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15 yrs ago
Everytime a fund interests me, I get put off with the front end load which immedietedly dilutes my investment. Why must I pay a fee to buy a product? In the US, there appears to be lot of no-load funds which performs reasonably well. It appears that in HK, they are hard to find. I think Manulife has some but not sure about the performance of those funds. Some frond end loads get negotiated down if you increase the size of your investment. Any ideas how to get more front end loads waived?
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15 yrs ago
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Thanks, Ed. Very informative thread which answers a lot of my queries specifically on Vanguard funds. I've been meaning to add on one more bond fund in my portfolio (despite the fees). Am trying to negotiate down the frone end load - with an investment of HKD500k, the front end load will be down from 5% to 2%. .Any comments on HSBC Global High Income Bond? Launch date is on 28 July. Thks
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