Where to look for biz partners?

Posted by ycheun2 14 yrs ago

I am starting an anti-aging health business with an American listed company in Asia. Need advice as to where to look for suitable business partners to join my team.

Specifically, I am looking for people who are TIRED of their corporate lifestyles and want to do something DIFFERENT in their lives, something that offers more time freedom, better health and a top professional income that recurs every month, like a retirement income stream.

Where to look? Does anybody know someone who fit into this category or "yearnings" in their lives?


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cookie09 14 yrs ago
entrepreneurship clubs at business schools of local universities could be one place. happy to introduce you though your idea sounds a bit dodgy

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ycheun2 14 yrs ago
Thanks and I completely understand people think my idea is a bit dodgy but when people really research and understand it, it is not as dodgy as you may think.

Besides, the company I work for is a publicly listed company in New York since 1996 and has over 10 years solid partnership with Stanford University. Stanford actually has a center with our company logo on it. Where to look for biz partners are receptive to new ideas?

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Tedtotaler 14 yrs ago
Sounds like a "multi-level marketing business" to me. Is it Usana?

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