Chinese Buildings...public areas

Posted by spannermonkey 17 yrs ago
Walkup, the ony way to do it would be to get the buy-in from the other residents and get them to chip in. They wont however as they've been living in those conditions for years and have no interest. The only way would be for you to pay yourself. However, if the conditions were a threat to public safety and needed attention, you could get the authorites inloved and have an order issued. You would have to be an owner though to do this and the remedial work wont be asthetic.

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ChrisD 17 yrs ago
The other problem is that -- now property values have rebounded -- many owners are finally willing to spend on improvements.

But since everyone is feeling the same way, good contractors are very busy, have their pick of projects and can charge a premium.

Chris Dillon


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