Hillsborough Court & Reading Place

Posted by cwk 18 yrs ago

Can anyone share some thoughts on Hillsborough Court on Old Peak Road and Reading Place at St Steven's Lane?

Looking for an apartment outside of the hard core midlevels. Had previously stayed at the Belchers and Bel-Air. Both are great for their indoor swimming pool but I'm wondering if I should go for a change of scenery. So if some comparison of the 2 places above to these 2 places would be great.

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RNB 18 yrs ago

I hope you're well!

I used to live in Belchers and moved away as I didn't like the neighbourhood (Although the building itself was fabulous!) I moved into Hillsborough and the downfall is no grocery store close by and you have to take a taxi or the shuttle bus if you need anything, other than that I love th building, the garden in the back is amazing and if possible try to get a mountainview place, very peaceful!

Good luck,


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Havefaith 18 yrs ago

I have lived in both neighbourhoods. Personally I like St. Stephens Lane (close to Bonham Road and Western Road) better - more convenient. If you are single and without live-in help ( like I was when I lived in that area), I really like the convenience of having fast food places and ParknShop just round the corner. You also have many more options as to how to get to Central (buses, mini-buses, cabs) and less congested routes (if you go thru Sheung Wan as opposed to mid-levels). There are also tunnel buses and tram-line within walking distance.

I do agree that Hillsbourough is a better living area - but definitely less convenient.

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cwk 18 yrs ago
Hi Ravi/ HF

Thanks for the advice. I viewed Reading Place last night. Decided not my cup of tea - a bit too small.. Will see Hillsborough today. Heard a lot about the building being great. Friends are recommending I look further afield into Tshim Sha Tsui, North Point etc if space and air quality are my two main considerations.

It now seems trying to look for a place within a week is too ambitious a task. I don't know how I did it the last two times...



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Havefaith 18 yrs ago
Will you consider something in an old building without facilities? After the first couple of years in Hong Kong, I found that it would be cheaper to pay a club membership (close to work) and then rent an apt without facilities. The older buildings are bigger and more regular shaped. There are lots of units in old buildings where the landlord has renovated the units to very high standards. Definitely - value for money.

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cwk 18 yrs ago
Yes... I've pretty much narrowed down to two options - a. get some swanky nice thing on Kowloon side and throw the difference into cabs or b. take the club route. Now that means having to scout for the clubs... Meanwhile on option a. checking out The Arch at Kowloon station. Very attractive indoor pool - I'm the sort who needs to swim all year round...

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