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19 yrs ago
I've heard that there are some great University-owned properties in Pokfulam that rent for quite a bit below market value. Can someone explain how this system works and what kind of properties are available? Many thanks!
We checked a week ago with one of the appointed agents. All the <$50k ones are full until October. The waiting lists for everything under 50k are full.
Thanks! We aren't really looking to move until next year, so just doing some research for now. Where can I find contact information for the appointed agents?
There's a big board on the east of Pokfulam Rd at the driveway entrance to Middleton Towers (that driveway is immediately north of Pokfulam Reservoir Road). It has all the designated agents' numbers. We tried approaching the Uni directly, but - when we finally found the right department - they just referred us back to the agents. I have a number stored in my phone that I think is one of the agents, but please don't blame me if it's not! - 28572880.
Thanks for the number, Burgundy. I'll also have a look at the board next time I'm in the area.
19 yrs ago
Rentals in all of these are going up about 20-25% from the price 2 years ago. As a result, some people are moving out creating new vacancies.
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