Happy Valley Interval Training

Posted by jaynemf 12 yrs ago

I've found a really great interval training boot camp in Happy Valley. Thought I'd share it with you all. It’s cheap too, as low as $125 a session and the 1st session is FREE to see if you like it. No contract. No booking. Just turn up and pay on the day.

We do a minute on, 30 seconds off of about 12 different exercises from star jumps and crunches to lunges and squats with a 5kg weight. Lots of equipment there too.

The guy who runs it, Dominic Browne, is lovely. Loads of encouragement and he brings music! He’s a personal trainer from the UK and works in the Intercontinental gym in HK. He’s also played ice hockey for Great Britain. He knows loads about diet and nutrition too and sells the Herbalife series of protein shakes too. My mate is on the shakes and has lost 6lbs in 2 weeks by going to his class and following his diet plan.

Anyway, if anybody is interested it’s on the grass in Happy Valley racecourse between the hockey field and the football field. Tuesdays (women only) and Thursdays (Thursday is men and women) 6pm to 7pm. About 10 people in a class.

Check his fitness page out on facebook. Nice pictures of the class on there! The page is –

Dom Browne Fitness and Nutrition.

His number is: 51899141

Hope to see you there, it’s a really good laugh!

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Jolenesouth 12 yrs ago
I'm also going to Dom's classes on Tuesdays and loving them. Dom's got just the right amount of gentle persuasion it takes to get me moving and has devised an effective set of exercises. I've definitely noticed a difference in my fitness and body shape since I started going. Plus the other girls are really nice and make it a really fun hour.

Be great to have more people along!

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