UK repatriation tax - profits from HK property sale

Posted by spannermonkey 14 yrs ago
Longer term, there is a chance that I will eventually repatriate to the UK (and buy thermal underpants on the way).

I'd intend on leaving HK with money made both through salary and also on property rental income and property sales. The plan would be to sell the HK properties 12 months prior to repatriation and transfer the cash to my UK bank over a period of 12 months.

Once on back on UK shores and declared myself as a UK tax resident, is my then stash of cash earned in HK exposed to UK tax?

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spannermonkey 14 yrs ago
I pay tax (albeit not much) on a rental I have in the UK. In another scenario, if I bought a property in the UK with proceeds from HK sales, prior to me moving back, could this avoid the tax implications, as there is no cash in the bank at the point of repatriation.

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spannermonkey 14 yrs ago
Even if you are not-resident?

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syax 13 yrs ago
Interesting site. Just read the bit about "Q7. I have a bank/building society account in the UK. Will tax still be deducted from interest if I am non resident in the UK and can I claim repayment?". I didn't know that non residents are exempt from tax on savings interests. Does that mean, if I transfer money to my uk account, there's no tax on the interest. Has anyone any thought on that? And I spent all that time finding a good ISA account...

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