryce had only been playing football for two years, but as his father, Craig, watched him perform week after week in the YMCA Leagues of Pasadena, Calif., he came to believe his son was special.  The way Bryce intuitively sidestepped defenders and delivered throws, the way the ball came off his hand, Craig just knew it: His boy was a prodigy.
India plans to double its coal production. India faces a challenge in building more power capacity to meet growing demand, as the country plans to double coal production and add 88 gigawatts of thermal power plants by 2032. This move may seem counterintuitive for India, which is highly vulnerable to climate impacts. However, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is keen to avoid power shortages as the country heads into elections.
German Industry Shrinks for Sixth Month as Recession Looms. Production declined 0.7% from October, led by capital goods, and intermediate goods, the statistics office said Tuesday. That’s the sixth consecutive drop and defies economists in a Bloomberg survey, who’d predicted a 0.3% increase. Germany probably ended 2023 with its first recession since the pandemic, as analysts reckon data will reveal a second straight contraction in output in the fourth quarter.  
The cost of electricity in Germany is now so expensive, due to ridiculous climate policies and the blowing up of Nord Stream, that the average amount of electricity consumption per person is the same as it was in 1978.
Office CRE Gets Even Messier: Aftermath of “The War for Space”  How this mess came about is actually kind of funny, in a costly way. 
Why Do Surgeons Wear Masks?  I'm a surgeon that has performed over 10,000 surgical procedures wearing a surgical mask. However, that fact alone doesn't really qualify me as an expert on the matter. More importantly, I am a former editor of a medical journal. I know how to read the medical literature, distinguish good science from bad, and fact from fiction. Believe me, the medical literature is filled with bad fiction masquerading as medical science. It is very easy to be deceived by bad science.
Demand for EVs is crashing in the US. Only six percent want an EV for their next vehicle but 67 percent want an ICE up from 58 percent last year. 
Study discovers biggest cause of 'alarming surge' of excess deaths in UK. Heart failure is the biggest driver of an alarming surge in excess deaths, a study reveals, as MPs demand a "thorough investigation" into the trend. Research by scientists at Oxford University shows that while cancer and dementia deaths have fallen, deaths from heart and circulatory problems are spiralling. This includes deaths from heart disease, heart attacks, strokes and lung clots. The scientists say the rise cannot be accounted for by an ageing or growing population.
Dark Davos: Escort Services "Completely Booked" As WEF Begins. The 54th annual gathering of the World Economic Forum begins today in the small Alpine resort town of Davos. After world leaders, politicians, business leaders, academics, NGOs, and religious leaders debate global problems and attempt to find 'solutions' to issues plaguing the world, there is an after-hours scene that is very dark. What's on the menu this year? Well, The New York Post described: "Caviar, magic mushrooms, gold-leaf desserts, A-list selfies, $2,500-per-night hookers and secret dinners."
The Electric-Vehicle Cheating Scandal   A government rule makes them look nearly seven times as efficient as they are.
London house prices dropped six per cent in the year to November 2023, the steepest annual drop since the 2008 financial crisis, according to the latest house price index from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
The World's Coal-Fired Power-Generation Hit A Record High In 2023 
China Stocks Hit Rock Bottom: After $6.3 Trillion Market Loss, Brokers Suspend Short-Selling   Amid 'snowball derivative liquidations', China's stock market is falling faster than its population.

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Ed 6 mths ago
China’s Severed Air Links Drain $130 Billion From Global Tourism 
What Does a Polycule Actually Look Like? Meet Nick and Sarah and Anna and Alex …
Sports Illustrated Lays Off Entire Staff, LA Times “Big Layoffs Coming” 
Soaring insurance rates are making it more expensive than ever to own a car, and the entire auto industry is feeling the pain 
A Renewable Energy Future Will Collapse the Financial System   Energy is the economy. That’s a radical concept because most people think that the economy runs on money. It doesn’t. 
A Second Round of Inflation Is Coming. We just got the December Consumer Price Index (CPI) report which showed an overall increase of 3.4 percent unadjusted in the last year and 0.3 percent vs last month. This was above expectations of 3.2 percent for the year and above expectations of 0.2 percent for the month. The Core CPI which excludes food and energy was up 3.9 percent for the last year and up 0.3 percent from last month. The annual number was above expectations of 3.8 percent, and the monthly increase was in line with expectations. The difference is due to rounding. The annual number is still almost double the Fed’s 2.0 percent target.
Electric cars suffer ‘unsustainable’ depreciation in secondhand market. Research from Auto Trader said there were “unsustainable levels of depreciation” in the electric car market, with used prices of battery-powered vehicles dropping by 23pc in the last year alone. It said that the price of used electric cars could come under further pressure this year as thousands of motorists return vehicles acquired on three-year leases and as manufacturers cut the price of new vehicles.
Average Price of Used Tesla Declines 18 Straight Months  Hertz is dumping EVs but the decline in the price of used Teslas started long before that. 
US Movie Ticket Sales -45% in 2023 from 21 Years Ago: AMC and the Movie Theater   Meltdown

