I have just arrived in HK on a tourist visa to look at setting myself up here.
Is there an office here dedicated to setting up businesses and assisting with working visa etc.
I see that to start a business I will be required to submit a 2 year business plan and proof of funds to sustain this activity. This isn't a problem.
I would like ideally to be assist through the process as I am travelling extensively over the coming months.
Help appreciated.
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You can try Asia Business Secretarial, it is an in-house company secretarial to a law firm but is also independent and has its own client base. It is therefore ideal for expats like yourself and provides a one stop service. It is exceptionally catered for expats who are looking to come into Hong Kong and have all the experts at hand. It is definitely worth giving them a call and asking them about your options. They provide company incorporations, accounting, tax advice, visas and complete guidance even after you have established your business.
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