Fairview Park, Yuen Long

Posted by ken132 18 yrs ago
Different strokes for different folks! As long as YOU are happy where you are living, irrespective of whether its sai kung or yuen long, who gives a rats ass? Each person has their own criteria, and it seems pointless to denigrate other people's choices.

I'm looking to move out of the city and I intend to look at all places - including this Fairview Park and Saikung.

Anyway, stay happy.

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Berryblack 18 yrs ago
I just moved into there - views of the mountains are quite nice. Its quite OK - very much of a suburbia environment (somehow, it reminds me of the planned satellite new towns in England). It is definitely targeted more towards locals rather than expats though.

I'd disagree with the description of it being a white elephant though - the transaction rate seems quite healthy.

Location wise - probably not the best if you need to commute to the island, but it is ideal for people with business across the border, which is why i chose it.

Word to the wise however, expect to invest some time and money in extensive renovations since the houses there are almost 30 years old.

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psy23 17 yrs ago
could anyone please advice on a sales lead in buying such 30year old village house!

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ccanjg 16 yrs ago
hi i was wondering which esf school is close to yuen long. and also what about the school bus svs.

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evildeeds 16 yrs ago
"I always wonder why people come to Hong Kong if they prefer the Hemel Hempstead lifestyle so much."

Same could be said for Mid Levels...........

And if you really want that HK experience you wouldn't be in a high rise either....

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kawingcheung 15 yrs ago
yes the new international school that will open in sha tau kok is the world renowned harrow boys school where english royalty in seven british prime ministers have been educated. I've heard it will be pretty expensive as well, but they will be catering for students that want accomodation as well . if you want to enroll you better do it as soon as soon as possible because i have heard there is a lot of people that are queing up to get in.

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LilyShan 15 yrs ago
Hi Fairview Parkers!

Our dog is missing.

Her name is Pansy. She is 6 years old. She is a minature doberman pinscher. She is a small dog thats black with some small brown/tan markings. If you have her at your house or have seen her please msg me! Thanks! Lily

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Man132 15 yrs ago
Membership for sale - allows for you and your family. Immediately available

I have a Fairview Park OCuntry CLub memebership for sale.

Cost is $5,000 neg. Buyer responsible for transfer costs.


Call 6346 2328 Mr Man

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190k 15 yrs ago
Thats no a bad deal. Tx cost is $10k so total $15k. New membership from the club is over $35K now. I got mine for $15k, 5 years ago so you offer is very reasonable

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bighead_cat 15 yrs ago
Hi 190K,

Thanks for recommending FVP. We are moving to HK in less than 3 weeks from UK. Our children are going to start Hong Lok Yuen International School. I've been looking for houses online in Tai Po area, but the commute time to Central (where my husband will work) seems to be too long. Now that you mentioned about FVP, it sounds like the transportation is better than Tai Po. The house price is also very reasonable. We will definitely go and have a look as soon as we arrive. I do have a few questions:

1. do you have problem with mosquitos in FVP?

2. do the shuttle buses to Central get full in the morning peak hours?

3. how does the country club membership work? do you pay a lump sum, or annual fee or monthly fee?

4. I did quick search on FVP on Centanet, there are 88 houses on the market (I don't know how update the listings are). Apart from the 8XX sqf ones that are too small for us. Do you have any recommendation on which model and which area?

Many thanks,

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OffThePeak 15 yrs ago
With the description in the Original Post, it sounds sub-optimal for people who like walkable communities, which in HK it means walking to shopping and the MTR

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190k 15 yrs ago

1-Anywhere where you have a house in HK will have mossies, I have netting on the windows and have no problem;

2-Never a problem getting on a bus in the morning as there is one nearly every 3-5 minutes between 7-7:40 am the tiome table does not show that there are more busses than the schedule. Hong Lok Yuen is 15 minutes drive away and they have school busses form FVP

3-If you buy a new membership then you pay a non-refundable deposit (about $35k) and then monthly subs of $940HK, if you buy second hane the membership it is about $3-5K plus a transfer fee of about $10K and then monthly subs of $940;

4- 1500 are the best, apart from the top floor balcony there is less space wasted. 1050 are also good on space but if you are buying you can consider getting two 850 houses and making one big house quite a few of those around.



walk/cycle to the bus stop same as walking to MTR


We have our own shopping centre with good european park'n Shop as well as wet market and other convenience stores food hall etc within walking/cycling distance of all houses and a free internal feeder bus service


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ArtfulDodger 15 yrs ago
FVP is old. There are newer estates in the New Territories. I heard of Seasons Monarch on 183 Kam Tin Road, which is next to Kam Sheung Road MTR station on the West Rail line and built in 2009. Into Central in 30 minutes by MTR or bus. I think you can rent a 2,700 sqf three storey townhouse with a flat roof and backyard for under $20K per month there. And owning a car is cheap and parking is free on your own driveway. They also have a clubhouse with pool and gym which is free to use.