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Ed 6 mths ago
Occidental Petroleum’s CEO warned the Davos crowd:  “2025 and beyond is when the world is going to be short of oil.”
How a 27-Year-Old Codebreaker Busted the Myth of Bitcoin’s Anonymity 
Luxury Hong Kong mansion on The Peak sells at 35% discount for US$107 million
Trillion Dollar Dilemma: Is the US Treasury Market in Trouble? The US Treasury market impacts everything from mortgage rates to the value of the dollar in your pocket. Recent increases in government borrowing have raised questions regarding its future. Is the most important financial market in trouble? In addition to plugging the hole torn by deficits, the US government needs to refinance existing debt coming due — which is a lot. An astonishing 85% of Treasury debt issued in 2023 is due within one year or less. This leads to constant refinancing needs. 4-week Treasury bills, for example, need to be refinanced twelve times per year.
Millions of people in UK would need to double their income to escape poverty, new report warns. The Joseph Rowntree Foundation report said 14.4 million people in the UK were in poverty in 2021-22, including 8.1 million working-age adults, 4.2 million children and 2.1 million pensioners. The charity also said six million people were in very deep poverty. This means they received less than 40% of the country's median (middle) income after housing costs.
The shameless campaign to silence Jordan Peterson. Writer and psychologist Jordan Peterson has lost his battle with Canada’s woke moralists. After a two-year legal fight, the Ontario Court of Appeal has ruled that the Ontario College of Psychologists has the right to send him for mandatory ‘social-media training’ – or to a ‘re-education camp’ as Peterson puts it. If he refuses, Peterson will lose his licence to practise clinical psychology. Peterson is effectively being punished for committing thoughtcrimes. His troubles started in 2022, when several individuals complained to the Ontario College of Psychologists about his tweets, particularly his criticisms of climate-change alarmism and gender ideology.
Hong Kong is becoming less of an international city As foreigners leave, people from the mainland are taking their place
Hong Kong's old-money families are feeling the chill of China's economic downturn.  An unprecedented four out of the five Hong Kong dynasties who rank among the 20 richest Asian clans have seen their fortunes erode over the past year, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.  Hong Kong's richest families lose billions while Indian clans thrive | The Business Standard (
New tires every 7,000 miles? Electric cars save gas but tire wear shocks some Florida drivers 
Hong Kong's Malaise Increases 

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Delivery Hero to sell stake in Deliveroo as demand for food dispatch wanes 
Crypto may have become boring, but it still isn’t legit 
Electric buses are sitting unused in cities across the US; here's why
Cities coast-to-coast grappling with broken-down e-buses that cannot be fixed 

