Trademark registration

Posted by ist2102 12 yrs ago
I am building an internet-based service in Hong Kong and plan to file for a trademark registration in a number of countries.

Is it worth it spending money on a lawyer for this or would you go it alone? What's your experience?

If you think it's really necessary to use a law firm, why do you think so and would you have any recommendations?

Many thanks

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thewilliwalkers 12 yrs ago
Hi there,

I sent you a message.

Very much hope to hear from you.

Best regards and good luck with everything


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Newideas 12 yrs ago
You can do it yourself. I just did mine. No need lawyers. Cost approx HK$1200.

The office is in Wung Chung House on Queens rd east, Wan chai. 20th floor (next to Hopewell Centre)

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maxis 12 yrs ago
It is very important to use a properly qualified Trademark practitiioner. This IP stuff is very specialised and much more complex than a layman could possibly imagine.

Sure, you can try and do it yourself. But what if the IPD grants you the registration but your mark infringes some 3rd party's commonlaw unregistered rights?

What if it isnt registrable in the other coutries you are interested in, either is inherently unregistrable or insufficiently distinguished from the prior art, or worse would infringe a registered right?

What if you want to expand upon the goods and services classes?

What if you wanted to negotiate consent from a registered owner during examination?

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