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bighead_cat 15 yrs ago
Seasons Monarch looks very attractive on advert. But when I found out that all of those so called 2700 sqf houses only have 1090 sqf actual space. I am shocked.

We can never tell how big a house is by looking on paper. Like FVP, the house of 1300 sqf has only around 9XX sqf actual, but the 1050 sqf house has 1020 sqf actual. But still I can't quite work out how could they advertise Seasons Monarch as 2700 sqf. It doesn't add up to that much even including the garage. Perhaps they included all the streets and club houses etc.

Having said that. I might still go and have a look when I get there.

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ArtfulDodger 15 yrs ago
What I understand happens at Seasons Monarch, is they convert the garage into a room. So you get another floor of space. Then they buy some pre-fab small house and put it on the flat roof, or cover it so it can be used as a laundry.

Each floor is around 500 sqf, so you have four floors including the roof, which would bring it up to around 2,000 sqf internal, and then you include the backyard and driveway to bring it up to 2,700 sqf approximately.

I think you have to go and see for yourself, as I did some inspections there and it looks very big compared to the smaller FVP ones.

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casuals 14 yrs ago
Yuen Long rocks! Only 35mins by shuttle bus,... plus there's SPACE, which you could never get in HK unless you were absolutely minted.

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BGW 14 yrs ago
Having lived in HK for 30 years and Fairview Park for the last 12 I can say I love it there. I have a great yard, 2 mango trees, lychee tree and a longan tree.

Yes there are other newer estates and if you want to spend 15 - 30 million for a house and can afford to spend that much you may find nicer environments. If you're not making a squillion dollars a year, would like a decent sized house, a garden, a place to park a car or two, a yard you can BBQ and enterain in, a yard you can let your dogs run around in along with access to 9 tennis courts, an olympic size pool, nice gym etc, then Fairview Park is for you. The private transportation system is fantastic. Buses every 10 minutes to West Rail. Buses every 10 minutes to East Rail. Buses to and from Kowloon and HK island in the morning and evenings. You're not stranded if you don't have a car.

If you drive it's non stop to the airport or HK island.

It's not for everyone but I love Fairview Park and know a lot of people that do.

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Man132 14 yrs ago
Have moved out of there recently after staying there for a few years. Now moved to the island for the school networks, but I do miss it. The lifestyle is certainly reminiscent and certainly not a "white elephant" according to earlier entries in this thread.

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ChuLim 14 yrs ago
Hi, I just bought into FVP and would like to know if anyone here can recommend a good contractor who has done a couple of FVP homes?

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bighead_cat 14 yrs ago
Me too. Just bought a house in FVP. Our builders are doing some work on the house. I am quite happy with them so far. But it's early days yet. I will let you if they are good in a couples of weeks. I can give you the number if you need one now.

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bighead_cat 14 yrs ago
Thanks those who recommended FVP. I really like the environment and facilities there. Can't wait to move in. My children love the playground.

Does anybody know where I can buy a second club house membership?

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ChuLim 14 yrs ago
Hi bighead_cat, would really appreciate your kind recommendation and the number of your builder. I will be doing a total house renovation the moment the present owner moves out early next month.

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190k 14 yrs ago

uyou can go directly to the club and ask for second hand memberships available they will sort it all out for you and negotiate with the old member. I paid $3000 for my second hand membership + $10k transfer fee. New membership is about $35k. Also look on the noice board at P N' Shop

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bighead_cat 14 yrs ago
Hi ChuLim,

I sent my builder phone number to you via private message. Hope you got it.

Our house is ready by the end of this week. I would recommend the builder. He has several people working for him. They did a good job. But the builder doesn't speak English.

In case anybody else is looking for a builder, I would recommend Wing Shing Decoration Co. The builder lives in Fairview Park. His number is 90375816.

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ChuLim 14 yrs ago
Hi bighead_cat,

Thanks for the tel no of the builder. I will certainly give him a call soon. As he lives in FVP, he can certainly give me some pointers on how to renovate within the requirements of the Management of FVP! We are chinese, so language should not be a problem!

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gingerkan 14 yrs ago
hi bighead cat,

how are you, welcome to Hong Kong,

I have a Fairview Park Country CLub memebership for sale. if interested, pls call 96365989 for details. regards

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Aqualin3 14 yrs ago
I are considering to move back to FVP in Sep...but will need A lot of renovation work done. Thank u for ur post chu lim.

190k ur garden sounds interesting..but ours is a small one for trees...maybe some organic herbs and shrubs sounds good.

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bighead_cat 14 yrs ago
To followup on this thread, we've been living in FVP nearly 5 months, I am very pleased with the choice.

