Need Advice

Posted by merp 17 yrs ago
I rented a flat since 2002 to 2004 for two yrs contract. After that I lived without any new contract sign for one year under the same owner. In 2005 to 2007 owner asked me to sign new contract. So I did. But owner sold the flat in 2006. This Second owner hold it for about Six months and sold to the Third owner. The Third owner asked me to sign the one year contract in Jan 2008 until Dec 2008 but there is a option after six months which either party can give one month notice. I hesitated but they forced me to sign which I did. But again third owner sold the flat to the Fourth owner. This Fourth owner bought the flat on April 2008 just two months ago. Now surprisingly the owner given us one month notice few days ago. Am I entitle for TTN. Please Advice me ,thank you.

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isonoawabi 17 yrs ago
Don't know what you mean by TTN but it seems that you have to go unless the new landlord's notice has not been given properly in accordance with the contract. If u had not signed the new contract in 2005, your landlord would now have to give 12 month's notice for you to go. Tenancy laws were amended in July 2004 so that as from then on tenants under a domestic tenancy contract no longer enjoy security of tenure. Under the new regime, your contract will end in accordance with what the contract says. Click into the Government's Rating and Valuation Department website for a summary of the new procedures under the new regime:, hit “publications”.

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beachball 17 yrs ago
TTN = Tenancy Termination Notice

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Slammy 17 yrs ago
Excuse me for chipping in as I may not have accurate information about TTN. But... years ago in HK, if a landlord wanted to get rid of his tenant, he had to issue the tenant with a TTN. The TTN took one year - in other words, the tenant could remain in the flat for one year at the same rent before leaving. This has been abolished (if it's the same TTN that I'm thinking of).

Now, if the landlord wants you to leave and you have no contract, them it would seem you have to go.

Here is the government website - there might be some useful information for you. Also, there should be a number on the website that you can call. I own property and I have called the government before to ask them various questions...

Good luck!


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ldavy 17 yrs ago
merp, the short answer is no, you are not entitled to a TTN because you have signed a Tenancy Agreement since 9 July 2004.

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lime23 17 yrs ago
Thank you so much guys for all the advices.

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