Manchester: UK's leading city for house price growth

Posted by Ed 7 yrs ago
Manchester is now the leading UK city for annual house price growth, prompting overseas investors to look at the ‘capital of the north’ not only for it’s notoriously high yields, but also for the highest capital appreciation in the UK.

Surpassing London for house price growth in the Global Residential Cities index, Manchester is now seen one of the best performing investment hotspots, not only in the UK, but worldwide too - with year-on-year house price growth of 7.9%*.

Vantage Tower, No.1 Castlefield is the most exciting Manchester development to date, and is the flagship development of Manchester's most highly-sought district, Castlefield.

These high-yielding, luxury apartments will be the prize asset of any property investor's portfolio and come with 2 years 6% assured NET rental income.


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