Pop-Up Shop Furniture Sale!

Posted by Ed 7 yrs ago
We'd like to welcome on board a new advertiser:

Jazz Life Style Business Concepts

20% off for purchase over $200, online special only before 15/4,
input coupon Code "OPEN 20"
before check out.


Hong Kong furniture market is in a fast growing trend due to the current government
policy of providing 40,000 new flats in 2016. As a result, the demand of affordable
furniture is expected. Our target market is young professional and new families who enjoy an up-to-date Western lifestyle.

Jazz Life Style Limited introduces a full line of modern furniture imported from
Thailand to meet the demands of our target customers. The uniqueness of products are:

Foreign made - made in Thailand, well known for workmanship

Medium price range - affordable to young professionals and new families

Modern design - done by famous designers in Europe and North America

Company Profile

Jazz Life Style Ltd was incorporated in 2016 in Hong Kong by Ms Cissy Lee after
her personal experience with furniture from the Index Living Mall, the supplier from
Thailand. Currently we are running two product lines : Home Furniture and
Household Accessories.

Jazz symbolise class and sophistication. With this choice in mind, Jazz Life Style
provides a wide range of furniture combining Thai workmanship and the brilliant
European design team. The end product is a line of trendy, high quality furniture and
household accessories for the selection of our customers.

Jazz Life Style Vision:

“We offer a modern life style selection to our customers including cozy, homey,
stylish household products and arts and crafts lessons. ”

Our business idea is:

“ to provide a wide range of Western designed, Thai made home furnishing
products and accessories at prices that are affordable to young families in Hong

Through close liaison with the Thai supplier, Index Living Mall, we work diligently
and improve continuously to achieve value for money products and services for our

Our furniture supplier; Index living Mall; has 50 years of manufacturing experience
in furniture. The Company is an industry market leader with over 30 retail outlets in
Thailand and is also supplying their franchises worldwide located in Malaysia,
Singapore, Vietnam, Lao, Nepal, Russia, Maldives…e.t.c.


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