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Ed 6 mths ago
The Real-Estate Downturn Comes for America’s Premier Office Towers. The highest quality office buildings have had much better success navigating the industry’s turmoil. Now, even premier towers are starting to wobble. Rents at the highest-end buildings have been falling, while the rate of leasing has been slowing. Tenants have become more sensitive to costs in a world of higher interest rates and lingering concerns about a possible economic slowdown, market participants say. Owners of the most elite buildings escaped this fate for a while by convincing the market they had created a new class of office tower—one that surpassed the traditional Class A building at the top of the pecking order.
Our foreign debt time bomb. An explosion threatens when interest rates rise. Australia’s net foreign debt has ballooned to $1.2 trillion as of September 30. This amounts to about 50 per cent of GDP. Gross debt is now $2.8 trillion, about 110 per cent of output. These are high ratios by international standards. The risk is that one day, global investors might baulk at adding to Australia’s foreign debt. Australia would face an economic crisis if foreigners stopped sending their savings because, by the count of the ABS, about $542 billion, or 19 per cent of gross debt has a maturity of less than 90 days. While this figure is bloated by derivatives, it highlights the vast amount of debt that needs to be renegotiated at acceptable rates every three months for Australia’s economy to function.
China stocks fall despite expanded short-selling curbs. Chinese share prices declined Monday even as authorities imposed new restrictions to curb short-selling, a move that appears to have done little to ease investor concern over China's economic prospects. Effective Monday, the China Securities Regulatory Commission fully suspended the lending of restricted shares, which cannot be sold on the market for a specific period but previously could be lent for short-selling. But China's real estate slump continues to create uncertainty over Asia's biggest economy. In a new twist, a Hong Kong court on Monday ordered debt-laden property developer China Evergrande Group to be wound up.
UPS announces 12,000 job cuts, says package volume slipped last quarter. UPS fell short of Wall Street revenue estimates Tuesday, reporting drops in shipping volume, both internationally and domestically, in its fourth-quarter earnings report. The company also announced 12,000 layoffs as part of an effort to align resources in 2024. The workforce reductions will save the company about $1 billion in costs, CEO Carol Tomé said on a company earnings call.
China property: once-mighty developers strain for lifelines of state support after end of sector's 'golden age'   A nationwide tally of unfinished pre-sold homes has bloated to 20 million, according to an analysis by Nomura. The cost to complete those units in 2024 would be 2.7 trillion yuan, even after considering 550 billion yuan the government has promised to help tackle the delivery backlog, the investment bank said. 
A Soft Landing Is A Fairytale 
The decline of the luxury department store 
Long Covid, vaccines may cause disease and death: Chula, Rangsit

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Ed 6 mths ago
We Are Not Mining with Renewable Energy
…and when we do, shit is going to get real 
The West’s humiliating electric car climbdown has begun. France’s President Macron had a plan to make millions of electric vehicles a year. Chancellor Scholz planned to put 15 million on Germany’s roads by 2030. President Biden trumped the lot with a $174bn (£138bn) plan to make the US the world leader. Even Boris Johnson – remember him – had a £1bn plan to beef up our charging network. Rewind only a couple of years, and almost every president or prime minister was making electric vehicles the cornerstone of an industrial strategy. And yet, this week we have learned that Renault is abandoning plans to separately list its electric vehicle (EV) and software business, while Volvo is winding down its Polestar electric sports car subsidiary.
Lockdown impact on children risks damaging productivity for decades, says OECD. The Paris-based organisation warned that the deterioration in basic reading and writing skills among 15-year olds since 2018 risked damaging the earnings potential of a generation of school leavers throughout their working lives. It said this could drag down economic growth for much of this century, warning in its latest economic outlook that this could have a “persisting negative impact on the level of productivity over the next 30 to 40 years”.
Beijing Powerless As Chinese Stocks Crater After Trump Confirms He Will Impose 60% Tariffs. Putting the latest collapse in context, China's market capitalization has sunk by just over $1 trillion in the space of 13 trading days, dragging the total value of the nation’s equities under $8 trillion on Friday, from just above $9 trillion on Jan. 16, as the authorities’ hand-wringing about equity declines simply concentrated investors’ minds on the apparent lack of any solutions for the downturn. Speaking in an interview on Fox News’ Sunday Morning Futures, Trump was asked about a Washington Post report that he was considering a flat 60% tariff on Chinese goods imports; Trump's response: “no, I would say maybe it’s going to be more than that.”
US Commercial Real Estate Contagion Is Now Moving to Europe. The latest victim was Germany’s Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG, which saw its bonds slump on concern about its exposure to the sector. It responded by issuing an unscheduled statement Wednesday that it had increased provisions because of the “persistent weakness of the real estate markets.” It described the current turmoil as the “greatest real estate crisis since the financial crisis.” Lenders are taking increasing provisions on debt extended to property owners and developers as loans begin to sour after rising interest rates eroded the value of buildings around the world.
Common Preservative May Harm Your Gut. Nisin is a popular antimicrobial preservative used in everything from beer to cheeses and dipping sauce. It is made naturally by bacteria to eliminate competition from other microbes by killing them. Compounds like this are often called "lantibiotics" because they are made of special bacteria-derived molecules called lantipeptides. However, while these are very effective at eliminating food-borne diseases, they may also be damaging the "good" microbes in our gut.
As A Scientist, I Didn’t Believe In Psychic Powers. Then I Experienced Something That Changed My Life. “Somehow, it appeared Janet was able to temporarily disrupt the functioning of her RPL, presumably allowing her to shift her consciousness in a way that some would claim allowed other forms of consciousness to speak through her. Despite what I thought I knew about reality, and as crazy as it sounded, I was left with the conclusion that Janet was somehow channeling several people, beings, or entities.”
Hominins may have left Africa 700,000 years earlier than we thought. Our hominin ancestors originated in Africa and the consensus is that they didn't leave there until about 1.8 million years ago, but stone tools found in Jordan challenge the idea. Scientists say they have found stone tools there that were made and used 2.5 million years ago.
Inside European finance’s most secretive society 
Germany’s Industrial Superpower Days are Over, a Green Victory? 
The renewables bubble has burst 
Inflation Continues to Rage...  hard to see the Fed dropping rates based on this. 

