Laguna verde

Posted by Celberg 19 yrs ago
Hi. My partner and I are moving to H.K. later this year. Can anyone tell us anything (positives or negatives) about Laguna Verde in Kowloon? We have heard we can get better value for money than in the midlevels, which is where we were originally considering living.

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elane 18 yrs ago
can anyone expand on why getting in and out of hung hom is a nightmare?

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sghkcn 18 yrs ago
I'm currently living in Laguna Verde, lived here for over a year now. Will be moving to Mid-levels soon because it takes too much trouble to get to and from work. There is a direct bus to TST, but you also have to wait for the ferry (which stops running after midnight). Because of the waiting time, it takes about 40min to get to Central. Hence, if you need to dine or work late in Central, not a good idea to live in Hunghom because you spend too much time commuting. Taking a taxi costs about HK$80 one way and the tunnel is jammed in the evenings.

If however you work in Kowloon, Laguna Verde would be fantastic because of the unblocked sea view, large outdoor pool and excellent management.

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