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19 yrs ago
For those living in older buildings (~50 yrs), generally the walls are non-load bearing and can be more easily moved, although there are structural beams that must stay in place, obviously.
Can anyone advise what (if any) rules apply for:
1) balconies? I have seen many that have been bricked up and rooms enlarged: is this legal or will someone one day ask you to restore this?
2) windows? Since these will be replaced, and I have seen some bldgs with windows that have been enlarged quite a bit, again, are there rules governing this?
Anyone with experience in this area? When I ask the agent, they tell me that anything is possible, but I'd like to know if I need to seek the advice of a qualified engineer or contractor beforehand.
thanks in advance for advice
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19 yrs ago
I'm especially curious about the older bldgs that have probably been like this for decades. If the agent asks for such acknowledgement, is it also correct then that I can also ask for proof whether these changes are legal? (of course if there is none, there probably isn't much that can be done..)
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19 yrs ago
I'm thinking of a ~50 yr old bldg, not sure if that is pre-war or not.... If there are no records, what's the procedure in that case? thanks for your input, really appreciate it
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