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Ed 5 mths ago
The 10 major housing estates in HK recorded zero transactions over the four-day holiday in a first since 2005, when the property market was roiled by the SARS outbreak, as locals focused on celebrations amid a sluggish market and ahead of the SAR budget announcement.
Beneath the Skin of CPI Inflation, January: Powell’s Gonna Have a Cow when he Sees the Spike in “Core Services” Inflation 
Major Services without EnergyWeight in CPIMoMYoY
Services without Energy64.3%0.7%5.4%
Owner’s equivalent of rent26.8%0.6%6.2%
Rent of primary residence7.7%0.4%6.1%
Medical care services & insurance6.5%0.7%0.6%
Food services (food away from home)5.4%0.5%5.1%
Education and communication services5.0%0.4%1.3%
Motor vehicle insurance2.8%1.4%20.6%
Admission, movies, concerts, sports events, club memberships1.9%0.4%4.8%
Other personal services (dry-cleaning, haircuts, legal services…)1.5%1.0%6.8%
Motor vehicle maintenance & repair1.2%0.8%6.5%
Water, sewer, trash collection services1.1%1.1%5.5%
Video and audio services, cable, streaming0.9%0.3%5.3%
Hotels, motels, etc.1.3%1.8%1.0%
Pet services, including veterinary0.4%0.9%7.0%
Airline fares, other public transportation1.1%1.3%-4.8%
Tenants’ & Household insurance0.4%0.7%4.1%
Car and truck rental0.1%-0.7%-14.1%
Postage & delivery services0.1%1.2%1.2%
The Cost of Car Ownership Is Getting Painful 
The Six Months That Short-Circuited the Electric-Vehicle Revolution 
The Unstoppable Move That’s Taking the NBA by Storm 

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Ed 5 mths ago
How The Body Shop unravelled in 3 months  Private equity firm Aurelius stunned the high street by placing UK retailer into administration soon after buying it 
People’s ‘assets are disappearing’: Midland Realty chairman sounds the alarm as he urges removal of all Hong Kong property cooling measures

‘As property and stock prices are falling together, Hong Kong people’s assets are disappearing,’ Midland’s Freddie Wong says

Hong Kong-listed agency is minimising its investments to ‘protect its capital and life’ in the current market
The icy market sentiment has also spilled over to foreclosed properties, which are offered at large discounts. For instance, a penthouse at Kennedy Park At Central in Mid-Levels was sold at a discount of 52 per cent compared to its purchase price 11 years ago.
Got the Insurance Blues? Auto and Home Insurance Costs are Soaring 
12-storey Canary Wharf tower, London sold at loss of 60 per cent. 5 Churchill Place, a former office for investment bank Bear Stearns, was placed into receivership by a syndicate of lenders last year and its Chinese owners Cheung Kei Group, put the building on the market. The building was bought for close to £300m by the Asian property developer back in 2017. However, a report in React News said Menomadin Group, the business owned by Israeli entrepreneur Haim Taib, has agreed to buy the building for £110m.
2.8 Million Brits Unable to Work Due to Long Term Illnesses! 

