Posted by
14 yrs ago
I am currently researching the business opportunity of starting an Automobile Detailing Service in Hong Kong. I've researched the market and discovered a company, named Challenger with various locations in carparks. However, in looking at their pricing and packages, I find it very confusing and quite expensive. I've detailed cars in the US for many years, and I give my customer choices based on their needs. I wouldn't sell packages and my prices would be much more competitive than that of the major company named above.
There are many nice cars that need the care they deserve. I can provide that service should there be a need for it. I think there is...let me know your thoughts as it will help me in determining the feasibility of starting an Automobile Detailing Service in Hong Kong.
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Great idea. I recently moved here from the US and find this service lacking in many ways, especially when it comes to engine detailing, along with regular auto exterior, enterior deatiling. Good luck with your venture.
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