The Merton - facilities

Posted by cheeky 18 yrs ago
I understand the charges for swimming pool/gym are in addition to the management fees - anyone know what the costs are, or how good the facilities are?

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mark_palmer 18 yrs ago
Cheeky! You certainly do ask a lot of questions! he he he... From what i understand with the new developments ive been makes more sense to join "sports clubs" such as Football Club etc... as the monthly fee is similarly priced, but with much better facilities and use of restaurants, bars etc...

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cheeky 18 yrs ago
MP! I thought that was what a forum was all about! LOL

The agent yesterday said I couldn't see the facilities, but the pool looked nice from the balcony higher up! I agree it probably doesn't compare with Football Club etc, but I wonder what my total fee would be if i decided to use the facilities now and then as apparently it's not included in the expensive management fee...

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ldavy 18 yrs ago
Hi cheeky,

Are you sure about this? I understood that the facilities were included.

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cheeky 18 yrs ago
No, not sure at all which is why I was asking. If someone lived there I was hoping they would be able to advise.

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mark_palmer 18 yrs ago
Ha ha! im only jking with u! Well i dont know about The Merton, but when i went to see Harbour Green which is a new development in kowloon, the clubhouse looked very nice from the outside. I could not go in to have a proper look until i had bought a unit!!!!!

The management fee was $1600 and then you had to pay extra for the use of certain facilities. To me, that seems VERY expensive. A membership at HKFC costs $1000 per month with full access to everything. Of course, on top of that you must pay the $20K for sports membership etc... but it seems more worth it!!!

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ldavy 18 yrs ago
Hi cheeky,

I'm pretty sure that the facilities at the Merton are included in the management fee. I'll try and check and get back to you.

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cheeky 18 yrs ago
thanks for the info AL, useful.

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ankle biter 17 yrs ago
Um, not sure if anyone is still interested in this topic, but if you need to pay club membership of $1k/mth, plus leave $20k sitting with HKFC for the whole year, in affect you are paying the equivalent of an apartment's monthly maintanence fee just to be with HKFC.

Take Harbour Green for instance, very high standard of facilities 5 star/htl like from what I have seen from my friend's place there. He pays 1600 a mnth but that includes only a marginal portion of weigh less than $600 a month for the facilities to be on standby a minute away from his apartment. The rest of the maintenance fee, no matter where you live, needs to be paid to cover building insurance, cleaners, security staff, government charges, sinking funds etc. So when considered, I think it is at least breakeven or better than at HKFC

You need to take in to account, you could easily park $20k somewhere and make 3-5% return on the money you leave with HKFC a year.

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