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Ed 5 mths ago
Hong Kong high-rise apartment prices fall as China's rich look abroad  "We can now offer a 30% discount," a representative of an apartment sales company told Nikkei on a central Hong Kong path crowded with families during the recent holidays. He was promoting a high-rise luxury apartment building under construction in a residential area facing Victoria Harbor.
UK housing market sees first value drop in a decade. The total value of all homes across the UK has dipped for the first time since 2012. According to figures by Savills, the total value of UK homes now stands at £8.678 trillion. The analysis of the UK’s housing stock reveals that the total value has fallen marginally on 2022 – when values peaked – but remains £1.585 trillion higher than before the pandemic (2019). According to Savills, the value falls, were concentrated mainly in the south. The total value of London’s housing stock decreased by -£39.3 billion (-2.1%), while the South East, South West and East of England saw a combined -£16.5 billion (-0.5%) fall.
Record long-term sickness bodes ill for UK economic growth. Britain has a sick economy and it is getting sicker. The clear message from last week’s raft of economic data is that the UK is being held back by the growing number of people not able to work because of long-term illness. Figures released last week by the Office for National Statistics illustrated the extent of the problem. The number of people saying they are inactive due to long-term sickness is now 2.8 million – an increase of more than 200,000 in the past year and of 700,000 since the pandemic started in 2020.
Potassium depletion in soil threatens global crop yields. Potassium deficiency in agricultural soils is a largely unrecognized but potentially significant threat to global food security if left unaddressed, finds new research involving researchers at UCL, University of Edinburgh and the UK Center for Ecology & Hydrology. The study, published in Nature Food, found that more potassium is being removed from agricultural soils than is being added, throughout many regions of the world. Potassium is a vital nutrient for plant growth that helps with photosynthesis and respiration, the lack of which can inhibit plant growth and reduce crop yields.
US Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Has 10-Year Backlog of Claims. U.S. health officials responded to questions on America’s failing vaccine injury compensation system in a hearing that left the vaccine-injured feeling like addressing the system’s shortcomings is not a priority on Capitol Hill. As of Jan. 1, there were 12,854 claims filed for injuries caused by COVID-19 countermeasures with the government’s Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP), including 9,600 related to injuries caused by COVID-19 vaccines. Of the 12,854 claims, 2,214 have been processed, but only 40 claims have been found eligible for compensation.
Mortgage Rates Rise Back to 7%, Housing Market Re-Freezes, Buyers’ Strike Continues. Prices Are Just Too High 
Multinationals Pick Singapore Over Hong Kong for Asian Headquarters 
Long Covid - or something else? 
Japan’s Nikkei 225 Stock Index Hits New All-Time High after 34 Years, Thank You Hallelujah Bank of Japan Money Printing  But if you invested USD three years ago following Buffett’s hype, you lost 5% because the yen crashed, thank you hallelujah BOJ. 
US is collaborating with Chinese scientists to make bird flu strains more infectious and deadly as part of $1m project - despite fears similar tests unleashed Covid. The research involves infecting ducks and geese with different strains of viruses to make them more infectious, and study the viruses' potential to 'jump into mammalian hosts,' according to research documents. It is being funded through the US Department of Agriculture and collaborating studies will take place at sites in Georgia, Beijing and Edinburgh in Scotland.
HSBC plans to hike mortgage rates in huge 'hammer blow' to UK homeowners. Brokers have described the move as "another nail in the coffin" for consumer confidence. The uprating follows similar moves by other lenders this week, including Santander, Coventry, and TSB. The bank is yet to confirm how much rates will rise, however, it's understood that it will affect existing and new residential customers across all primary loan-to-value and fixed-term categories. These increases are seemingly driven by the recent upward trend in swap rates, which determine the costs for lenders to provide mortgages.

Mortgage Rates Keep Rising: Homebuyer's Nightmare Continues

Leading Cardiologist Writes to the General Medical Council Calling For an Investigation Into Unprecedented Covid Vaccine Harms  Last week, Dr Dean Patterson wrote to the Chair of the Executive Board of the General Medical Council (GMC) in the UK, supporting Dr Aseem Malhotra’s calls for an investigation into unprecedented harms from the Covid-19 vaccines.  Dr Patterson became a Specialist Registrar in Dundee in 1997 where he specialised in cardiovascular research. He went on to become the Research Fellow and Cardiology Registrar at the Hypertension research unit and Coronary care unit at Dundee University.
“Shocking” Findings – Scientists Discover How Stress Triggers Cancer’s Spread 
Study Finds Majority Of Patients With Long COVID Were Vaccinated 

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