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16 yrs ago
I am currently in the initial stages of research into setting up a hostel in Hong Kong and was looking for some advice on the best way to approach it.
One of the most pressing questions would be is it difficult to change from a residential building to a commercial for the purpose of a hostel? Do changes have to be made to a building for the fire marshall? What type of licenses do I need?
I look forward to your reply and thank you for taking the time.
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Here is one place to start looking for information but it would seemingly be very hard to change a residential bldg for these purposes applications and getting approvals for rezoning could take years without success. It may be better to find an idle guest house or hostel that wants to sell or lease out management rights to start up this type of business
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although it's a 6 years old message, but hope my experience can share with you, Joseohj. My one is in Jordon, the HAD licensing progress is long and difficult, but once you know the tricks and requirements, things go smooth.
Concert solution will be based on your situation and building DMC, just leave message here
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If you have settled down your business then it is good but if you are still struggling then heinbroconsulting can help you getting licence in Hong Kong .
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Would recommend IKEA BUSINESS for your furniture. They are the B2B part of IKEA - have used them a couple of times for our guesthouses. You can order all products direct from them without having to go to the store. And if you want they have interior designers who can do good furniture layout designs for your space for a reasonable price..
Website here -
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Hi Alex2197, are you still running the guesthouse now? Interested in this. Can contact for further details? Derek
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