Posted by
18 yrs ago
Please excuse my ignorance but I am just checking if what I have just been told by a property agent is correct and that is that the tenant pays the management fees. This will make the apartment that was just affordable unaffordable!
18 yrs ago
That is generally the case from my experience.
Thanks saikunga. That was helpful advice! It just gets more and more expensive! I have seen the word "inclusive" used a bit but was unsure what the implications were. Thanks for pointing it out to me!
18 yrs ago
Our rent is inclusive of all fees, including the car park space. I would definitely try to negotiate this if I were you.
Most of the rents i have seen have been inclusive of fees. They may be trying it on to get more money from you. If you tell hem you can't take the property if you have to pay the extra and you will have to look else ware they may work it out for you.
18 yrs ago
Be careful of rentals advertised as "inclusive" though. Sometimes this means that the landlord is actually asking for an exclusive rent, but the agent hopes it can be negotiated down to inclusive.
Most agents advertise properties at their exclusive price, as this is obviously lower and therefore more attractive.
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