Invest in Property or Stock Market?

Posted by sxc 17 yrs ago
"The answer IMHO is that unless you have knowledge of the market you are buying into then stay with cash. You will miss opportunities but you will also lessen risk."

You also won't end up with enough to retire on. Keeping cash won't keep up with inflation.

For a low risk approach, invest in index funds for more than 5 years. Time in, not timing as they say.

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sapphire26 17 yrs ago
Much safer to invest in properties rather than shares! Within a couple of months is just the right time, if u r planning to do so! Property is scaling down, but will scale up by mid next year again. Shares have been a flattened are since the late start of the year and kinda hard to see when HSI will go the peak rise.

So catch up in the right low price.

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DaHKGKid 17 yrs ago
Neither for now! Property depends on where but yes spring summer 09' best time just watch the aggressiveness of the Fed US on rate hikes and plan for at least an extra 2% through 2010.

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qpzmgh 16 yrs ago
I would be looking more for mortgage rates to go over 10% in the next couple of years and also watch out for a collapse in the US$ which will have an effect of the value of your HK$ property if you were to sell and transfer that money into another currency.

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qpzmgh 16 yrs ago
well that would potentially help matters but the question to ask is does HK$ remain pegged to US$ or peg to the Yuan. I very much doubt there would be a pro-active move to the Yuan but more of a re-active move once the crap has hit the fan.

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KarlArnold 16 yrs ago
Has anyone heard of eminis? I like the idea of investing in properties, but that is so scary right now (I came from the US, and have one I'd like to sell!). I read about live trading support which claims you can invest in emini indexes and possibly make money in an up or down market.

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HKhereIcome 16 yrs ago
property is likely to decline over the next 12 months - so not only do I say don't buy, I'd go as far as to say sell your home and rent now. If you buy in a year's time you will make far more than you shell out in rent.

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ceeh 16 yrs ago
My husband and I are about to retire (60th birthday coming up). We lost heaps of money on the stock market in the 80's crash while at the same time we had investment properties back home.

All properties are paid off, well maintained and 100% occupancy over the years.

The tenant/s paid most of the mortgage payments, not all, but we were able to negative gear the investment and now when we return home we have many $'s in tax credits with the Govt to offset against the income we will receive from the rental properties.

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seefortyone 16 yrs ago
I'm studying for an MA in documentary photography in London and am interested in meeting people in Hong Kong, who have either gained or lost from the current economic crisis.

If such an opportunity exists, I would also be keen on visiting the stock exchange as well.

I can provide full references from my tutors if required. The study would be undertaken as part of my thesis.

Please feel free to contact me anytime on 98454911 or write me an email at Any advice or contacts would be much appreciated. I'm only here until 16th October, so time is not on my side!

Many thanks in advance,



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merrymhay 16 yrs ago

looking for a great investments, i may suggests you think about Dubai, where there are no legal fees required, and no cpital gains tax or income tax on your investments capital and many more advantages. Please feel free to email

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KarlArnold 16 yrs ago
I have been reading and hearing more about investing in overseas property. I recently heard a passionate speech form an executive at IP Global that the time is right to buy in US or UK. The HK $ is strong still, making the UK cheap, for instance. Anyone into property here? I have given up on stocks for now.

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KarlArnold 16 yrs ago
Thanks, I will check those sites out. Here is the site for IP Global - this seems to be a different model of property investing, which is what got me interested.

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