Rented Property Sold by Landlord

Posted by Rups11 13 yrs ago
My landlord has told me he has sold my rented apartment (without any prior warning) and that he will transfer my lease to the new owner.

Is this allowed in HK law without my consent.

The new owner has not even visited the apartment to view yet has bought. Is this even normal?

I do not feel comfortable renting from a new person I have never met and wish to get out of my lease asap. Is this allowed on my part?

Thanks in advance.

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Rups11 13 yrs ago
I see there is another thread with a similar situation. Seems I have no right to break the lease :(

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OffThePeak 13 yrs ago
Under HK Law, I think the way it works is that the new landlord (contractually) assumes the rights and responsibilities of the old landlord. So that should leave you in the exact same position you were in before.

(In fact, I think the new landlord is taking a bigger risk than you are in not meeting you first. You are already in the flat, and so you know what he has bought better than he has.)

Explain to me how a change in ownership of the property changes anything for you?

Or do you just want to take advantage of "the situation"?

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Rups11 13 yrs ago
totally take advatange of the situation, my 1+1 lease is up in August so worst case I will just sit and wait till then.

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OffThePeak 13 yrs ago
Sounds like a plan...

Rents might be cheaper then anyway

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