Sex work is rewarding, pupils told by education providers

Posted by Ed 3 yrs ago
The Times reports that providers of sex education in schools are teaching that prostitution is a “rewarding job”, promoting “kinks” such as being locked in a cage, flogged, caned, beaten and slapped in the face, and encouraging pupils to demonstrate in class where they like to touch themselves sexually.
Providers of sex education in schools are teaching children that prostitution is a “rewarding job” and failed to advise a 14-year-old girl having sex with a 16-year-old boy that it was illegal.
Outside organisations teaching children about sex also promote “kinks” such as being locked in a cage, flogged, caned, beaten and slapped in the face, The Times has found.
One organisation encouraged pupils to demonstrate where they like to touch themselves sexually, in a practise criticised as “sex abuse” by campaigners.
Another provider, an LGBT+ youth charity called the Proud Trust, produces resources asking children aged seven to 11 whether they are “planet boy, planet girl, planet binary”.
Last night campaigners said that “inclusiveness is overriding child safeguarding” and that the materials were “bordering on illegal”.

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