Mortgage Acceptance

Posted by filial 17 yrs ago
Have a less than perfect credit history (credit cards problems etc) but all was settled in full and have no current debts. Also, have had stable income for the last year. Which lenders should I approach for mortgages? I assume the big ones like HSBC etc will be a definite no so what's my opton?

I am able to put 20~30% deposit and have good income

Appreciate tips so I don;t waste time

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sxc 17 yrs ago
How long ago were your problems? If more than a year or so ago and you are not going to ask for more than 70% mortgage, I think you will be okay with most of the banks. You might want to try a mortgage broker.

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ken132 17 yrs ago
Does not really help, but you can check your credit status with Transunion - a report cost about $200. But at least you will know what your score is.

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