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15 yrs ago
Are valuations in DB in line with rest of Hong Kong? Maybe its more volatile because its a micro economy of Hong Kong heavily dependant on expats. As am new to HK and looking to go to DB would be interested in any info.
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The reverse is actually true. DB is less volatile and the prices are slower to move up and down
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15 yrs ago
having lived in db for over 10 years i tell you its not the same it is better to consider somewhere else like on lantau or saikung or clearwaterbay where you can drive not like db where you are hostage of the hkr management
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DB is not overpriced. 835 square foot flat with open view and balcony in DB costs you about 2.5 million with management fees of around $1000 (management and maintenance of the buildings and surrounding gardens are excellent). HKR are a bit evil, but so is every other property company in Hong Kong. The supermarket is more expensive but is full of imported foods so it's not a big surprise.
I've owned several properties in HK and the very best maintenance is in DB. My current flat is 23 years old and looks brand new because owners are forced to renovate the outside of the building every 5 years. I recently sold a property in Midlevels which was only 15 years old but the outside of the building was in a terrible state because the owners as a whole would never pay for any refurbishment.
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