Cheating contractor

Posted by kate88 16 yrs ago

I have bought a flat and am renovating. I have just discovered that my contractor has been cheating me - he has been cancelling my HK orders for things (kitchen, floor etc) and instead replacing with cheap mainland products. I have just discovered that the teak wood floor i ordered on Lockhart Rd has been exchange for a poor imitation from the mainland. Does anyone know what my rights are? Who I can complain to? Unfortunately, the man already has 90% of my money for the job (yes, i realise now I should have held off that third payment).

Any tips/ help much appreciates. Thanks. Kate

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kate88 16 yrs ago
This morning he admitted that he did not go to the Lockhart Rd shops I had got samples and made orders from (no i didn't pay them, he said he would and I pay him back) - when I saw the floor and kitchen I kept saying it was poor quality. This morning I called his bluff by saying I was going to Wan Chai to complain. That's when he came clean. He says he will scrap the kitchen and do it again from the place I wanted initially, but he is digging his heels in about the floor, insisting that it was mainland teak. This afternoon I went to Wan Chai and they confirmed it was an inferior wood. I have yet to pull him up on this. I know he doesn't want to redo the floor as it will mean taking out the bookcase/ cupboards etc. But surely that is his problem - he shouldn't have cheated me.

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sherryberry 16 yrs ago
a bad lesson learned! but a common one. you must must must must must project manage your contractors and make sure they double check and confirm everything and antyhing before installation. you should insist on the flooring.

because you have already called him out on his cheating, you have to pay even more extra close attention to everything and all the details. He will cut corners because his subcontractors are paid for each extra hour they are working on your place. make sure he gets back to you with exact dates of milestones and product delivery to ensure everything is 'OK' and per requirement before they install.

otherwise, if he does it again, will be even harder to get out of.

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