Advice on apartments in Mid-Levels, Sheung Wan area

Posted by googirl 17 yrs ago
Hi all

We are currently searching for an apartment to rent in either the Mid-levels or Sheung Wan area. So far, we have narrowed it down to the following:

1. Reading Place

2. Casa Bella

3. Queen's Terrace

4. Hollywood Terrace

Was wondering if anyone has any experience living in these apartment blocks and can offer any views on the pros and cons of staying there. We work in Central and would like to cut down on commuting time.

Thanks in advance!

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sxc 17 yrs ago
I assume that you are equally happy with the size/condition/price of all the apartments? So it comes down more to location and surrounds? All things being equal, I would take Casa Bella as the supermarkets there are better, and you have more "western" amenities. My order of preference would be:

Casa Bella

Reading Place

Hollywood Terrace

Queens Terrace

But I have heard the quality of hollywood terrace is not good.

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googirl 17 yrs ago
Thanks sxc, for your advice.

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brooklyngirl 17 yrs ago
We just moved from Queen's Terrace. We thought it was a great proximity to Central but other than that- there was not much else around. We constantly went to soho or central to eat and the supermarkets were okay but not great....

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googirl 16 yrs ago
thanks to all for your advice. the supermarkets around queen's terrace and hollywood terrace are rather small and not well stocked.

any views on university heights? the one at kennedy town. we are considering that too but are actually not all that familiar with the kennedy town area.

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sxc 16 yrs ago
If you want to cut down commuting time, then University Heights may not be your solution. Transport past Sheung Wan is all by bus or minibus which can be bad if traffic is bad. I think UH has a shuttle bus which may be convenient for you depending on how frequent it is and where you live and how crowded it is at peak times.

I think you will need to start listing what is important for you now in order to be able to provide better advice. If convenience is your only consideration, Kennedy Town is not your choice, although it is more convenient than say, Sha Tin.

Do you have family? What's your budget? What size do you want? etc etc

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googirl 16 yrs ago
Thanks, my priorities when apartment hunting are:

1. accessibility to central

2. convenience to amenities like supermarkets, laundromats

3. condition of the apartment and the apartment block.

our budget is about 26k and as it's just the two of us, we are looking for something between 750-1000 sq ft. i considered university heights only because their larger 1000 sq ft apartments are within our budget and they have a shuttle into sheung wan.

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sxc 16 yrs ago
Personally, if you work in Central, and getting to Central is important, I wouldn't stay at Kennedy Town, unless you are okay with taking a lot of taxis. It really feels quite isolating living at K-Town.

Also University Heights doesn't have any supermarkets nearby. You need to shop in Kennedy Town, and walk up a steep set of stairs.

You might want to check out the Belchers. Transport wise, only slightly better than University Heights, and closer to Central but a great supermarket downstairs.

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googirl 16 yrs ago
thanks once again sxc. looks like casa bella is still our best bet.

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