Our garden is reasonably big for HK standard. We've done lots of entertaining in the garden in the last 5 months. We've also got a mango tree, lots of flowers and we are growing salad and herbs.

The house itself is on the small side. But it's in HK after all, we are prepared for that. The commute to work is indeed very convenient. Me and husband take the same shuttle bus in the morning, he gets off at Central and me at Wanchai. It takes around 35 mins on the bus and about 45-50mins door to door.

It has plenty of public space, a big grass lawn for picnic, children play grounds, a wet market, supermarket etc.

Several of my friends after visiting us have started to look for houses in FVP.

Thank you ginerkan for the country club membership offer, but unfortunately I brought a new membership as soon as we moved in. I think the club house is worth the money.

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190k 14 yrs ago
Maybe we should start FVP community under the Communities thread on this site then we can share advice and problems with the management etc

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TNO 14 yrs ago
Yes, an FVP community would be great. I am a neighbor - we are in The Vineyard, and I am sure there are lots of folks in nearby estates that would like this. I would love to get advice on English speaking Mandarin teachers, piano teachers etc. Best, R

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bighead_cat 14 yrs ago
It's a great idea. I would love to get to know more neighbours in FVP and around. But I don't know who the community things work on this site.

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alkyung 14 yrs ago
Hi, i just bought a place in FVP. it's so great to see so much enthusiasm for the place!

may i get some good builder contacts from you guys?

(great to have a FVP community! it's such a great place for gathering and BBQ!)

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190k 14 yrs ago
I just started a FVP thread in the communities section of the forum

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Man132 14 yrs ago
I'm still getting enquiries on my post about FVP membership for sale from a year ago... the membership is no longer available. Thanks!

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JTinHK 14 yrs ago
Hello All. We have just moved to Fairview with our Labrador. Does anyone fancy coming on a couple of walks, either around the estate or further afield with their dog(s) too? We're finding that the other dogs are not too friendly and their walkers don't seem to be too keen on dogs socialising. All ours wants to do is say hello!

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bethshaw28 14 yrs ago
quick question , i have referred to a friend of a friend to they are on facebook and the website is under construction , they are happy with the quote but are concern giving 40% deposit for the $0.5Million has anyone worked with these people ? splendor design 28283487 , they told them they said the are currently setting up a design shop in fairview , can anyone confirm this , is there a design firm called splendor design in fairview,

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wong388 13 yrs ago
Hi all,

I have my country club membership (home owner membership) for sale. Any body interested, please leave a message here.

I live in Fairview park for over 10 years, love here but recently moving out to a village house in Yuen Long for more space over there.

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girya 13 yrs ago
Hi guys.. I am planning to move to Fairview park and we are an Indian family. I visited the estate few days ago and really liked it . I would like to know if any Indian families are living in Fairview park . Thanks in advance.

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190k 13 yrs ago
I am selling my FPCC membership. Buyer will need to pay $17k transfer fee. All reasonable offers will be considered. Please reply to this ad.

New membership is $33k.

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Man132 13 yrs ago
Made a nostalgic visit to FVP recently. I'm appalled at the dining area now. Whilst the Pacific Coffee is nice - but c'mon - all Cafe de Coral??? even though the old mom n pop food stalls weren't exactly fine dining - there was at least a semblance of choice....

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190k 13 yrs ago
Yes I agree, I have yet to go to the new food hall I did enjoy the wide choice now its just PC and CdC I prefer to go to Yuen Long for the choice again. Park'n rob is now changing to a Vision so they can rob us even more

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asdf456 13 yrs ago
Keen to get a 2nd hand FV club membership for 3500

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190k 13 yrs ago
Mine is for sale will accept $3500 will pm contact details

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190k 13 yrs ago
asdf do you still want the membership??

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poodleboy 13 yrs ago
Hi all, I am selling my house at FVP and FPCC membership, if anyone is interesting , pls e-mail me and i can send pictures and more details to you.

The house has just renovated 3 years ago. however we have to moved to Kowloon to take care my mother .

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josding 13 yrs ago
is it far away from airport?

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190k 13 yrs ago
30-35 minutes by car or taxi

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chanting 13 yrs ago
i am very keen to buy a 2nd hand club membership. please pm me

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190k 13 yrs ago
Chanting I have replied to your PM today

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kelili 13 yrs ago
hi 190K, can you send me the info about the 2nd hand club membership as well, thanks!

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190k 13 yrs ago
See the thread above about 165 days ago

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bighead_cat 13 yrs ago
I might be selling my club membership soon. We are thinking of moving to Hong Lok Yuen to be near the school. To be honest, I prefer FVP much better, love the lake and the centre ... only if it has an international school, we would have to leave. Getting the children to school from FVP to Hong Lok Yuen is a nightmare. Both of us work, we can't take the children to school, and school bus takes 75 mins, although it's only 15 mins drive away!

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