property in Hong KOng

Posted by Khuu327 19 yrs ago
I am a real estate investor and thinking about moving to Hong Kong for retirement, i live in California and already own 4 investment properties here. Which region or part of Hong Kong has the cooler weather year round HK Island, New Territories, etc. because i am thinking about buying a property in one of these areas. Any real estate investor in HOng KOng please email me with information.

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Claire 19 yrs ago
Hong Kong is in the subtropics and does have seasons, although winters have become noticeably shorter over the years.

As it is on the small side, there is no massive difference between temperatures in parts of Hong Kong. Today, as of 12.10 pm, the warmest place is Ta Kwu Ling (in the north) at 31.8 C, the coolest place is The Peak (in the south, on HK island) at 28.1 C. In winter the northern parts tend to be a few degrees colder.

Because of its slightly lower temperatures during summer The Peak was the preferred place to live in the founding days of Hong Kong and for the very, very rich it still is.

A 1,200 sq ft (gross) 2-bed/2-bath place on The Peak, at say Villa Verde, would be around $17,000,000 (US$2,100,000). That is one of the lower prices for The Peak.

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dimac4 19 yrs ago
Why would you move to Hk for retirement if you don't know anything about the place? Most people who are not native born leave HK for retirement as it is so expensive to live here without a huge sum of money coming in every month - which you may have - just seems a funny thing to do....alot of people retire to Thailand as their off shore abode.

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