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14 yrs ago
Maybe gold? You can get a gold account thru HSBC - even cheaper than ETFs.
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indian rupees if you can get the currency into the country
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14 yrs ago
If you think gold is a good investment take a look at Silver:
Dec 31, 2009 Dec 31, 2010 Change Percent
Gold $1,104.00 $1,410.25 $306.25 27.74%
Silver 16.99 30.63 $13.64 80.28%
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14 yrs ago
Because gold and silver can't be printed and devalued.
If you're not happy with gold/silver, maybe Swiss Franc or Australian Dollar.
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Agree with Lalib - there's more commercial use for silver too so ignoring investors demand is closer to supply - this has driven recent massive outperformance.
Can't help thinking the easy money has been made out of silver now so I have no pref now between them. I own gold so will stick with it but I think of both as currencies.
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14 yrs ago
Thell and Tropics are both right.
Why don't you use youtube and listen to some real investors/economists. People like Jim rogers, Marc Faber, Peter Schiff etc.
FYR the price of Gold was USD 258 10 years ago its USD 1473
but hey.....its best to do your own due diligence.
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14 yrs ago
There's a rather substantial elephant in the room called The Quantitative Easing... or The Printing of the Money...
QE1 was a sugar buzz... when it was concluding markets and GDP trended back down... likely same with QE2...
So we probably will have QE3 (if the Fed doesn't buy US debt who will... they are buying 70% of it... and if there are buyers the rates will no doubt have to rise... causing more housing pain...)
More printing = more currency debasement ... which doesn't bode well for the HKD - and inflation (because almost everything we consume in HK is imported...)
What to do what to do...
Gold and silver keep trending upwards... some call it a bubble... but keep in mind in inflation-adjusted terms gold would have to be nearly $2500 per oz to be at a record high...
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Oly88, let me get my crystall ball out, just a sec........
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Oly88 - important question. Are you looking at currency as an investment in itself, or are you asking which currency you should be parking your assets in? You need to get this clear in your head.
Generally, it is seen as wise to keep the bulk of your assets in the currency of your long-term home country, since this is likely where you will incur most of your expenditure, maybe need to purchase property and other assets etc. That way, you minimise your currency exposure.
But, if you're an expat like the rest of us, then currency becomes more of a problem to manage. Even so, if you know, for example, that you are likely to eventually settle and put down roots in say the US, then it still probably makes sense to hold the bulk of your assets in USD.
Beyond that, any decisions you make on currency are speculative investment decisions, just as are stocks, bonds etc. Do so wisely, having done the research, and don't bet what you can't afford to. Currencies can move very rapidly, and while you may get a great rate of interest on say AUD at the moment, that can easily be wiped out if the AUD moves adversely to the currency you eventually want your assets in.
Sorry not to have any answers - there really aren't any because everybody's situation is diffferent. The key is to go into decisions with your eyes wide open and having done the research/taken good advice.
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moving around especially if you do not stay at one place for long is quite a problem. Like you said in the currency exchange. For me I will always maintain my a/c in USD. Although nowadays with the situation of uncertainty in europe and everywhere else, is there one currency that is stable? of course there are but the risks will be there. Gold? Well that is where everyone is rushing to.
But if you are looking to invest or should I say trade/speculate currencies then that will be easier. Not sure if everone here heard of the commitment of traders report or commitment of traders proxy, cot proxy. It is actually a report that shows what the big traders are doing. Just follow what they are doing, if they are long on US Dollar, we go long. Just google on that and you will find out more.
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This is more speculative but have a look at this article on Mongolia whose currency gained 15% on the USD last year and where you can yield 13% in a savings account
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