Bugs - Lots of them

Posted by dfeyym 19 yrs ago
We just moved into a flat last week in Midlevels. It was a bit dirty, but we've done a thorough clean-up. But we keep on having a serious problem with bugs -- roaches to be exact. We've been up all night (not the first time) killing them. We just used up a whole thing of raid poison and we've managed to kill at least 40 or so roaches tonight.

We just signed our lease last week. Anyone had this problem before? And does anyone know of 1) Our rights on this issue? -- that is, can we have the landlord bring in pest control? and 2) if he doesn't, is it within our right to demand that he does, and then terminate our tenancy should he not do something about the problem?

Cannot sleep simply because we know roaches are lurching in our midst! Yuck.

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dfeyym 19 yrs ago

Thanks for the advice! We looked at our contract -- landlord coming tomorrow for a nice talk.


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taifu 19 yrs ago
Try using one of those bomb selling at the supermarkets,where you set it off after you close all the windows of the house and of course ,take your pets away and bomb the whole house for a few hours.Make sure that all the dishes and cups are cleaned afterwards or removed before u do so! hard to believe that this is happening in mid levels!

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